• 詹姆斯·克尔1718年为旋转申请了专利

    James Puckle patented a revolving chamber gun in 1718.


  • 这部电影著名落汤鸡结尾中,奥黛丽·赫本、乔治·他们的在一起享受倾盆大雨,小说只有弗雷德只猫重新聚在了一起。

    In one of the most famous soggy cinematic endings of all time, Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard and cat enjoy a raindrenched clinch, but in the novella only Fred and the cat are reunited.


  • 其中爸爸私下里想象一下晒得黝黑、光着脚的蒂,穿着黑色一件泳衣牛仔裤,没有系腰带,这个样子赛斯的胃口

    One father privately invited Seth Paulsen to imagine her suntanned and barefoot, in a black one-piece bathing suit and beltless jeans, a look very much to Seth's taste.


  • 一条位于山区开放赛道天气情况也变化莫测。仅仅这点就让建于1920年的赛道,获得地球挑战性的赛道的称号。

    Spa is wide open, hilly and bedeviled by treacherous weather conditions. That alone would make this track, built in 1920, among the most challenging on the planet.


  • 莎拉·林却暴露出共和党思维软肋-将共和党使命看作是持续对抗世界主义观的华盛顿精英操纵的一场非美国阴谋

    Sarah Palin represents a strand in Republican thinking that sees the party's mission as perpetual insurgency against an un-American conspiracy run by a cosmopolitan Washington elite.


  • 可能《暮光城》中爱德华·库仑那无度的郁郁寡欢刺激了这些人,这种气质让他们以为丁森就是出演这位问题歌手的最佳人选

    The far more incendiary possibility is that Pattinson's Edward Cullen is inordinately moody and would therefore be a perfect fit for the troubled singer.


  • 条位于山区开放赛道,天气情况也变化莫测

    Spa is wide open, hilly and bedeviled by treacherous weather conditions.


  • 尼基雅·梅儿暂停幅画前注视着,画中是一位有着榔头发型传奇人物,正在弹奏那标志性吉普森吉他

    Nickia Palmer stopped briefly to peer at a photo of the dreadlocked legend playing his trademark Gibson guitar.


  • 2009年12月莎拉·西卡·休·格兰特出席英国伦敦举行他们共同主演的电影《蒸发的摩根夫妇》的首映

    Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant arrive for the Britsh premiere of their movie "Did You Hear About The Morgans?" in London in December 2009.


  • 男性会要求女性发型图画排序:向后挽的高发髻和·杜克bob头**。

    Men were asked to rank drawings of women’s hair styles: a back-combed updo, a Patty Duke bob.


  • 特丽夏 瓦特伍德(PatriciaWatwood)画了幅严肃阿尔金行者肖像画因为发现阿尔金的这种镇静剂人生舞台非常悲惨

    Patricia Watwood painted this formal portrait of Anakin Skywalker because, she says, "I find this luminal stage of Anakin’s life very poignant.


  • 显然,阴谋之所以失败是因为投弹笨拙地搞砸了炸弹组成——主要是恰提(chapati)、趾甲油去除以及双氧水——厨灶制备

    It failed because, apparently, the bombers botched the kitchen-stove preparation of the ingredients, chiefly chapati flour, nail-varnish remover and hydrogen peroxide.


  • 克莫拉秘密垄断组织据点尼亚,架救火直升机8月6日击落

    In Campania, stronghold of the Camorra syndicate, a firefighting helicopter was shot at on August 6th.


  • 1991年,史蒂夫乔布斯结婚不久便妻子搬到洛阿尔托(美国加利福尼亚州西部城市,靠近旧金山),住进一幢建于20世纪30年代,科茨沃尔德房子里。

    Not long after Steve Jobs got married, in 1991, he moved with his wife to nineteen-thirties, Cotswold’s-style house in old Palo Alto.


  • 1960年,加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)科学家理查德·D.霍Richard D.Hopa左起村宏(Hiroshi Kimura)福特小型载客汽车上展示实验性催化排气净化器。

    UCLA scientists Richard D. Hopa (left) and Hiroshi Kimura show off an experimental catalytic converter on a Ford Ranch Wagon in 1960.


  • 贾斯爱丽丝程度上是共用一个房间的,既然整个房间都布置成“爱丽丝”的,而贾斯又有他自己书房,所以大家都认为爱丽丝的房间。

    Jasper and Alice do sort of share a room, but since Alice's personality is stamped all over that room, and Jasper has his study, everyone thinks of it as Alice's.


  • 过去三十年中,塔克先生致力于解放那些清道夫们,参与开发了一些廉价马桶厕所

    For the past three decades, Mr Pathak has worked in the hope that his organisation can liberate scavengers. He has helped develop a range of cheap, squat-type toilets.


  • 塔加利观点必须首先完善制戒遵行”,否则调息将得不到满意效果

    Patanjali's contention is that you have to first perfect yama and niyama, otherwise asana and pranayama may fail to give desirable results.


  • 这不属于典型古装戏。 皮特。恩说:: %“电影结尾奥斯电影新鲜美味同时着陈腐的意味。”

    It 's not typical costume drama: "Finally, a Jane Austen movie that's fresh and deliciously rotten at the same time, " says Time Out.


  • 遗憾是,先生自己承认没有打破这种螺旋下降的为人父母技巧”的答案

    Mr Parkin himself admits that he does not have the answers to "break this downward spiral of parenting skills".


  • 那里两座教堂——科姆尼阿教堂拉巴伦宪阿教堂,认为中美洲和南美洲地区漂亮的巴洛克建筑

    The churches of La Compañía and La Valenciana are considered to be among the most beautiful examples of Baroque architecture in Central and South America.


  • 萨拉·杰西卡·首映感人”,但是真正感人,则现钱许多的钱。

    Sarah Jessica Parker has described the premiere as moving, but what's really moving is cash - lots of it.


  • 特比的博物馆维多利亚作品尼特库克船长纪念馆公园提供游客来宾地产机会一睹当地历史

    The Whitby Museum, Victorian Jet Works, Captain Cook Memorial Museum, and Pannett Park all offer visitors and guests to the Estate the chance to glimpse the local history.


  • 1863年,“大都会铁路一部分开通,这项工程维多利亚时代工程史上的奇迹不可思议地让蒸汽机车地下隧道里运行。

    It was a miraculous feat of Victorian engineering when the first section of the "Metropolitan Railway" opened in Paddington in 1863 - using, incredibly, steam locomotives to travel the tunnels.


  • 座落于雅典台农神庙,是座几乎大理石结构雄伟精妙圆柱型巨殿。它是古典希腊建筑完美之典范

    An immense, columned temple built almost entirely of marble, Athens's ancient Parthenon is the consummate example of classical Greek architecture.


  • 为了避免使用分解生成逼近函数信号实施例中,使用反馈提供相应效果

    In order to avoid use of brute force division for generating the Pade 'Approximant function signals, in one set of embodiments, feedback is used to provide a corresponding effect.


  • 为了避免使用分解生成逼近函数信号实施例中,使用反馈提供相应效果

    In order to avoid use of brute force division for generating the Pade 'Approximant function signals, in one set of embodiments, feedback is used to provide a corresponding effect.


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