• 最上面比较的冰层冬天,而中间比较的部分形成夏天,最底部比较暗的部分又是更冬天的雪。

    The uppermost dimmer layer is snow from last winter, the bright layer in the center is last summer, and the dimmer layer at bottom is the winter before that.


  • 麦晋桁社交广泛,喜欢度假时拜访客户曾因裴熙2005离开稳定公司士气而受到赞誉。

    A relentless networker who likes to visit clients on vacation, he also is credited with stabilizing morale at the firm after Mr. Purcell's departure in 2005.


  • 四季郁郁葱葱漂漂

    But I stay green and beautiful all the year round.


  • 赵东于2009毕业于北京中央美术学院展出毕业作品盆景》。

    Zhao Dong Liang graduated in 2009 from the Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts and he will also be exhibiting his graduation piece, Bonsai Chair.


  • 20077月,老两口率领儿子儿媳孙子全家人豫北的自助游。

    In July 2007 the old couple made another private tour to Guoliang Village in north Henan province together with their son, daughter-in-law and grandson.


  • 1775反抗运动第一次爆发Gadsden旗帜首次飘扬。 这个旗帜黄色的底子蜷曲着黑色响尾蛇,下面有个口号“不要”。

    THE Gadsden flag was first flown in 1775, when the rebellion against the British first broke out, bright yellow with a black rattlesnake coiled above the motto “Don’t tread on me.”


  • 西山的确生活在Ebi阴影之中但是就算接着看这样的打扮——粉色衬衫——也不会觉得厌倦的。

    Sure, Nishiyama is clearly living under Ebi's shadow, but it's good to see brown hair, bright makeup and pink clothes continue to march into a new decade.


  • 也不怪你,通常岁末终赴宴以及节庆欢聚时才穿天鹅绒夹克已经琳琅满目地摆满了货架,甚至卡片包装纸复一上架时间还要早。

    Velvet jackets, the stuff of end-of-year-dinners and festive get-togethers, festoon the rails even before the inevitable racks of tinsel, cards and wrapping paper have appeared in stores


  • 2004爱尔兰成功地所有工作区域禁烟,让整个世界眼前;2008伊始,法国咖啡馆突然成了无烟区

    In 2004 Ireland amazed the world by successfully imposing a tobacco ban on all workplaces; and at the start of this year, France's cafe culture suddenly went smoke-free.


  • 20113月22日,日本仙台市,平良()位身份不详男子被水淹没的稻田救起一只海啸那里海豚。

    Ryo Taira (right) and an unidentified man lift a young porpoise out of a flooded rice field after it was swept there by the earlier tsunami in Sendai, Japan, on March 22, 2011.


  • 现在我们猜想3c 454.3可能和200912月时一样甚至比那时还

    We think that 3c 454.3 May now be getting as bright as it was in December 2009, or even brighter!


  • 壮观的郭隧道位于太行山地区,名叫申明信村支书带领13村民5时间完成

    The magnificent tunnel road in the Taihang mountains was built by 13 local villagers headed by their chief, Shen Mingxin, and took around five years to finish.


  • 最终就是这个Nakamura博士1993宣布首例蓝色LED诞生后续里接着又有了首例绿色白色LED诞生。

    In the end it was Dr Nakamura who announced the creation of the first bright blue LED in 1993, followed by the first bright green and bright white LEDs a few years later.


  • ,都会群小伙伴分别与不同节目组进行对接,传递信息、协助策划、沟通进度确保一个节目让人眼前

    Every year, there is a group of people who coordinate the arrangement, facilitate the communication and follow up with the progress to make sure all the performances will be shining on the stage.


  • 拿督李志英国受教育,在1981毕业于西英格兰大学并获得文学士学位

    Lee was schooled in England and in 1981 graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of the West of England.


  • 根据哈勃档案图片资料,流变周期超过7,期间喷流甚至比m 87核心

    The Hubble images, obtained from the Hubble archive, show the jet growing brighter over a seven-year period, eventually outshining even the luminous core of M87.


  • 母亲乡村里面所有勤劳善良女人一样,挎上一和锋利的赶赴大地的处。

    Mother, like all hardworking and virtuous women of the village, carried the wicker basket, took the plan for one year and the sharp knife and hurried off to the bright place of the ground.


  • 直发开始有了“形”。笔直头发不同,本季直发更加有形动感十足而且光采盈

    It has body. Unlike the trend about six or seven years ago for stick-straight hair, this season's straight has body, movement and shine.


  • 斯提芬斯是伟大英国演员,他福尔摩斯私生活》(比利·怀尔德在1970摄制)中扮演了一名标新立异、让人眼前一福尔摩斯

    The great English actor made a brilliantly unconventional Holmes in Billy Wilder's 1970 film The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes.


  • 投资人考量另一个因素在于20092010表现新兴市场资产走势相对落后。

    Another new factor for investors to consider is the relative underperformance of emerging markets stocks, the golden assets of 2009 and 2010.


  • 20052007华北油田连续3管道违法占压行为”,累计清理22管线1901处占压,油气正常输送创造良好条件

    "2005 to 2007, Huabei Oilfield pipeline for 3 years to ACTS of unlawful tying" Sword ", a total of 22 clean-up tie line 1901, in order to create good conditions for oil and gas normal delivery."


  • 诸葛公元181~234),字孔明,山东人。后来定居湖北襄阳城西隆中。

    Zhuge Liang (181-234 AD) was born in what is now Shandong Province, and later settled in Longzhong, to the west of Xiangyang, Hubei Province.


  • 等待只是为了一次的花开获得攀登者身心俱眼前一只是为了证明等待中的生命那样美丽

    Only to wait a hundred years with one hundred years to get the flowers when they brighten tired climbers, just to prove that life is waiting in the kind of beautiful.


  • 公元225诸葛南征孟获”在曲靖会盟建宁

    Zhuge Liang in 225 AD Nanzheng "seven escapement Menghuo," the AU will be located in Qujing Jianning County.


  • 公元225诸葛南征孟获”在曲靖会盟建宁

    Zhuge Liang in 225 AD Nanzheng "seven escapement Menghuo," the AU will be located in Qujing Jianning County.


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