• 最后分析了收发分置海洋混响平均强度衰减规律。

    At last, the average intensity of reverberation for bistatic case had been deduced.


  • 杂音平均强度持续时间反映出声压力差异很大

    The even intensity and long duration of these murmurs reflect the large pressure difference across the orifice where the sound originates.


  • 通过平均强度好的抑制了强度再现中的噪声

    By averaging the intensity fields, the speckle noise in the reconstructed images is well suppressed.


  • 结果显示,非均匀性致使光折变光栅平均强度减弱,衍射效率降低

    The average saturation space-charge field is small and the diffraction efficiency is low as a result of the non-uniformity of the grating.


  • 通过邻居节点平均邻居节点平均强度研究表明网络具有匹配特性。

    Particularly, by the research of the average neighbor degree and the average neighbor strength, one can show that the network has a disassortativ


  • 本文就是在前人工作基础对浅海海洋混响平均强度衰减规律进行一些有益的改进。

    In this thesis, some useful rules fOr average reverberation intensity decaying are given basing onthe work Which have been done by other researchers.


  • 本文得到了波导传播中的无方向性点源平均声压平均强度和声信号振幅起伏率。

    The mean pressure, mean intensity, and the coefficient of variation of amplitude of the signal propagated in wave-guide were obtained in this paper.


  • 去年同事MattPenn指出太阳黑子磁场平均强度1995年起,已经急剧下滑

    Last year, he and colleague Matt Penn pointed out that the average strength of sunspot magnetic fields has been sliding dramatically since 1995.


  • 实验结果显示采用逆变焊机进行焊接,焊点平均强度有所提高,飞溅焊合均有大幅度降低。

    The experiment shows that by using inverter spot welding, the average intensity of the welded spot is increased while the splash rate and the incomplete penetration rate are descend.


  • 文中用这种模式计算了太阳短波以及地球红外热辐射通过云时辐射通量传输性质以及方位平均强度分布

    The model is employed to determine the radiative flux properties and the intensity distribution of cirrus for both solar and thermal infrared radiation.


  • 平均强度描述海洋混响一个重要物理量,很早就有人衰减规律进行研究至今还没有得到完满的结果。

    Average intensity is one of the physical parameters which are used to describe the oceanic reverberation and the researches about it had been carried out a long time before, but not thoroughly yet.


  • 分析结果再现了矿柱破裂产生宏观裂纹形成、最后产生失稳破坏的全过程,研究统计平均强度极限承载力关系

    The paper numerically demonstrates the pillar failure process-from micro crack to macro crack to unstable failure and studies the relations between limit load and statistical mean strength.


  • 特别是对于新手,因为新手通常过快或强度过大,这会使其心率高于平均水平从而不能获得好的健身效果挫败锻炼的积极性。

    Especially beginning runners tend to run too hard too soon, resulting in a much higher than average heart rate and poor results physically and motivation-wise.


  • 平均每个美国人每年接收360毫雷姆射线,其中300毫雷姆来自自然放射源,60毫雷姆来自人类活动(雷姆射线强度单位)。

    The average American receives 360millirems of radiation each year, 300 from natural sources and 60 from man-made activities. (a rem is a unit of radiation exposure.)


  • 阳光经过建筑物这个过滤器过滤后,进入到房间内光线平均不到百分之五,节能灯泡的光线强度简直就‘更可怜了’。

    Less than five per cent of daylight filters into the average building, and energy-efficient light bulbs are an 'unmitigated disaster' due to their lack of intensity.


  • 因数量度纸张破裂强度值。某种纸张某个定量下的平均度。

    Burst factor a measure of the bursting strength of a paper. It is the average bursting strength for a paper of particular substance.


  • 按照目前的能源储量开发强度测算世界化石能源平均可开发时间不足

    According to the energy reserves and development intensity calculation, the world fossil energy on average less than one hundred years development time already.


  • 平均计算,今年增长率不大不会使我们经济复苏强度问题上做出错误结论

    On average, the growth rate this year will be smaller but this should not lead to the wrongful conclusion regarding the strength of the recovery.


  • 中国东部平均降水强度极值出现范围趋于扩大

    In eastern China, much above normal mean intensity of precipitation tends to increase.


  • 顾比复合移动平均线长期边缘一个更加有用的度量趋势强度潜在反弹方法。

    The lower edge of the long term GMMA is a more useful measure of trend strength and potential rebound points.


  • 结果表明沥青基炭复合材料密度强度焦炭颗粒平均细度增大增加

    Results show that the density and the compressive strength increase with an increase of the average (particle) size of granular pitch coke.


  • 山体尾流最大平均速度扰动湍流强度扰动衰减规律以及山体尾流结构进行了分析。

    The decay laws of the normalized maximum perturbations in the mean velocity and turbulent intensity in the wake and the wake structure are discussed.


  • 云滴谱不确定性能够引起最大超过10%平均降水强度改变而且差异白天夜间明显

    The maximum change of mean rainfall intensity is over 10% due to CDSU and difference among experiments is more obvious in the daytime than at night.


  • 温度梯度改变直接影响平均经圈环流西风急流强度模拟。

    The change of meridional temperature gradient influences the strength of the mean meridional circulation and the westerly jets directly.


  • 灌水矿化度增加降低小麦生育期的平均耗水强度,增加了小麦的水分利用效率

    High salinity of irrigation water resulted in lower average water consumption intensity of wheat during the whole growing season, but higher water use efficiency.


  • 达到最大强化因数时,三角形电极所需要施加平均电场强度能耗圆柱电极得多

    However, the average electrical field strength and energy consumption for the maximum enhancement factor for the triangular rod electrode are much lower than for the cylindrical electrode.


  • 我们能够通过比较经历常规应力解除芯片确认改进芯片强度平均最小最大值

    We have been able to confirm that average, minimum and maximum values for die strength could be improved compared with die that underwent the conventional stress relief.


  • 这一有效应力但是对切应力类水流强度指标的总结可以概括平均流速水流功率等水流强度指标。

    The effective shear stress not only generalizes the flow intensity but also summarizes the flow intensities of mean flow velocity, stream power and unit stream power.


  • 这一有效应力但是对切应力类水流强度指标的总结可以概括平均流速水流功率等水流强度指标。

    The effective shear stress not only generalizes the flow intensity but also summarizes the flow intensities of mean flow velocity, stream power and unit stream power.


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