• 施瑞帕拉德回来以后,给我们讲述令人惊骇俄罗斯医院里的轶事。

    Upon his return Sri Prahlada had told us shocking stories of the state of affairs in a Russian hospital.


  • 上午施瑞帕拉德另外位奉献者一起巴库公园静静地念诵。

    Later this morning Sri Prahlada and I, with one other devotee, went into Baku to find a park to chant our rounds.


  • 一度,施瑞帕拉德过来因为街上有些看着我们,所以觉得很不安

    At one point Sri Prahlada turned to me and said he was also feeling nervous being in the mosque, due to a few people gathering and watching us from the street.


  • 今天早上施瑞帕拉德取下右手绷带伤口愈合得不错我们大大松了口气。

    This morning Sri Prahlada took off the bandage on his right hand, and to our great relief it had healed properly.


  • 鼓点般地落卡夫特帕拉德花园住宅屋檐着忧伤挽歌,一边红色铅笔敲着牙齿,一边雨水汇成的溪流窗玻璃蜿蜒而

    The rain drummed on the eaves of her garden fiat at cuffe parade. she listened to its dismal threnody tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching streams snaking down the windowpanes.


  • 鼓点般地卡夫特帕拉德花园住宅屋檐上,着忧伤的挽歌,一边红色铅笔敲着牙齿,一边雨水汇成的溪流窗玻璃蜿蜒而

    The rain drummed on the eaves of her garden fiat at Cuffe Parade. She listened to its dismal threnody, tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching streams snaking down the windowpanes.


  • ·布拉德出生于索龙。

    Patty Brard was born in Sorong.


  • 记得父亲海格尔的英雄拉德·德迪约,我在十几岁的时候。

    I remember watching Heigl in my Father, the Hero, with Gerard Depardieu, when I was in my early teens.


  • 印度食品商拉德哈坎特·巴吉这辈子一个胸有成竹的目标确认拥有世界上最长

    Indian grocer Radhakant Baijpai certainly has a goal in life: make sure that he has the longest ear hair in the world.


  • 风格深受查理克的重复自由模式所影响﹐如同斯科特·菲茨杰拉德那优雅流丽散文

    My style is as deeply influenced by Charlie Parker’s repeated freewheeling riffs, say, as by F. Scott Fitzgerald’s elegantly flowing prose.


  • 但是意大利人无法做到一点鲁尼拉德本周还会存在健康问题。

    But the Italian cannot see the point of that, which means Wayne Rooney, Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard will all be involved this week.


  • 莫里12月7号监狱中等待法庭裁定斯特法官已决定拉德还押拘留,直到法庭做出最终判决

    Murray is in jail since November 7th waiting for court verdict, and Pastor gave a decision to keep Conrad in remand until the final judgment is given.


  • 榜单如今已迈入第70个年头。奥巴马影星拉德皮特詹姆斯邦德扮演者丹尼尔克雷格、金融家德·布森,以及艺术家塞•托姆布雷携手入围“全球十佳着装男性”。

    Obama joined actors Brad Pitt and James Bond star Daniel Craig, financier Arpad Busson, and artist Cy Twombly on the list of the world's 10 best-dressed men


  • 因为上月丹麦比赛中里奥拉德缺席情况下已经选做了队长那么兰肯定不会高兴因为这样看起来就好像抛弃了一样。

    Having been asked to captain the team in the absence of Ferdinand and Steven Gerrard in Denmark last month, Frank Lampard is unlikely to be too happy that he was deemed to have failed his audition.


  • 约翰·特里,弗兰克·科尔入选了去年特里当选的最佳球员奖项的提名,这次得奖的是利物浦球员拉德

    John Terry, Frank Lampard and Joe Cole had all been nominated for the top player award which had been won by Terry a year ago but this time were pipped by Liverpool's Steven Gerrard.


  • 那麽是的当然喜欢拉德德罗西皮尔洛

    Then yes, of course, I like Gerrard, Lampard, De Rossi and Pirlo.


  • 这套电视剧登陆北京时,在北京的美国女子像是剧中的角色凯莉·拉德肖(莎拉·杰西卡·饰演)。

    When the series reached Beijing, one American woman living there was told she resembled the character Carrie Bradshaw, played by the actress Sarah Jessica Parker.


  • 去年得主是小罗第二拉德第七名

    Last year's award went to Ronaldinho, with Lampard second and Gerrard seventh.


  • 利物浦队长拉德无疑明天特拉福德进行必须拿下奥地利的比赛的发动机。

    Lamps and Liverpool skipper Gerrard are certain starters in tomorrow's must-win clash with Austria at Old Trafford.


  • 案例分析学习:巴黎高中美国罗得英国拉德福德体育馆防火

    Study of case: Pailleron high school, The Rhode Island Station, Fire of stadium in Bradford.


  • 这套电视剧登陆北京时,在北京的美国女子就像是剧中角色凯莉·布拉德肖(莎拉·杰西卡·饰演)。

    When the series reached Beijing, one American woman living there was told she 1)resembled the character Carrie Bradshaw, played by the actress Sarah Jessica Parker.


  • 研究人员拉德·洛特(Gerrod Parrott)亨利·格雷特曼(HenryGleitman)对婴儿进行一系列测试,有个月、七个月大的,也有八个月大的,结果看起来心理学实验有趣

    Researchers Gerrod Parrott and Henry Gleitman showed this in tests involving a group of six -, seven - and eight-month-olds which sound like more fun than a psychology experiment should be.


  • 拉德分别进攻中场发动机中后场防守链接

    Lampard and Gerrard would be the engine room and the link between the attack and the defence.


  • 克有可能在今晚进球,就欧文一样;科尔已经伤愈复出了,拉德两张黄牌停赛贝克汉姆再次落选了国家队

    However, he is expected to get the nod tonight as Owen Hargreaves and Joe Cole have been ruled out through injury, Steven Gerrard is suspended and David Beckham has been dropped from the squad.


  • 克有可能在今晚进球,就欧文一样;科尔已经伤愈复出了,拉德两张黄牌停赛贝克汉姆再次落选了国家队

    However, he is expected to get the nod tonight as Owen Hargreaves and Joe Cole have been ruled out through injury, Steven Gerrard is suspended and David Beckham has been dropped from the squad.


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