• 这位同学非常热情带领艺术参观了他工作室教室其他专业教室,尤其难得的是,这些地点只有院系师生才能进出。

    This student was very enthusiastic and he lead the team to visit his studio, classroom and other subjects' classrooms. These were the places which open to their own students and teachers.


  • 朋友当地艺术博物馆工作带领一群老年人城镇周围国外艺术氛围进行实地考察有助于大家联系学到东西

    My friend works for the local art museum leading groups of the elderly on art-oriented field trips around town and abroad, which helps everyone connect and learn something new.


  • 基于最新科学研究成果,科学美国人艺术一般带领读者踏上想象之旅,探讨“太阳系大猜想”。

    Scientific American readers go on a journey of the imagination with an artist, based on the latest scientific research, to "Eight Wonders of the Solar System".


  • 以下日常物品另一面创作出的令人惊奇的艺术作品带来视觉心灵享受,也证明艺术如何带领我们领略世界多彩

    Feast your eyes and soul on these ten amazing artworks, made from otherwise ordinary objects, proof of how art can make us see the world differently.


  • 心灵指示器,感情的晴雨表,是带领观众进入理智欣赏的重要路径,形神兼备才是歌唱艺术最高境。

    A good match of soul and body is the only way to the highest achievement of the art of singing.


  • 成立以来,在我团常任指挥艺术总监陈家缨女士带领团员们坚持每周一次练声演唱训练。

    Since its establishment, the chorus members have been practicing vocalizing and singing once every week under the instruction of conductor Ms Chen Jiaying.


  • 视觉艺术技术方面,带领组员制作优秀线上广告包括网站、广告、视频

    Lead team Numbers to produce online advertisement with high quality by providing necessary arts and technical supports, including website, advertisement, video, etc.


  • 数字式艺术自傲提供公正的产品被带领信息专家忠告横跨所有平台学科

    Digital Arts prides itself on providing unbiased product-led information and professional advice, across all platforms and disciplines.


  • 带领世界民间陶瓷艺术学术研究考察团西班牙法国埃及尼泊尔开展学术交流研究。

    She also led study Tours of world folk ceramic art in countries such as Spain, France, Egypt and Nepal.


  • 通过系统艺术实践艺术培训带领孩子逐步走进艺术的殿堂

    The troupe's systematic training and practice programs are designed to lead children to a grand hall of art in an orderly manner.


  • 我们带领灾区孩子地震废墟制作艺术其中包括折纸方法制作的建筑模型

    We lead the children to product the works of art on the ruins of the earthquake, including a number of building's model of origami.


  • 马来西亚一个艺术展览著名艺术将要带领一些年轻人,向他们显示慈悲存在所有艺术根源中。

    In Malaysia there is going to be an art exhibition in which leading artists are going to be taking people, young people, and showing them that compassion also lies at the root of all art.


  • 我们将会带领小朋友参观本次参展艺术钟康君作品》,指导小朋友们纸板、陶综合材料,创作出一个奇妙浓缩空间

    We will let children visit the art work of Zhong Kangjun "City", then we will teach the children to use mixed-media like paper, Soft mud and so on to make a fantastic concentrated space.


  • 比如学校杰出艺术教授DOROTHY KELLER博士亲自带领学生参观纽约

    For example, the trip to New York City will be led by distinguished Professor of Fine Arts, Dr.


  • 带领大家走逛包括驻村艺术、窟、庭电影俱乐部、藏岩、术农园聚落内核心节点。

    The site tour will be include visiting the current residential artists' studios, Treasure Hive, Duku Collective Bookstore, Family Cinema Club, Treasuer Hill temple, and Windmill art Farm etc.


  • 技术美工总监负责带领一支技术美术师队伍艺术部门每个分部门进行沟通,开发画面制作至关重要工具设计相应流程

    The Technical Art Director leads a team of technical artists who will interface with every discipline in the art department to develop tools and processes critical to the delivery of all art content.


  • 这次的活动中,我们带领小朋友们走入波普艺术绚烂世界创造属于自己的“波普艺术作品”。

    In this class, we will introduce to the kids a gorgeous pop art world and lead the kids to create their own pop art works.


  • 公司目前带领,全力打造国际化质量专业化的服务追求艺术技术的完美结合

    Under his leadership, JAE is now being upgraded into a local design firm with international quality, professional service and is pursuing a perfect combination between art and technology.


  • 阿东带领小朋友参观各种展馆体验陶艺创作观赏立体电影还要进行集体个人艺术创作

    "Adon" will lead the children to visit the Pavilion and experience pottery, watch movies but also for collective and individual art.


  • 阿东带领小朋友参观各种展馆体验陶艺创作观赏立体电影还要进行集体个人艺术创作

    "Adon" will lead the children to visit the Pavilion and experience pottery, watch movies but also for collective and individual art.


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