• 2006几个月,艰难感染率翻倍时,信息禁止理事会公众发布

    When the infection rate of Clostridium difficile doubled in the early months of 2006, the information was not released to the board or the public.


  • 1519岁男孩可导致艾滋病人类免疫缺陷病毒感染率1997的10万分之1.3升至2006的10万分之2.5。

    Infections with the human immune deficiency virus that causes AIDS rose among boys aged 15 to 19 from 1.3 cases per 100,000 in 1997 to 2.5 cases in 2006.


  • 总体而言因纽特儿童(比值:4.22;95%可信区间:1.55-11.5)那些与上一个龄距离不足儿童(比值比:2.48;95%可信区间:1.33-4.63) 相比结核杆菌的感染率较高

    Overall, the MTI rate was higher among Inuit children (OR: 4.22; 95% CI: 1.55–11.5) and among children born less than one year after the birth of the next older sibling (OR: 2.48; 95% CI: 1.33–4.63).


  • 一百几乎每个人都会感染幽门螺旋杆菌抗生素出现减少感染率

    A hundred years ago, nearly everyone was infected with H. pylori. But the use of antibiotics has beaten back the bug.


  • 突出例外非洲HIV感染率很高国家结核发病率1990以来增加到三倍3- 4%的比率整个非洲大陆仍然在继续上升

    The glaring exception is Africa, where TB incidence rates have tripled since 1990 in countries with high HIV prevalence and are still rising across the continent at a rate of 3-4% annually.


  • 2001以来,33个国家(其中22个国家位于非洲撒哈拉以南)艾滋病毒新感染率有所下降。

    Since 2001, annual HIV incidence has fallen in 33 countries, 22 of them in sub-Saharan Africa.


  • 新的感染率在方案完全实施降低1‰(现在是每20‰)。

    The rate of new infections (now 20 per 1,000 people per year) would fall within ten years of full implementation to one per 1,000 per year.


  • 过去疾病防治中心的资料显示,1974至2004间,“抗药性金黄葡萄球菌感染率急速增加。不过20052008间,出现明显下降

    Previous data reported to the CDC showed that MRSA was growing at a dramatically higher rate from 1974 to 2004. From 2005 through 2008, there was a significant decline.


  • 这次事件艾滋病预防工作重大打击过去15该病的感染率2%降低0.6%。

    The outbreak is a serious blow to HIV prevention efforts. Over the past 15 years, the infection rate has dropped from 2 percent to 0.6 percent.


  • 因为2010世界杯,我们不会发现感染率飞速发展呢?

    Are we going to find the rate of infection accelerating because of 2010?


  • 结果医院血液科2009度共收治住院病人614,均为血液病患者,发生医院感染57例,感染率为9.28%。

    Results 614 cases were treated in hematology department of the hospital in 2009.57 cases of them had nosocomial infection, the infection rate was 9.28%.


  • 方法回顾性分析1992 - 2006产科、新生儿病区医务人员拭子310份同期住院新生儿医院感染率和呼吸道感染率

    METHODS Totally 310 samples of throat swab among medical staff in these two wards, and their data of infection of respiratory tract were analyzed between 1992 and 2006.


  • 连续三使院内感染率保持在4%以下

    It makes the rate of infection to keep the under of 4%.


  • 乌干达某些地区,20052008两褐条病的感染率超过了85%。

    In some areas of Uganda, rates of streak reached more than85% in2005 and 2008.


  • 农村人口艾滋病感染率尽管低于城镇人口,2003相比有所上升。

    Although the rural population of AIDS infection rate is still lower than the urban population, but also compared with 2003 has increased.


  • 广州,2003群体艾滋病发病率只是0.05%,增加0.3%,2010人群感染率就上升到7%以上,又增加到了8%。

    Guangzhou in 2003, groups of men with HIV incidence is only 0.05% to 0.3% after two years, by 2010 the population infection rate rose to 7%, and this year increased by 8%.


  • 结果表明江苏省人体寄生虫感染率较10前已有大幅度下降寄生虫危害发达地区居民的主要疾病之一

    The results suggested that the infection rate of human parasites has remarkably dropped, but parasitic diseases still are one of main diseases in non developed area in Jiangsu Province.


  • 巴西艾滋病感染者数量经过上世纪90上升期后,目前感染率稳定0.5%的水平,并且新增病例死亡率持续下降。

    After climbing in the 1990s, Brazil's HIV infection rate has steadied at around 0.5 percent and the number of new cases and deaths have been declining.


  • 2001至2009间,印度尼泊尔泰国感染率降低了25%以上,孟加拉国菲律宾感染率增加超过25%。

    From 2001 to 2009 infection rates in India, Nepal and Thailand fell by more than 25 percent, while rates in Bangladesh and the Philippines increased by more than 25 percent.


  • 方法采用现调查方法分别2001、2003、2005全院患者病历进行了调查。结果我院医院感染率近几基本控制在4。

    METHODS We investigated the prevalence rate of hospital infection among our hospitalized patients in 2001, 2003 and 2005, respectively.


  • 方法采用现调查方法分别2001、2003、2005全院患者病历进行了调查。结果我院医院感染率近几基本控制在4。

    METHODS We investigated the prevalence rate of hospital infection among our hospitalized patients in 2001, 2003 and 2005, respectively.


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