• 除此之外,霍布斯坚决主张法律应当维护社会公平和平等工具

    Add to the above Hobbes' repeated insistence that law serve as an instrument for achieving social equality.


  • 还将致力于维护网络中立性保障所有网络交通得到平等对待

    And he said he was committed to network neutrality, which ensures that all net traffic is treated the same.


  • 国家重视和支持妇联组织代表维护妇女权益促进性别平等

    The state supports the women's federation organizations in representing and safeguarding women's rights and promoting gender equality.


  • 加拿大Womyn出版物网络最早女子学生报,份报纸焦点就是维护女权,主张男女平等

    An autonomous publication funded by UVic and produced by the women’s center, the Womyn’s publication network is the oldest women’s studert newspaper in Canada. The paper has a feminist focus.


  • 家庭成员间应当敬老爱幼,互相帮助维护平等和睦文明婚姻家庭关系。

    Within the family family members shall respect the old and cherish the young, help one another, and maintain equal, harmonious and civilized marriage and family relations.


  • 第三维护国际战略平衡稳定相互尊重对待各方合理安全利益基础上,实现各国普遍安全。

    Third, we should maintain international strategic balance and stability, and achieve security for all based on mutual respect and equal treatment of the legitimate security interests of all parties.


  • 建立平等基础上的对话协商谈判解决争端维护和平正确途径

    Dialogues, consultations and negotiations by parties concerned on an equal footing are the correct approach to resolving disputes and safeguarding peace.


  • 许多而言,尊重所有国家平等相待干扰他人内政才是维护世界和平最好方法

    For many people, treating all nations with respect and fairness without interfering in their internal affairs is the best way to keep world peace.


  • 强调婚姻自由平等坚决维护妇女权益婚姻法两个显著特点

    Stressing freedom of marriage equality and resolutely safeguard the rights and interests of women are two notable features of the new marriage law.


  • 他们事迹在告诉我们每个,应维护人的尊严拒绝不容忍、努力创造一个各种文化信仰人们相互尊重平等地共处世界

    Their message to each of us is to champion human dignity, reject intolerance and work for a world where people of all cultures and beliefs live together on the basis of respect and equality.


  • 各国平等参与地区安全事务权利维护地区安全的责任

    Every country has the equal right to participate in the security affairs of the region as well as the responsibility of upholding regional security.


  • 我们主张各国有权平等参与互联网治理有权根据本国法律制度实际,维护本国网络安全

    Advocate for equal rights of all country to participate in Internet governance and acknowledge the right to ensure national security in information space based on its own laws and state system.


  • 同时行政机关不应当过分介入平等主体争议仅限于维护公共利益的需要。

    Of course, administrative agencies cannot interfere too much on the civil dispute among the equal social bodies, and only limited for maintaining the public interest.


  • 制度设立对于平等保护双方当事人利益维护程序安定司法权威都具有重要意义

    This system has important meaning of equally protecting the interests of litigants, keeping the stability of procedures and supporting the judicial authority.


  • 平等基础上的对话协商谈判解决争端维护和平正确途径

    To conduct dialogue, consultation and negotiation on an equal footing is the right way to solve disputes and safeguard peace.


  • 众生平等思想维护世界和平保护生态环境完善人格具有重要意义。

    The idea of "Existence Being Equal" is of important significance to the accomplishment of the worldly peace, the ecological balance, and the perfect personality.


  • 法院三次大规模项目原始目的是为了维护尊严、坚固命令面向各方都予以平等

    The primary nature of the courthouse's cubic mass projects grounded dignity, immovable order, and an equal face to all sides.


  • 我们应当承认道德价值在协调利益关系时维护公平互利性,在处理医患利益关系时也应当建立一种相互平等、公平互利的医德实践理念机制

    The reason is connected with misunderstanding of the essence of medical morality. We should build an idea and mechanism of mutal equality and mutal benefit.


  • 保障律师调查取证促进控辩平等,更好地维护犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益,我国刑事诉讼法内容之一

    The guarantee of lawyers' right to investigate and obtain evidence is one of the contents of Code of Criminal Procedure of China, and it is important to promote judicial justice.


  • 我们正在试图实现我们国家目标——建立维护一个人人平等社会

    We are attempting to fulfill our national purpose, to create and sustain a society in which all of us are equal.


  • 由此可见,我国大众媒介社会文化不自觉地起着强化男权地位弱化女性角色、掩盖两性世界平等关系维护既有性别统治秩序的作用。

    Media seem to be reifying the dominance of male and the marginalization of the role of female. It conceals the unequal relationship between male and female, and reinforces the existing power o…


  • 由此可见,我国大众媒介社会文化不自觉地起着强化男权地位弱化女性角色、掩盖两性世界平等关系维护既有性别统治秩序的作用。

    Media seem to be reifying the dominance of male and the marginalization of the role of female. It conceals the unequal relationship between male and female, and reinforces the existing power o…


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