• 如果年龄体重只是数字的话,那么一切就都浮云了。

    If age and weight get to be "just Numbers", so can that other set of pesky Numbers.


  • 根据年龄体重标准普拉·格雷用于出血风险患者

    Prasugrel can be used in patients with low bleeding risk according to the criteria of age and body weight and so on.


  • 随着年纪越来越大,年龄体重数字变得一样- - -32,34,36……。

    As I get older, my age and my weight became the same number - 32, 34, 36.......


  • 可以初步推断,性别年龄体重指数可能不是CYP2C19遗传多态性主要影响因素。

    So gender, age and BMI may have no significant effect on genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19.


  • 所有这些年轻女性相近身高年龄体重结果是,这些人对训练方案执行都很成功。

    All the young women were of similar height, age, and weight; compliance with the regimen was deemed excellent — as were the results.


  • AllWalksBe yondthe Catwalk目的在于改变年轻设计师年龄体重看法

    All Walks Beyond the Catwalk aims to change the perception of young designers towards age and weight.


  • 补充说为了获得关于睡眠呼吸暂停青光眼联系确定答案需要大量年龄体重一致对照组的临床试验

    Larger clinical trials with age - and weight-matched controls are required to obtain a definitive answer about the association between sleep apnea and glaucoma, he added.


  • 除了年龄体重以外,美国没有任何其他限制,美国是有一个免责协议的,也就是说,只要觉得身体心理可以你就可以跳伞

    In addition to age and weight, there is no other restriction in the United States, the United States is a disclaimer, that is, as long as you feel your body and mind you can jump.


  • 更进一步分析表明这种年龄体重保持相对稳定的关联性,主要可以她们饮食的脱咖啡因咖啡的数量进行解释不能用饮食的普通咖啡数量进行解释。

    Further analysis showed that this association, which remained relatively stable by age and body weight groups, was largely accounted for by intake of decaffeinated coffee rather than regular coffee.


  • 身高体重对于她的年龄来说正常的。

    Her height and weight are normal for her age.


  • 服务接口接受体重身高邮政编码但不接受年龄

    The service interface expects weight, height, and postal code specifically, not age.


  • 年龄体重男性较之女性通常拥有更少脂肪更多肌肉消耗更多的卡路里

    Men usually have less body fat and more muscle than do women of the same age and weight, burning more calories.


  • 他们需要适合年龄体重生理条件药物

    They need medicines tailored to their age, body weight and physiological condition.


  • 克洛泽英格兰北部的谢菲尔德大学工作,他说:“人类不同这些恒星诞生,随着年龄增长体重减轻。”

    "Unlike humans, these stars are born heavy and lose weight as they age," said Crowther, an astrophysicist at the University of Sheffield in northern England.


  • 儿科医生可以年度检查的时候告诉孩子体重指数——通过一个考虑到身高体重年龄性别计算公式。

    Your pediatrician can tell you your child's body mass index - a formula that considers height, weight, age and gender - at the annual checkup.


  • 血不是想就能献,冗长的献血者健康检查标准简单年龄体重复杂的个人药物服用旅行史面面俱到。

    The list of eligibility criteria that a donor must meet is long, ranging from simple characteristics such as age and weight requirements to more complex ones surrounding medical and travel history.


  • 人们一般自己年龄保持诚实教授可能是因为他们可以宣称不知道自己的体重身高

    People were most honest about their age, something Professor Toma said is probably because they can claim ignorance about weight and height.


  • 年龄影响斗争的还有我们代谢我们需要开始这个游戏,从我们40开始,我们需要的能量会减少,大概会200卡,帮助保持体重

    To combat the impact age has on our metabolic rate, we need to step up our gamebeginning in our 40s, we need fewer calories, about 200 fewer, to help maintain our weight.


  • 包括年龄体重身高.医生关心这些事情,这就是你付给他们工资的原因.

    This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them.


  • 即便体重正常胆固醇高血压吸烟压力都会导致动脉年龄增加

    Even if your weight is under control, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, sedentary living and stress all are culprits that can accelerate vascular age.


  • Kitsantas建议又进行了扩充,提议所有处于生育年龄女性建立健康生活方式健康的体重:“早越,”

    Kitsantas extends that recommendation, suggesting that all women of childbearing age establish healthy lifestyle habits and healthy weights: "the sooner the better," she says.


  • 研究人员调查了15500名年龄介于5357岁受访者,采集了大量数据详细询问他们以往的身体锻炼体重健康饮食情况。

    The researchers collected data from 15, 500 people between the ages of 53 and 57 who were asked about exercise, weight, health and diet histories.


  • 列出身高体重年龄个人信息提供照片HeatherMayfield看来件令人生气的事。Heather Mayfield是Snelling就业服务公司培训执行部门总裁

    Listing personal information such as height, weight and age and providing photographs is a pet peeve for Heather Mayfield, vice President of training and operations for Snelling Staffing Services.


  • 儿童体重采用IAP曲线世卫组织发育标准计算年龄相对应的体重

    Children were weighed, and their weight for age was calculated using IAP curves and WHO growth references.


  • 年龄性别比例保持一致。 两组同性别的人体重差不多。

    The men and women in the two groups were similar in terms of weight.


  • 2007年,一份康乃尔大学密歇根大学研究人员联合进行的研究发现81%的曾经在在线约会网站注册的用户在他们的身高、年龄体重方面提供信息

    A 2007 study by Cornell and Michigan State researchers found that 81 percent of participants who used online dating sites provided false information about how short, old, or heavy they were.


  • 臀围腰围很重要还有她们体重年龄长度没有投票结果很大的影响。

    Hip and waist size were also regarded as important, along with a woman's weight and age, but the length of her leg 'did not contribute significantly to the ratings'.


  • 抛开那些不重要的数据包括年龄体重身高医生操心吧,也是为什么要付钱给他们的原因。

    Throw out nonessential Numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay.


  • 抛开那些不重要的数据包括年龄体重身高医生操心吧,也是为什么要付钱给他们的原因。

    Throw out nonessential Numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay.


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