• 罗表示,“希望工资至少上涨450

    I was hoping we would get at least 450 yuan more each month.


  • 受访者我们普通上班族希望工资收入增加

    Respondent: I'm an ordinary employee, I hope our income will increase.


  • 几乎每个希望工资增长一些,烦恼少一些!

    For most people, their troubles grow faster than salary, but almost every one want to the salary grows faster than trouble!


  • 没有希望工资缩减,于是一些不得不变得具有适应能力,”扬奎斯特

    "No one wants to take a pay cut, but some people have to be more adaptable," Youngquist says.


  • 但是失业率上升生产力闲置表明希望工资上涨的工人受到极力压制获得工资上涨。

    But rising unemployment and spare capacity suggest that workers who want higher wages will be hard pressed to win them.


  • 他们希望达成一项提高工资协议

    They were hoping for a better pay deal.


  • 事实上做家庭作业的动机雇主希望固定成本降到最低:在家工作的人没有福利工资正式员工

    In fact, homework is driven by employers' desires to minimize fixed costs: homeworkers receive no benefits and are paid less than regular employees.


  • 工作如果一个不再工资增加希望

    His job, if he has one, no longer gives him the hope of wage gains.


  • 告诉老板,我希望我的工资提高一些

    A: I told my boss I wanted my pay to be higher.


  • 通货紧缩麻烦并不仅仅米尔顿·弗雷德曼强调的协调问题如果大家都希望其他人采取行动,则很难降低工资价格

    The trouble with deflation isn't just the coordination problem Milton Friedman highlighted, in which it's hard to get wages and prices down when everyone wants someone else to move first.


  • 央行兴许希望飞涨石油食物价格证明只是信号但不会引发提高工资这样次级效应

    Central bankers may hope that soaring oil and food prices will prove to be just a blip, and will not result in secondary effects such as higher wages.


  • 他们工作表现不好是因为他们希望能够敷衍了事却仍然可以得到工资

    They do bad work because they want to take it easy and still get paid.


  • 老板们希望建立更严格工资上限规则球员当然愿意。

    Owners want tougher rules on salary caps; players, of course, don't.


  • 供给方面,接受良好教育、英语过硬印度人希望得到西方人工资一小部分。

    On the supply side, there was an army of well trained, English-speaking engineers demanding only a fraction of a Western salary.


  • 这样做目的希望消费价格上涨不会引发工资上涨。

    It wants to be sure that the rise in consumer prices does not trigger a rise in wage inflation.


  • 现实中打入银行账户工资你来说已经多大意义的时候,便会不满,开始希望能够出真正的追求

    The disconnect occurs however, when yourpractical careeris padding your bank account with money which means little to youand you wish you were out living your true purpose instead.


  • 一些消费者希望买到在当地种植食品人性对待动物身上得来的视频或者得到公平工资工人生产出来的产品

    Some shoppers want food that was grown locally, harvested from animals that were treated humanely or produced by workers who were paid a fair wage.


  • 西班牙走出目前困境最大希望在于出口身为欧元区成员西班牙无法采取货币贬值的策略,只能降低实际工资

    Spain's best hope of growing its way out of its mess is through exports; given that membership of the euro means it can no longer devalue, that requires falls in the real value of wages.


  • 希望看到员工工作开始日期,表现评语升迁工资变化

    I also like to see start dates, dates of reviews, dates of promotions, and all the changes in wages or salary.


  • 减税者们希望减少增长”的情况,如果发生这种情况,加工资纳税人赶到更高的收入征税档中,即便这种收入增加只是为了制衡通胀

    Tax-cutters want to alleviatecold progression,” which bumps taxpayers into higher brackets, even when their pay rises only keep up with inflation.


  • 下次发了工资时候希望下面5步走

    I want you to take the following 5 steps when you get your next paycheck.


  • 让我们返回我们场景希望计算出全体员工平均工资

    Let's return to our scenario: you want to be able to work out the average salary across the whole employee population. The way that you can do this is to let each partition calculate.


  • 最低工资支持者希望,最低工资的规定遵循其他规则例如工作小时上限

    Backers of the minimum wage hope that it will be followed with other rules, such as caps on working hours.


  • 由于最低工资反对者没有大机会能够成为国会或者议会的多数,他们只能依靠他们最后希望就是司法

    Since minimum-wage opponents have no reasonable chance of prevailing in Congress or state legislatures, they are turning to their last best hope: the judiciary.


  • 可思报告33%受访者是因为更好就业前景而选择辞职;25%的受访者是因为工资太低;还有13%是因为希望尝试一份新的工作

    The Mycos report says that 33 percent of the respondents changed jobs for better career prospects; 25 percent due to low payment and 13 percent just wanted to try new professions.


  • 显示出他拿着工资东西毫无兴趣,然而就是这样一个如此冷漠售货员或许当初也是满怀希望热情开始工作的。

    He displays no interest either in you or in the goods he is paid to sell. Yet possibly that very clerk who is now so apathetic began his career with hope and enthusiasm.


  • 告诉他们希望的是一个范围薪酬同时,也要询问这个职位工资范围。

    'Tell them you're looking for compensation in X range and, at the same time, ask about the range for that position,' she says.


  • 希望你们考虑经验受过的培训一份高于初级秘书工资

    I hope you'll consider my experience and training and will offer me a salary higher than the junior secretary's salary.


  • 希望你们考虑经验受过的培训一份高于初级秘书工资

    I hope you'll consider my experience and training and will offer me a salary higher than the junior secretary's salary.


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