• 毕业各科成绩的平均积分点为3.8。

    He graduated with a GPA of 3.8.


  • 平均积分过去几天平均被授予积分

    Average credit: the average credit granted over the last few days.


  • 对于同一河道,由于高程河道断面特性平均积分曲线不变。

    To the same river section the absolute elevation and the equalized integrated curve of the cros section characteristics of the river are the same.


  • 因为高考分数大学重要的,平均积分点对学生家长而言似乎就不那么重要了。

    Because the gaokao score is what matters to Chinese colleges, grade-point average seemed a secondary concern to students and parents.


  • 两个学期经常熬夜学习因为知道必须在班上取得最高平均积分点才有资格获得份奖学金。

    In the first two semesters, she often stayed up late studying because she knew that she had to get the highest GPA in her class to qualify for the scholarship.


  • 两个学期经常熬夜学习应为知道必须在班上取得最高平均积分点才有资格获得份奖学金

    During her first two semesters, she often stayed up late studying because she knew she had to get the highest GPA in her class to qualify for the scholarship.


  • 二重积分可以用来得到关于这个区域某些信息或者这个区域一个函数平均等等

    We can use that to get information about maybe the region or about the average value of a function in that region and so on.


  • 垂直陀螺利用一个陀螺仪作为积分装置摇摆不定重力基准线平均位置

    The gyro vertical utilizes a gyroscope as an integrating device to obtain the average position of a pendulous gravity reference .


  • 平均速度剖面湍流度剖面,积分尺度和风反映大气湍流边界层流动四个基本因素

    Mean velocity profile, turbulence intensity profile, integral scale and wind spectra are the most fundamental characteristics that describe the atmospheric turbulent boundary layer flow.


  • 讨论局部对称空间中具有平行平均曲率向量流形得到关于第二基本形式模长平方积分不等式的相关定理。

    This paper discusses submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector in local symmetric Spaces and obtains integral invariants about the square of modulus-length.


  • 第二部分将通常积分平均不等式推广成一般形式,并利用给出一些不等式的证明。

    The part two general forms was derived with general integral average inequality and Some inequality was proved with this result was obtained above.


  • 利用整个大圆积分得到的是球面上任何及其点上函数平均,或者说得到的是球面上函数的偶对称部分。

    If the whole integrals on the great circle are used, the average of the function values for any point and its antipodal can be obtained.


  • 作者建议使用有效平均速度概念计算湍流积分长度尺度

    It is suggested to use the concept of effective bulk velocity to calculate turbulence length integrate scale.


  • 本文依据积分定理给出了适宜于实验计算积分平均近似公式并举例加以说明

    This paper gives some approximate formulas of the integral average value for experimental calculation on the basis of the integral mean law. Examples are given for explanation.


  • 一方面,文中还给出了广义模糊积分平均收敛蕴涵依测度收敛几个简洁充分性条件以及使两者等价的条件。

    On the other hand, we also give several terse sufficiency conditions where the fuzzy mean convergence of (G) fuzzy integrals implies the convergence in fuzzy measure and making them equivalent.


  • 本文得到EHS (C)函数妁对数导数积分平均估计及一类系数函数估值。

    In this paper we obtain integral mean bounds of logarithmic derivatives and estimates of coefficient functionals for functions in EHS (c).


  • 问题描述BCS配对利用积分表象建立平均理论十分方便的。

    This problem describes BCS pairing. It is very convenient to construct the mean field theory using the functional integral representation.


  • 类似地讨论了“依测度基本“广义模糊积分平均基本”关系

    Similarly, we discuss the relation between fundamental convergence in fuzzy measure and fuzzy mean fundamental convergence of (g) fuzzy integrals.


  • 结果计算机数字图像分析表明黄褐斑患者皮损平均吸光度积分密度明显高于正常人,并能精确的计算出皮损面积。

    Results it was showed by CDIA system that the average optical density and integral optical density of melasma were much higher than the normal ones.


  • 方法关联直接将恩氏蒸馏数据转换成实沸点蒸馏数据计算馏分平均沸点,然后积分切割组分

    The ASTM data was treated to produce the TBP data and the mean average boiling point by explicit correlations and then the pseudo-components were cut by using the integral method.


  • 实验表明基于模糊数值模糊积分方法分类精度高于基于加权平均方法的分类精度。

    The experiments show that the classification accuracy of the model based on fuzzy number-valued fuzzy integral is higher than the accuracy of the weighted average model.


  • 免疫组织化学染色片显微镜下放大200倍,每个标本6张切片随机取5个视野,计算免疫组织化学染色平均光度积分吸光度值进行定量分析

    Under the microscope magnifying 200,6 sections of each sample in 5 random sights were selected to conduct the semi-quantitative analysis of the mean absorbance (Am) and integral absorbance (Ai).


  • 模拟结果微扰理论平均近似积分方程理论的预测值进行比较

    The simulated results are analyzed and compared with those predicted from perturbation theory and integral equation theory under mean spherical approximation.


  • 本文研究了伪黎曼空间型中具有平均曲率空子流形得到了这类空子流形的一个积分不等式刚性定理

    This paper discusses the space-like submanifolds with constant mean curvature in a pseudo-Riemannian space form, and obtain an integrate inequality and a rigidity theorem.


  • 研究曲率流形中具有平行平均曲率向量流形,给出了两个积分不等式

    We study the submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector in a manifold of quasi constant curvature, and give two integrate inequalities.


  • 由于积分干涉微分干涉角平均效应为了得到精确信息,进行分子实验

    To obtain more precise information, the experiment in the molecular beam should be taken, as the integral interference Angle is the average effect of the differential interference Angle.


  • 引入积分绝对平均曲率描述定向闭曲面平均弯曲程度。

    Integral absolute mean curvature is introduced to describe average curving of an orientable closed surface.


  • 利用线长期平均浓度模式面源积分得到了风向、风速和稳定度的联合频率计算大气面源长期平均浓度的算法

    A new method of calculating long term mean concentration of air pollutant from area source is proposed by integrating the line source long term mean concentration model.


  • 利用线长期平均浓度模式面源积分得到了风向、风速和稳定度的联合频率计算大气面源长期平均浓度的算法

    A new method of calculating long term mean concentration of air pollutant from area source is proposed by integrating the line source long term mean concentration model.


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