• 秋天国内外仿制品通通计算在内呼拉圈销售量估计有几千万个。

    In the fall of this year, if all domestic and foreign imitations are counted, the total sales volume of the hula hoop is estimated to be tens of millions.


  • 底,那位求知渴的轻教师已经出国深造两了。

    By the end of last year, the young teacher who was thirsty for knowledge had been abroad for further study for two years.


  • 2009春季家族计划策略已经昭然

    But in the spring of 2009, the family's plans and strategies unraveled.


  • 查理一世1649处决拥有幅达·芬奇真迹,意味着我们国家达·芬奇这位文艺复兴时的博学400渊源。

    If Charles I owned a real Leonardo before he was executed in 1649, this means our national love affair with the Renaissance polymath has been going on for almost 400 years.


  • 2009春季家族计划策略已经昭然转折之点是因为家族中一个孩子死亡

    But in the spring of 2009, the family's plans and strategies unraveled. The turning point came with the death of a child.


  • 2009以前纽约苏荷区的汤姆森大街75号楼下徘徊也许瞥见楼上窗户中映出的一张面孔。

    UNTIL 2009, if you had wandered past 75 Thompson Street in SoHo, in New York City, you might have glimpsed a face at an upstairs window.


  • 他们相信没有当地居民帮助,他们可能度过的。

    It is believed that the Pilgrims would not have made it through the year without the help of the natives.


  • 2010地球我们欣喜地迎接了的“三维空间时间表跨入新的五维空间时间表”非常重要的一步。

    At the end of 2010 we were overjoyed when the Earth made her "Ascension" leap from the Old Third-dimensional Timeline and into the New Fifth-dimensional Timeline.


  • 真是如此,2011结束时候,全世界都会欢欣鼓舞了。

    That would bring us to the end of 2011-and great rejoicing the world over.


  • 没有议长直接许可这种激烈发言保证至少刑期从重罚款

    Without the direct permission of the speaker, such an enormity would warrant at least a year in prison or a hefty fine.


  • 光伏太阳能面板价格下跌得也太快了,人有些不安:以来已下跌五分之一,2008开始算已下跌三分之二

    But the price of photovoltaic solar panels has fallen too fast for comfort: down by about a fifth this year, and nearly two-thirds since 2008.


  • 份最近评估报告预计高产违约2007的0.9%上升4.8%,翻了4倍。衰退持续,上述情况算是乐观估计。

    One recent estimate expects default rates on high-yield debt to quintuple from 0.9% in 2007 to 4.8% this year. If the downturn endures, even that could prove optimistic.


  • 然则狭隘观点可能使无视人类过去一百中业已取得昭然揭的巨大进步

    But to take this narrow point of view would be to ignore the obvious tremendous advances that have been made over the past one hundred years by the human race.


  • 关于劳动力市场最新研究报告指出1982经济衰退失业人群的分布类似于今天这种情形,那么,当的经济恢复可能倍的时间

    A recent study of the Labour market suggests that had the distribution of unemployed workers following the 1982 recession looked like the current distribution, recovery could have taken twice as long.


  • 肖传国可能面临3 -—10监禁指控变成蓄意谋杀,监禁时间可能还要长。

    Fang Shimin says Xiao could face 3-10 years in prison - or more if the charges become attempted murder.


  • 法案计划2011启动目标20202000基础上减排5%,哥本哈根会谈达成全球协议,此目标将上调至25%。

    To start in 2011, it set targets to cut carbon emissions by 5% of 2000 levels by 2020, or 25% depending on post-Copenhagen global action.


  • 去2008-09金融危机期间动荡CRB指数这一跌幅创纪录的。

    Excluding the volatile period of 2008-09 during the financial crisis, the fall in the CRB index would be a record.


  • 科迪亚克产自阿拉斯加州附近的科迪亚克岛,野外生活大约可以30圈养则可活50左右

    Kodiak bears, native to the Kodiak Archipelago near Alaska, are ominvores that live up to 30 years in the wild. Their lifespan increases to about 50 years in captivity.


  • 有人担忧伦敦橡树遭受虫害使2012伦敦奥运会受到影响

    There are even fears that the caterpillar could affect the Olympics in 2012 if east London oak trees suffer an infestation.


  • 2008大部分时间里,及其周边相对繁荣

    For much of 2008 Peoria and its surroundings remained relatively prosperous.


  • 这辆1881的马车,用于婚礼当天天气不佳运送威廉王子凯特﹒米德尔顿。

    The coach, which was built in 1881, will be used to carry Prince William and Kate Middleton in the event of bad weather on their wedding day.


  • ,“过去到了什么就是重复力量。”

    He said, "If there's something I've learned in the last four years, it's the power of iteration."


  • 麦肯锡公司报告公布2030水利集团相信采取正确行动合理成本结果确实可能

    The McKinsey report published last year by the 2030 Water Resources Group believes that such an outcome is indeed possible, and at "reasonable cost", if the right actions were taken.


  • 密特朗、德科尔1980壮大欧共体之后,下一步就是建立单一货币——欧元

    And once Messrs Mitterrand, Delors, Kohl et al had achieved the EEC in the 1980s, the next step was to create a single currency, the euro.


  • 城内住宅,卖了以后之内可以赎回一整,必有赎回的权柄。

    If a man sells a house in a walled city, he retains the right of redemption a full year after its sale. During that time he may redeem it.


  • 据悉,此次事件没有生还者成为法航75历史上最严重一起空难。

    If no survivors are found it will be the worst loss of life involving an Air France plane in the firm's 75-year history.


  • 也许想不到,时光倒流500摩根也可能得到相似的答案

    Amazingly, Morgan might have got similar answers 500 years ago.


  • 也许想不到,时光倒流500摩根也可能得到相似的答案

    Amazingly, Morgan might have got similar answers 500 years ago.


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