• 界湿地日起于在伊朗签署的《湿地公约》,中国在19927月31日加入了该公约。

    World Wetlands Day came from the Convention on Wetlands signed in Iran, China joined the convention on July 31, 1992.


  • 然后航空局计划2018发送巨大探测器这个红色星球上——可能目标在于其中非常引人关注甲烷,并将进行深入调查

    Then, in 2018, the agencies plan to send a single large rover to the Red Planet - perhaps targeted at one of the most interesting sources of methane to investigate it further.


  • 信息现在起存在多久星期、一个甚至

    Will the source still be here a week, a month, or even a year from now?


  • 意味着未来几十通过技术减少各种各样的温室气体排放不是依赖单一地区产生的巨大变化

    This means reducing GHG emissions from a variety of sources with technologies available in the next few decades, rather than relying on an enormous change in a single area.


  • 1917,凯勒·瓦伦堡创立第一个也是最大个慈善基金会,后者成为家族的主要财富

    In 1917 Knut Wallenberg set up the first, and biggest, of the charitable foundations that have become repositories for most of the family's wealth.


  • 我们现在,是地下天然气田中放射元素衰变的副产品经过数十亿的累积,逐渐形成的。

    Our modern supply of helium has gradually built up over billions of years in subterranean pockets of natural gas as a byproduct of decaying radioactive elements.


  • 武陵山是武陵山脉的一部分,它于1992联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。

    Inscribed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1992, Wulingyuan forms part of the Wuling Range.


  • 但是现在不是1996——现在的西班牙没有那么上市公司私有化,也不能那么依赖欧盟资金

    But this is not 1996. Spain has fewer public companies to privatise and cannot count so much on European Union money.


  • 玳瑁海龟拥有漂亮的花纹龟壳几千一直商业龟甲唯一

    The hawksbill turtle possesses a beautiful marbled shell, which has been exploited for thousands of years as the sole source of commercial tortoiseshell.


  • 不详网络传言始于2008

    Origin: Unclear, but it began circulating online in late 2008.


  • 中国在20032005成功发射载人飞船迅速成为宇航强国其重振动力

    This has been an important motive behind China 's recent push to become a space power, with the launch of two manned orbital craft in 2003 and 2005.


  • 室内空气污染对健康其他影响可能接触污染若干之后开始显现或者经过段长时间反复接触后开始显现。

    Other health effects may show up either years after exposure has occurred or only after long or repeated periods of exposure.


  • 2007超过40%博士生EPSRC提供的资金作为研究经费唯一

    In 2007, there were 40% more Ph.D. students getting EPSRC money than could have been supported were it their only source of funding.


  • 最近的次TDWI调查向数据管理专业人员询问,“认为,以后三您的数据仓库哪种数据系统大量增加?”

    In a recent TDWI survey, data management professionals were asked "Which types of data and source systems will feed your data warehouse three years from now?"


  • 2005哈佛一项研究发现免疫接种为强有力的新的经济回报。”

    A 2005 Harvard study found "powerful new sources of economic returns from immunization." 2.


  • 回想1李万(音译)还大多数男性一样提起女孩们的化妆品就觉得晕头转向

    A YEAR and a half ago, like most men in the world, li Wanyuan went dizzy whenever anyone talked about girls' cosmetics.


  • 旅行者1动力耗尽之前科学家希望5时间研究太阳系外空间。

    Scientists hope to have five years for studies beyond the solar system before Voyager 1's plutonium power source is depleted.


  • 90联邦州级管理部门同意各州尽可能统一限制大湖具毒性污染国会正讨论促进各州进一步合作提案

    In the 1990s federal and state regulators agreed to make state limits more uniform for the Great Lakes' most toxic pollutants; Congress is now considering a bill to promote further collaboration.


  • 未来伊拉克有望成为石油主要供应提高产量进程面临众多障碍

    Iraq has the potential to be a major source of new oil in the next five to 10 years, but the process of scaling up production faces many obstacles.


  • 有关数据控件功能更多信息请参见前面提到20046月发表文章

    For more information on the features of data source controls, see my June 2004 article that I mentioned earlier.


  • 最后第3部分(20047月)展示如何完成高级的任务比如生成XML数据结构操纵这些结构,以及连接xml解析器xml数据

    Finally, Part 3 (July 2004) shows you how to do more sophisticated tasks such as generate XML data structures, manipulate those structures, and interface XML parsers with non-XML data sources.


  • 3 月,MySpace成为第一ActivityStreams格式发布订阅主流社交媒体供应商

    In March 2009, MySpace became the first major social media provider to publish feeds in the Activity Streams format.


  • 地球小时”活动首次20073月31日晚间8:30在澳大利亚悉尼市展开,当晚,悉尼约有超过220万户的家庭企业关闭和电器一小时。

    Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2, 000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change.


  • 两千帝王将相们出于慵懒审美,装饰假山创造出了一个桃花

    Using ornamental plants and arti? Cial rocks for 2, 000 years, emperors and nobles created a fake Land of Peach Blossoms for the pursuit of indolent pleasures.


  • 公元前3000以来安第斯高地上一直种植奎奴亚藜,该作物产于智利北部哥伦比亚地区主要产于秘鲁玻利维亚

    Quinoa has been cultivated in the Andean highlands since 3, 000 B.C., and grows natively from Chile north to Colombia, mostly in Peru and Bolivia.


  • 总经理吴健WangJian莱芜建筑材料公司Laiwu Sheng Yuan Building Materials Co.销售已经以前下降了50%。

    Sales at the Laiwu Sheng Yuan Building Materials Co. have plunged 50 percent from a year earlier, said general manager Wang Jian.


  • 总经理吴健WangJian莱芜建筑材料公司Laiwu Sheng Yuan Building Materials Co.销售已经以前下降了50%。

    Sales at the Laiwu Sheng Yuan Building Materials Co. have plunged 50 percent from a year earlier, said general manager Wang Jian.


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