• 关注苹果公司人士预计公司的平板装置今年底明年首次面世

    Apple watchers expect the tablet to debut at the end of this year or early next year.


  • 诺基亚先前曾网络平板装置使用软件N900首款使用一出色平台手机

    Nokia has previously used the software on its Internet tablets, but the N900 will be the first mobile phone to use this slick platform.


  • 款7英寸平板电脑,三星希望通过已经取得巨大成功的苹果平板装置iPaid竞争

    The Tab is a 7-inch slate and it is expected that it would compete with Apple’s hugely successful tablet device- the iPad.


  • 已经有些装置可以捕捉阳光热量风能转化电能供平板电脑使用了。

    Some devices can capture and convert sunlight, heat, and wind into juice for your tablet PC.


  • 平板电脑作为介于移动电话个人电脑之间的“第三装置”,消费者也许会购买

    Consumers may buy a tablet as a "third device", between mobile phones and personal computers.


  • 此外这些小厂商生产的平板电脑可能也符合Android市场的标准,例如内置gps电子罗盘装置

    Plus the tablets may not conform to the Android Market requirements, such as having a built in GPS and gyroscopic compass on the device.


  • 考虑电子本身影响前提,我们采用平板近似MILO装置电子运动规律进行了解析推导。

    Not concerning the influence of electron on field, the theoretical analysis of electron movement in MILO is made under the condition of planar electrode approximation.


  • 最新电子设备手机平板电脑笔记本电脑中先进多功能装置程序封装更简单外壳里

    In the latest electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets and laptops, ever more advanced multifunctional mechanisms and programs are enclosed in ever simpler casings.


  • 通过实验确定平板实验装置超滤过程操作条件包括搅拌转速、操作压力流量比等

    The equipment operating condition of flat membrane ultrafiltration was determined experimentally, which including stirred speed, pressure, flux ratio.


  • 通过实例计算实验验证,计算公式具有相当精度可以应用平板冻结装置设计计算

    By practically calculating and experimentally testing, the accuracy of the calculating formulas are very high, and it can be used in designing calculation of plate freezer also.


  • 实用新型属于路面工程机械,涉及一种用于路面摊铺机摊铺机平板振捣装置

    The utility model belongs to pavement engineering mechanisms and relates to a vibrating device for the ironing plate of a pavement spreader.


  • 所有太阳能利用装置中,平板集热器最简单实用的。

    The flat-plate collector was simpler and more practical than any other solar appliance for heat utilization.


  • 通过调节平板装置能够同时改变冲击强度直径射流高度入射倾角冲击风参数

    By adjusting the plate, the device is able to regulate the downburst parameters, such as the wind intensity, diameter, jet height, inclination Angle.


  • 工作装置前方挖机平板车,工作装置时从后方上平板运输车。

    Take work when device from the front, no working on WaJi's device from behind on flat truck.


  • 发明涉及一种平板挂车翻转底板装置特别适合应用装载运输车辆挂车上。

    The invention relates to a bottom plate overturning device of low plate semi-trailers, which is particularly suited to the semi-trailer of loading vehicles.


  • 参照传统平行平板理论方法研究适用于体外细胞的流体剪切力加载装置

    Therefore, the parallel plate flow chamber system was developed according to the classical theory and methods.


  • -两相流动试验装置上对平板空心叶片去湿缝隙的去水效率进行试验研究

    This paper reports a experimental research on the water removal efficiency from hollow stationary blades by suction slot carried out on a gas-water film two-phase flow test equipment.


  • 发明涉及真空包装机,特别涉及一种真空包装机的真空工作室、工作平板密封抽气装置

    The invention relates to a vacuum packer, especially a vacuum chamber, working flat board and sealing air extraction device.


  • 装置包括入口狭缝2),凹面光栅3),光纤阵列4平板检测器5)。

    The device includes: an entrance slit (2), a concave grating (3), a optical fiber array (4) and a flat plate detector (5).


  • 平板金属膜底面中央设有真空吸附管口,真空吸附连接真空吸附装置出口

    A vacuum adsorption nozzle is stuck on the center of the bottom surface of the metallic film of the flat plate, and a vacuum adsorption pipe is connected with an outlet of a vacuum adsorption device.


  • 推进装置平板组成,工作时两翼共同的转轴闭合状态分离的方向迅速旋转而产生推力。

    The device is composed of two flat wings, which rotate quickly from closed state to detached state at work.


  • 可以做为平板玻璃工业质量控制系统中的检测装置用于生产线

    This is a new type instrument which can be used for on line annealing test and quality monitoring control system of products in the flat glass industry.


  • 磁感应装置平板金属膜磁盘设在电磁线圈的上面;

    The electromagnetic induction device is an electromagnetic disk of a metallic film of a flat plate to be arranged on the electromagnetic coil;


  • 为了解决沥青混凝土摊铺机装置运动学模型存在问题,分析了摊铺机摊铺过程以及混合料平板之间作用关系。

    The paving process of asphalt paver and the action between mixture and screed are analyzed in order to solve the problems in kinematics model of screeding unit.


  • 实用新型属于路面工程机械涉及沥青摊铺机结构具体是 一沥青摊铺机平板线形加热装置

    The utility model belongs to pavement engineering machines and relates to an asphalt spreader structure, in particular to a linear heater for the ironing plate of an asphalt spreader.


  • 装置具有分隔平板此时支撑分设于分隔平板两个分别延伸。

    The device can also be provided with a partition flat plate, and the support arms are arranged at two opposite edges of the partition flat plate respectively and extend outwards at the moment.


  • 目前使用最多太阳能收集装置主要平板集热器真空管集热器两种。

    Currently the most frequently used solar energy collection devices are mainly flat-plate collector and vacuum tube collector.


  • 目前使用最多太阳能收集装置主要平板集热器真空管集热器两种。

    Currently the most frequently used solar energy collection devices are mainly flat-plate collector and vacuum tube collector.


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