• 观测资料存在明显周期变化

    There are obvious yearly periodic variations of baseline data.


  • 卵巢发育卵巢成熟系数卵巢壁厚度季节周期变化

    The ovarian development, the coefficient of maturation in the ovary and the thickness of ovarian wall all showed annual changes.


  • 本文首先给出了北京地区若干跨断层位移测量结果周期变化

    This paper gives first the annual periodic variations in the geodetic data obtained from several observation stations for fault displacements in the Beijing region.


  • 方向周期周期变化年周期变化51天和609周期变化

    For Z direction, the principal periods are annual, semi-annual, 51-day and 609-day periods.


  • 其次,具有周期太阳辐射、垫温度凝结加热的作用下,基本气流年周期变化

    The basic current has the annual variation under the influences of solar radiation, earth's surface temperature and condensation heatings, all with an annual period.


  • 元素周期变化规律不同说明沙田柚不同的生育时期对各元素需求量它们之间的需求比例不同要求。

    Annual change of various elements was different, indicating that the demand amount of elements and the element proportions for Citrus grandis at different developmental stages were different.


  • 地磁活动地球磁场自然变化波动周期11

    Geomagnetic activity, the natural variations in Earth's magnetic field, it fluctuates in 11-year cycles.


  • 地球轨道偏心率变化大约96000一个周期发生

    Changes in the eccentricity of Earth's orbit occur in a cycle of about 96,000 years.


  • 轨道形状不是始终如一的;时间变化变化周期一百左右

    The shape of this orbit isn't consistent; it varies over time, over a period of about a thousand years.


  • 其中自然原因:2006以来加州一直处于一个周期干旱中气候变化山区积雪长期威胁

    Some of the reasons are natural; California has been in one of its periodic droughts since 2006, and climate change is a long-term threat to the state's mountain snowpacks.


  • 第一次测得变化周期为1.4神奇的是,2008爆炸之前它

    Mysteriously the oscillation period was first measured at 1.4 days but grew shorter leading up to the 2008 blowout.


  • 磁场变化太阳这样恒星表面黑子活动周期根源尽管经过几十的认真研究之后,地球人仍然对其知之甚少。

    The magnetic activity of stars like sun, which is the root cause of the sunspot cycle, is still poorly understood even after decades of intense study.


  • 这种震动以前诟病60年周期变化原因,研究发现自转速度表明不是罪魁祸首,英国利兹大学乔恩芒德

    The twisting had previously been blamed for a 60-year cycle in day length, but the rate of rotation found in this study suggests it is not the culprit, says Jon Mound at the University of Leeds, UK.


  • 收入改变工作的改变家庭费用的改变反映了这种周期变化其它指标作为可支配收入部分个人存款,数十已经逐渐减少了。

    Changes in incomes, jobs and home prices reflect this cyclical behavior, while other indicators, like personal savings as a percentage of disposable income, have shown a gradual decline over decades.


  • 一些观测人员曾经试图把地球气候变化跟11的太阳黑子周期联系到一起i,但是到目前为止仍然没有能够提供令人信服解释

    Some observers have tried to connect the eleven-year sunspot cycle with climate patterns, but have so far been unable to provide a satisfactory explanation of how the cycle might be involved.


  • 由于受热带厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜现象周期变化全球温度变化很大的。

    There’s substantial year-to-year variability of global temperature caused by the tropical El Niño-La Niña cycle.


  • 在沙罗周期系列相继发生日全食路径每隔18规律的图形变化

    The paths of totality for successive eclipses in this saros series change in a regular pattern every 18 years.


  • 太阳活动盛衰以11周期一个周期内,太阳放射紫外线变化幅度要其放射的能量变化幅度要得多。

    The sun's activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle, and over this cycle the amount of ultraviolet light the sun emits changes a lot more than does the total amount of energy.


  • 过去许多行业产品周期有所缩短信息大爆炸变化速度加快

    During the last decade, product cycles have shortened across many industries, the volume of information has increased and the pace of change has accelerated.


  • 任务花费半时间盯住类似目标,搜索亮度周期变化恒星

    The mission will spend the next three-and-a-half years staring at the same stars, looking for periodic dips in brightness.


  • 分析了线缆材料拉萨自然环境试验站中1 ~2周期试验性能变化

    Changing of performances of cable materials in Lhasa within 1 to 2 years' testing period was analyzed.


  • 主优势对应时间系数周期变化主要在25之间。

    The time coefficient of each model has a period of 2~5 years.


  • 得出了降水降水序列周期变化规律

    The law of annual and seasonal precipitation period was given.


  • 由于地球自转公转原因,太阳紫外线辐射强度呈现出和一天为周期的规律性变化

    Because of rotation and revolution of the earth, solar ultraviolet radiation intensity varies in diurnal and annual periodic.


  • 太阳活动盛衰以11周期一个周期内,太阳放射紫外线变化幅度要其放射的能量变化幅度要得多。

    The sun's activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle, and over this cycle the amount of ultraviolet (UV) light the sun emits changes a lot more than does the total amount of energy.


  • 使用不同恒温条件,发现以周期缓慢变化幅度可达500微

    Different ways of stabilizing the outside temperature were employed. A slow periodic annual variation of its readings was observed with amplitude of about 500 microgals.


  • 根据北方农牧交错带(定西县1970~2000)的气候资料分析地区30气候变化周期趋势及其草地气候生产力变化

    According to climate data(1970~2000) in the northern farming and pastoral area, the climate change cycle, trend and grassland climate productivity about 30 years were analyzed.


  • ENSO东亚夏季降水变化以及准二年周期有着明显联系

    There is a considerable connection between ENSO and the interannual variations(QBO)of summer monsoon rainfall.


  • 工程厂房竣工经历一个温度变化周期使用效果良好

    The first phase of the project, which includes three factory buildings, had been completed for a year and had experienced a temperature variation period with good effectiveness.


  • 工程厂房竣工经历一个温度变化周期使用效果良好

    The first phase of the project, which includes three factory buildings, had been completed for a year and had experienced a temperature variation period with good effectiveness.


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