• 美国国家情报委员会推出研究报告——《2025全球趋势一个改变了的世界》。

    The US National Intelligence Council works out a study report---- Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World.


  • 亚克说:“为了预测2011的热我们分析监测分类然后多种全球趋势代表词汇中做出选择。”

    "To project possible top words for 2011, we analyzed the categories that we monitor and then chose words from each representative of various world trends," Payack said.


  • 如果目前全球变暖趋势继续下去2030国家冰川公园再也见不到冰川了。

    If current global warming trends continue, there will be no glaciers left in glacier National Park by 2030.


  • 拉布德·卡尔马里认为气候变化长期趋势任何短期数据更为重要,后者是美国梅林银行二氧化碳排放业务全球主管。

    Grubb and Abyd Karmali, global head of carbon markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, both said that long-term trends in the climate series are more important than data for any single year.


  • 上所述,以上趋势表明,2010全球仿制药产业的转折点

    Taken together, these trends point to 2010 being a turning-point for the global generics business.


  • 内阁官房长官河村建周二表示会议有人提出减排基准是2005水平。符合全球趋势

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura said on Tuesday that at the meeting some people commented that the base year for cutting emissions should be 2005 as this appeared to fit with a global trend.


  • IPCC 2007报告项研究证明任何城市相关的发展趋势全球温度的影响都很小

    The IPCC's 2007 report used the study to justify the claim that "any urban-related trend" in global temperatures was small.


  • 国家情报委员会(NIC)发布一次全球趋势报告详细阐述了奥巴马准备于1月份入驻白宫后的情况。

    The global trends review, produced by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) every four years, represents sobering reading in Barack Obama's intray as he prepares to take office in January.


  • 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)估计全球有10亿体重过重,并且如果目前趋势继续下去2015数字增加至15亿。

    The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over one billion people are overweight globally, and that if current trends continue, that number will increase to 1.5 billion by 2015.


  • 根据2008想法调查,约翰-霍普金斯全球健康中心王友发根据近来趋势预计2048所有的美国人都将超重

    As a thought experiment in 2008, Youfa Wang of the Johns Hopkins Centre for Global Health drew a line from recent trends and projected that 100% of Americans would be overweight by 2048.


  • 研究人员研究了1980到2008期间气候变化趋势全球粮食产量之间的关系。

    The researchers studied climate trends and global crop production from between nineteen eighty and two thousand eight.


  • 当然我们不能仅凭气温推测全球气温的变化趋势。 但是,忽略气温变暖的事实已成了气候反对派人士最喜欢使用的伎俩。

    Of course, you can’t infer trends in global temperatures from one year’s experience.


  • 人们通常关注平均温度,这个数值可以给份排序,但是这种排序经常没有意义”,GISS所长 JamsHansen说道 "热带厄尔尼诺--拉尼娜现象的循环造成了全球气温的巨大变化5的气温平均看,我们会发现全球趋势有增无减。"

    "When we average temperature over five or ten years to minimise that variability, we find global warming is continuing unabated," Hansen concluded.


  • 全球趋势给水问题带来了压力——而这趋势未来几十加速倾向。

    Two global trends have added to the pressure on water. Both are likely to accelerate over coming decades.


  • 那种认为过去一些劳动力变动趋势会使技术创新全球效应加倍的想法也许是判断错误的。

    Given some of the workforce trends of the past decade, doubling down on technology, innovation, and globalization may seem wrongheaded.


  • 2008国际金融危机爆发以后许多开始质疑全球进程全球趋势不会逆转

    Since the outbreak of the international financial crisis in 2008, many people have started to question the globalization process. Will the trend of globalization be reversed?


  • 说:“2008预计过去凉爽,并且2007并没有打破1998气温最高记录但这并不意味着全球变暖趋势消退了。”

    "The fact that 2008 is forecast to be cooler than any of the last seven years - and that 2007 did not break the record warmth set on 1998 - does not mean that global warming has gone away," he said.


  • 全球变暖怀疑论者认为12出现纪录本该上升趋势的过程中,间歇期显得也太长了。

    Twelve years without a new record would, the sceptics reckon, be rather a large lull in what is supposed to be a rising trend.


  • 根据Forrester调研公司统计,当前全球网民15亿,2013增加至22亿,随着趋势许多网络社区也会不断壮大。

    With the number of people online worldwide expected to go from 1.5 billion today to 2.2 billion by 2013, according to Forrester Research, many of these networks will grow like Topsy.


  • 然而文件-当前GISS全球表面温度分析-报告总体变暖趋势10依然如故。

    However, the paper - Current GISS Global Surface Temperature Analysis - says the overall warming trend has held through this decade.


  • 根据布鲁克菲尔德全球重置服务公司(BrookfieldGlobalRelocationServices)进行名为全球重置趋势2011调查报告”(Global Relocation Trends 2011 Survey Report)的研究显示,外派员工数量有所增加,2006以来的首次增加。

    The number of employees sent abroad rose last year for the first time since 2006, says a study from Brookfield Global Relocation Services called the Global Relocation Trends 2011 Survey Report.


  • 致力于全球人员安置服务的Brookfield公司2010趋势调查显示,接受调查高管中,有38%的人在海外任职返回总部第一便离开了公司。

    Brookfield Global Relocation Services' annual trends survey for 2010 found that 38% of executives surveyed left their companies in the first year after their return from an assignment abroad.


  • 过去10科学家们已经开始通过卫星观测察看这种趋势早期研究表明全球范围浮游植物生产力发生小幅下降的情况。

    Over the past decade, scientists have begun looking for this trend in satellite observations, and early studies suggest there has been a small decrease in global phytoplankton productivity.


  • 过去10科学家们已经开始通过卫星观测察看这种趋势早期研究表明全球范围浮游植物生产力发生小幅下降的情况。

    Over the past decade, scientists have begun looking for this trend in satellite observations, and early studies suggest there has been a small decrease in global phytoplankton productivity.


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