• :“希望赛斯克的伤势不会重伤。”

    The Russian added: "I hope Cesc doesn't have anything serious."


  • 来自英国西米德兰兹郡考文垂市华威大学WorldFirst赛车科研小组希望车运动管理部门更改比赛规则这样他们就能参加锦标赛

    The WorldFirst team, from Warwick University, in Coventry, West Mids, hope racing chiefs will change the rules so they can compete in championship races next season.


  • 赛曼先生开怀大笑,克拉拉是否希望海蒂留下来

    Mr. Sesemann laughed heartily and asked Clara if she wished Heidi to remain.


  • 希望明年世界锦标赛再度举行身体健康

    I hope to be fit when the World Championship comes around next year.


  • 英国队接力赛战胜美国队希望看上去不大

    Britain's prospects of beating the United States in the relay looked poor.


  • 赛曼夫人已经注意到了孩子悲伤希望过几天有所改变

    Mrs. Sesemann had noticed the child's unhappiness, but let a few days pass by, hoping for a change.


  • 希望孩子善待。”赛赛曼先生果断地补充道

    "I want the child to be treated kindly," Mr. Sesemann added decidedly.


  • 时琳赛非常想在 Fun Kids 工作,那是一家面向年轻听众的广播电台,所以她给他们发了一份奇怪的录音,希望能被录用。

    At that time Lindsay wanted very much to work at Fun Kids, a radio station for young listeners, so she sent them a strange recording, hoping to be accepted.


  • 赛德博士希望,所以有这种真实结果对有助于改善公共场所设计尤其是对于疏散通道位置的考虑,这种场合下,可能聚集大量的人。

    The practical upshot of all this, Dr Moussaid hopes, will be improvements in the design of public Spaces where crowds are likely to gather, especially in the location of evacuation routes.


  • 华尔街日报》,赛希望开一家上市公司,很奇怪的是,虽然没有工作大部分时间仍然西装革履

    Mr Thain hopes to run another public company-oddly, he still wears a suit most days despite having no job, according to the Wall Street Journal. His reputation seems salvageable.


  • 获胜者2004年11月参加真实的颁奖会,赛拉米希望数码皇后电脑游戏虚拟现实电影广告担任更多角色

    The winner will be crowned at a flesh-and-blood conference in November 2004 and Cerami hopes the digital queen will go on to greater things with roles in videogames, virtual reality films and adverts.


  • 目前他们赛一轮的情况下,距领头羊曼联8差距,他们希望通过击败西布·罗姆·维奇,下周拉福德获胜以缩小一差距。

    They are now eight points behind leaders Manchester United having played a game more but they hope to start clawing back the deficit by beating the Baggies and winning at Old Trafford next week.


  • Wilder林赛很希望自己早点释放

    Wilder said he was hopeful she will be released early.


  • 4月1日世界欧洲足球联盟暂缓波斯尼亚参与2012年欧洲竞标赛,表面上是扼杀任何使这个国家资格参与此赛事希望

    On APRIL 1st the world and European football associations suspended Bosnia, apparently killing whatever hope the country had of qualifying for the Euro 2012 championships.


  • 这次系列赛状态好,有希望创造历史

    On this showing, he is in great shape to make history.


  • 尽管常常吉普赛人一样,电影赶到另一个电影,常常带着手提箱生活,我想,我常常也有一个关于家庭生活梦想未来抱有希望。

    Even when I wasliving like a gypsy, running from movie to movie, living out of a suitcase, Ithink I always had a dream of this family life, a vision of it off in thefuture.


  • 巴拉圭希望抓住意大利人奢华燕尾服如果预选赛中的表现能够恰如其分地反映他们能力那么他们卫冕冠军携手出线,跻身第二轮

    Paraguay will hope to hang on to Italy's luxurious coat tails and if their performance in qualifying is any measure of their ability then they should join the holders in round two.


  • 但是却开通了网上讨论小组希望读者在线申请参加讨论赛

    It nonetheless runs Internet discussion groups and expects readers to apply online to enter competitions.


  • 约比克党希望吉普赛人扣留,被剥夺公民身份除非他们愿意接受社会规范

    It wants Romanies to be interned and stripped of their citizenship unless they show that they want to accept social norms.


  • 参议员林赛.格雷厄姆说,觉得目前印度领导人非常强烈的决心”,希望做出必要改变加强国内安全

    Senator Lindsey Graham says he feels there is now a "real strong resolve" among India's leaders to make needed changes to bolster the country's internal security.


  • 科蒂.布鲁兹,75岁,伍德赛德的退休数学家参与阿波罗登月计划。 她对着电脑40多年,她希望找点别的打发时间。

    Scottie Brooks, 75, a retired mathematician from Woodside who worked on the Apollo missions to the moon, said that after 40 years working with computers, she's moved onto other things.


  • 罗德维尔同样希望跟随英格兰21以下国家队即将开打欧洲青年锦标赛发挥核心作用耶斯也觉得这次的丹麦之旅这个20岁的小伙子有帮助。

    He is still expected to play a key role for England's Under 21s at the forthcoming European Championship and Moyes believes going to Denmark next month will be good for the 20-year-old.


  • 英格兰周末温布利迎来世界冠军欧洲冠军西班牙队,他们将进行友谊赛,人们普遍看好西班牙队更有希望赢得比赛

    The European and world champions are in London for a glamour friendly with Fabio Capello's team and the visitors will start as favourites to win the game.


  • 巴西国内锦标赛上主场连续失利的巴西帕尔梅拉队队员不仅夺冠希望渺茫现在他们甚至开始担心自己的身家性命来。

    Palmeiras players, fearing possible violence from their fans, are keeping a low profile after successive home defeats effectively ended their Brazilian title hopes.


  • 张牌限制赛中是最爱,而且认为退出环境有希望在构筑谋得席之位。

    I'm a big fan of this card in Limited, and I think it may make its way onto the Constructed stage before it rotates out of Standard.


  • 那些希望猛虎坦克舒马赫测试取得最好成绩的车迷失望了这样的成绩正式那些希望舒马赫第一弯道击败的批评者们所希望的。

    Schumacher fans hoping he would instantly top the testing timesheets were disappointedbut so were those detractors who thought he'd bin it at the first corner.


  • 去年16强淘汰赛上米兰惨遭热淘汰,显然今年主帅格里希望球队更远

    Milan were eliminated by Tottenham Hotspur in the round of 16 of last year's edition of the Champions League and head coach Massimiliano Allegri's men will be determined to go further this term.


  • 去年16强淘汰赛上米兰惨遭热淘汰,显然今年主帅格里希望球队更远

    Milan were eliminated by Tottenham Hotspur in the round of 16 of last year's edition of the Champions League and head coach Massimiliano Allegri's men will be determined to go further this term.


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