• 如果一名聪明工程信任,那么应该

    If a smart engineer trusts me, he should come join me.


  • 以色列人所地方,我何曾以色列的个士就是吩咐牧养为何建造柏木的殿宇呢?

    Wherever I have moved with all the Israelites, did I ever say to any of their leaders whom I commanded to shepherd my people, 'Why have you not built me a house of cedar?


  • 以色列地方,我何曾以色列一个就是吩咐牧养你为何建造柏木的殿宇呢。

    Wheresoever I have walked with all Israel, spake I a word to any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to feed my people, saying, Why have ye not built me an house of cedars?


  • 分析普遍预计由于免税到期今后几个月房屋数据弱。

    Analysts widely expect housing data to weaken in the coming months because the credit has expired.


  • 但薇薇不是唯一时装增加色彩设计

    Vera wasn't the only designer who added some color to the catwalk, though.


  • 上个星期判入狱林赛·洛翰只不过是一则高调明星换下名设计设计的服装,穿上橘黄色狱服到监狱一趟的新闻而已。

    Last week's sentencing of Lindsay Lohan marked yet another instance of a high-profile celeb trading in designer duds for an orange jumpsuit.


  • 洛杉矶名摄影,因此无论我东到西相机永远与我形影不离。

    I am a photographer in Los Angeles. I carry a camera everywhere.


  • 以色列人所地方,我何曾以色列的个士就是吩咐牧养为何建造柏木的殿宇呢?

    Wherever I have moved with all the Israelites, did I ever say to any of their leaders whom I commanded to shepherd my people, 'Why have you not built me a house of cedar?'


  • 软件架构程序员项目(Software Architect and Programmer projects)更远这样只要你足够兴趣动力就可以参与进来

    The Software Architect and Programmer projects have gone further with a more public call for contributions, so that anyone with sufficient interest and motivation can contribute.


  • 今年阵容四位模特依旧霸占了各社交媒体并且世界顶尖设计也有了合作

    The four models in this year's lineup maintain a massive presence on social media and have worked with top designers worldwide.


  • 段视频上魔术拉哈特把自己伪装成了汽车座椅所以开车的时候看起来就好像这辆诡异的汽车在自己

    The footage shows magician Rahat disguise himself as a car chair, so when he drives it looks like no one is driving the mysterious vehicle.


  • 寻常路摄影比斯瓦斯,记录周遭多彩的世界过去年间自拍30多张。

    The unconventional photographer has taken over 30 selfies over four years in an attempt to record the world around her in the polychrome globe.


  • 按摩告诉霍德尔要求职员阿根廷的比赛逆时针绕球场制造能力

    One of the masseurs told me Glenn had asked the staff to walk around the pitch anti-clockwise during the game against Argentina to create positive energy.


  • 女士承认为了加州桑利尼亚的雅虎总部而做很多工作的,“首先然后,然后飞,”巴茨女士在证券分析会议中说到。

    Ms. Bartz acknowledged that much work was ahead for Yahoo, based in Sunnyvale, Calif. "First you walk, then you run, then you fly, " Ms. Bartz said in a conference call with securities analysts.


  • 首先然后,然后,”巴茨女士证券分析会议说到

    "First you walk, then you run, then you fly," Ms. Bartz said in a conference call with securities analysts.


  • 纽约时尚界随后跟进,16岁以下模特不准登台饮食失调模特必须寻求帮助。设计应该让模特儿后台能够进食

    New York responded, too. No models under 16 on the runway. Models with eating disorders are ordered to get help. And designers are encouraged to feed the models backstage.


  • 如果网上找不到酒,那就请事先餐厅一趟下酒单调酒聊聊

    If the wine list is not online, drop by the restaurant in advance, look over the list and talk with the sommelier.


  • 展览静态展示模特短片播放形式向嘉宾呈现学生设计品牌之间灵感碰撞与倾力合作视觉盛宴

    The exhibition presents a visual feast about the spiritual collision and cooperation between student designers and the brand owner in the form of static display, models' performance, and short videos.


  • 假如网上找不到葡萄酒就请事先餐厅一趟下葡萄酒单葡萄酒聊聊

    If the wine list is not online, drop by the restaurant in advance, look over the list and talk with the sommelier.


  • 智利工程宣称发明了世界上首款“偷不自行车”,他们表示,下那些信誓旦旦的偷车贼肯定没辙了

    A trio of Chilean engineers say they have found a way to thwart determined thieves with what they claim is the world's first 'unstealable bike.


  • 招徕外国零售商方面设计利用了美元机会。

    In wooing foreign retailers, designers are taking advantage of the weak dollar.


  • 我们举办告别派对我们设计为她所特别设计T恤一同亮相。我们的8位同事志愿作为模特上演了一场精彩的

    We held a farewell party for her featuring special designed T-shirts by our designers. 8 of our colleagues also volunteered to be the models to present these incredible works.


  • 作为青少年模特伊万第一次杂志封面十七岁》拍摄的,还为范思哲蒂埃里·穆勒等大牌设计

    As a teen model, Ivanka's first cover was for Seventeen magazine, and she walked the catwalk for designers including Versace and Thierry Mugler.


  • 当然我专著这个机会与工程讨论了下一步该怎样。 由于F1测试禁令因此联系了一些F1部门的人,看看他们是否车。

    There is this test ban in Formula 1, therefore I contacted some of the guys from F1 Clienti if they could give me a car.


  • 以色列地方,我何曾以色列的一个就是吩咐牧养为何建造柏木的殿宇呢?

    In all places where I have moved with all Israel, did I speak a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd my people, saying, "Why have you not built me a house of cedar?"


  • 他们继续往前会计了想就说:“你说,我们现在和原来一样但是我们吃了青蛙。”

    They go on. The accountant starts thinking: "Listen, we both have the same amount of money we had before, but we both ate frogs."


  • 这里个隐藏游戏机制:玩家在那些有独特训练所在的道路或者洞穴频繁,此地独特训练要求再次比赛几率越高。

    The Match Call can also keep track of more trainers than Trainer's Eyes, including having a few other non-trainers like the player's mother and Prof.


  • 这里个隐藏游戏机制:玩家在那些有独特训练所在的道路或者洞穴频繁,此地独特训练要求再次比赛几率越高。

    The Match Call can also keep track of more trainers than Trainer's Eyes, including having a few other non-trainers like the player's mother and Prof.


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