• 二连盆地布日凹陷勘探程度缺少井下地质地球物理资料

    Exploration level was low in the south of Buridun Sag of Erlian Basin, where it lacked geological and geophysical data.


  • 1432年法国官员布日召开会议,他们抱怨之下,国王1438年出版布日国事诏书

    The clergy of France met at Bourges in 1432, and with their consent the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges was published by the king in 1438.


  • 维奥莉特1917年420简短记录里吉承认此事

    Violet's diary entry for April 20, 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair.


  • 1896年九月21莱宁出生明尼苏达州早年居住在达科他南部

    Breuning was born on 21 September 1896, in Minnesota and spent his early life in South Dakota.


  • 1896年九月21出生明尼苏达州早年居住在达科他南部。那时候他家里没用上电自来水

    Breuning was born on 21 September 1896, in Minnesota and spent his early life in South Dakota. His family had no electricity or running water.


  • 按照2月16星期一数据显示经济2008年第四季度下滑速度达到13%。

    Its economy shrank at an annualised rate of nearly 13% in the last quarter of 2008, according to figures released on Monday February 16th.


  • 隆伯格1月17的市政咨文中,为上述问题提供一个答案

    Mr Bloomberg, who gave his state-of-the-city address on January 17th, offers an answer.


  • 8月8林·克斯顿,店主正弯腰通过店里一扇被破坏窗户

    A shopkeeper peers through a broken window of his shop in Brixton on Aug. 8.


  • 这位25岁妇女来自柬埔寨贡于2005年1月21出现呼吸道症状

    The 25-year-old woman was from Kampot Province in Cambodia, where she developed respiratory symptoms on 21 January 2005.


  • 1863年61蒙哥马利几百黑人士兵坐在炮艇里,一路沿河,小心地避开岸边易爆的矿井

    On June 1, 1863, Montgomery, Tubman and several hundred black soldiers traveled up the river in gunboats, avoiding remotely-detonated mines that had been placed along the waterway.


  • 劳德艺术基金会购得审判》,一个装有人造宝石巨大镀金柜子

    The Broad Art Foundation acquired "Judgement Day", a giant gold-plated cabinet containing lab diamonds.


  • 2月22迪拜石油储量丰富邻国扎的援手下走出了金融危机的牢笼。

    On February 22nd Dubai was hoisted out of its financial trouble by its oil-rich neighbour, Abu Dhabi.


  • 3月31孩子们在位于纽约市学校蓝色泡沫积木

    Children play with blue foam building blocks at the blue School in New York City on March 31.


  • 巴比伦王尼甲尼撒十九五月,巴比伦臣仆,护卫长尼拉旦来到耶路撒冷

    On the seventh day of the fifth month, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard, an official of the king of Babylon, came to Jerusalem.


  • 4月15伦敦,克里斯·麦凯马队法里尔·兰斯下士海德公园锻造车间焊接马蹄铁

    Farrier Lance Corporal of horse Chris McCabe welds a horseshoe in the forge at Hyde Park Barracks in London on April 15.


  • 65人们德班摩西·马·海达球场(背景)附近海滨冲浪

    People surf on the beach near the Moses Mabhida Stadium (background) in Durban on June 5, 2010.


  • 半岛电视台电视上广播这个视频,在1月4亚齐兹因烧伤死亡时,抗议已经席卷了突尼斯蔓延到了整个阿拉伯世界

    Al Jazeera showed the video on air, and by the time Bouazizi died of his burns on January 4th protests had broken out across Tunisia and spread across the Arab world.


  • 杰里米·多2月8消失当时正在自己房子后面泛滥红树林沼泽地里7岁哥哥瑞安以及他们小狗玩耍

    Jeremy Doble had been playing with his seven-year-old brother, Ryan, and their dog behind the family home in a flooded mangrove swamp when he disappeared on February 8.


  • 这种方法问题Verghese表示引用波兰-美国哲学家兼语义阿尔弗雷德·科斯基的话说,就是地图不是领土。”

    The problem with this approach, Verghese said quoting the Polish-American philosopherand father of semantics, Alfred Korzybski, is that "the map is not the territory."


  • 张照片是艺术家Wafaa Bilal2010年12月2星期四,从镜子可以看见的后脑勺。

    With the back of his head reflected in a mirror, artist Wafaa Bilal poses for a photograph Thursday, Dec. 2, 2010 in New York.


  • 6月10癌症赖恩·勒尼汉来说,白费功夫。

    For Brian Lenihan, who died of cancer on June 10th, it was impossibly hard.


  • 2008年情人节,帕梅拉·安德尔森表演特别打造的节目。节目根据塞尔·甘斯名曲哈利·戴维森》改编。

    On Valentine's Day 2008, Pamela Anderson performed a number specially created for her on a Harley Davidson based on the legendary Serge Gainsbourg song "Harley Davidson"...


  • 实际上德国别无选择09年2月16施泰因·吕克财长承认欧元区一些国家陷入危机,特别是爱尔兰

    Yet Germany may in reality have little choice. On February 16th Mr Steinbruck admitted that some countries in the euro, especially Ireland, were in trouble.


  • 首次苹果公司的竞争对手采用高规格手机对抗苹果公司10月4提诺市举行新闻发畅谈苹果”中即将推出的新产品。

    This is the first year when Apple's rivals may well have higher-specced phones than what comes out of Cupertino in the Let's Talk iPhone event on October 4.


  • 08年的欧锦赛将于08年77巴塞尔约科体育场拉开帷幕,决赛将于729维也纳恩斯特-哈普尔球场举行

    The tournament is due to kick off in Basel's st Jakob stadium on June 7, 2008, with the final being staged in Vienna's Ernst Happel stadium on June 29.


  • 今年8月22·伯利已是92高龄,这位科幻小说开创者者丝毫没有放缓脚步的意思

    Ray Bradbury turned 90 years old on Aug. 22, and the science fiction pioneer has no intention of slowing down.


  • 今年8月22·伯利已是92高龄,这位科幻小说开创者者丝毫没有放缓脚步的意思

    Ray Bradbury turned 90 years old on Aug. 22, and the science fiction pioneer has no intention of slowing down.


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