• 分钟后老将因扎吉,他超过姆松切里逼迫布封做出了奇迹般的指尖扑救

    After two minutes Pippo Inzaghi got in front of Boumsong and Chiellini, forcing Gigi Buffon into a fantastic fingertip save.


  • 康米神父胸前掏出信来,递给鲁尼·莱纳姆,并指了指拐角处的红色邮筒

    Father Conmee gave a letter from his breast to Brunny Lynam and pointed to the red pillarbox at the corner.


  • 收到了1000来信来自挪威各地他们类似的问题。由于我能坦诚对待诊断结果他们能比较容易地做到坦诚公。

    A: I received about 1000 letters from people across Norway, saying they had similar problems and that when I was open about my diagnosis, it became easier for them to be open as well.


  • 所以肯南就给里尔写了信,告诉格里尔,德瑞德·斯科特案件中做出强有力的裁决也许有助于给国家带来和平

    So Buchanan wrote to Grier. He told him that a strong decision in the Dred Scott case might do much to bring peace to the country.


  • 塞西莉亚:(中),莱欧妮不知怎么找到了地址写给我。

    Cecilia Tallis: [in a letter] my darling, Briony found my address somehow and sent a letter.


  • 请求自己巴斯医生短信。之后,他会在里斯托尔就地找个医生,并把这短信转交他。

    He asked his doctor in Bath to write a note to whatever doctor the businessman managed to scare up in Bristol to bring that new doctor up to speed on the case.


  • 如果说2010对于桑德拉·洛克来说像是坐过山车,估计否认,先是凭借影片《弱点》奥斯卡随后绯闻缠身的老公西·詹姆斯离婚

    Nobody would argue that 2010 has been an up-and-down year for Sandra Bullock, given her best actress Oscar for "The Blind Side" followed by her divorce from scandal-plagued husband Jesse James.


  • 但是周三中,奥巴马中国美国巨额贸易顺差与其货币价值操纵直接关联

    But in a letter released on Wednesday, Obama said China's huge trade surplus with the United States is "directly related to its manipulation of its currency's value."


  • ·伯格》引用鲍尔森写给投资者们相信我们处于纠正市场早期位置,这个市场最终会突然崩溃。”

    In a letter to his funds' investors quoted by Bloomberg, Paulson wrote: "we believe we are in the early stage of a correction in this market and that the market will eventually implode."


  • 因出演《幻想之地》而获本届金酸奖提名的艾迪•墨菲凭借《托•纳什月球历险记》、《间谍戴夫号飞船》等差评影片获十年最差演员”。

    Eddie Murphy, a 2009 Razzie nominee for "Imagine That," was named the decade's worst actor for such bombs as "The Adventures of Pluto Nash," "I Spy" and "Meet Dave."


  • “(使)每一电子邮件个人化。”社交媒体咨询公司-营销实验室总裁克里斯·,“次只发送一(电子邮件)。

    "Personalize each email, " says Chris Brogan, president of New Marketing Labs, a social-media consulting firm.


  • 泽尔爵士尝试进入内线,奥多姆和加索尔在那里等待他们,爵士面临的要么盖,要么是姿势难看的勉强投篮

    When Boozer and the Jazz have tried to get inside, Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol have been there to either swat away the shot or force an awkward attempt.


  • 阿不思·多。写过,请求您约见我,您非常仁慈地邀请今天过来。

    My name is Albus Dumbledore. I sent you a letter requesting an appointment and you very kindly invited me here today.


  • 衣服上撕下自己鲜血写下了最后

    Then he ripped a piece of his coat and using his own blood as ink, wrote his last letter.


  • 不仅仅争抢,威廉姆斯投篮挽救出界能够好的贴住泽尔

    Not only did he contest and block Williams' shot then save the ball from going out of bounds, he also perfectly timed when to leave Boozer.


  • 那次午餐几天母亲收到赖特参议员写来的我们一起吃饭开心,还说一定会为感到自豪。

    A few days after the lunch, Mother got a letter from Senator Fulbright saying that he had enjoyed our lunch and that she must be proud of me.


  • 1872年,雅各李维,信中提出可以共同拥有这项专利。

    In 1872 Jacob wrote a letter to Levi to suggest that the two men hold the patent together.


  • 对于不是重要人物的来说,威胁在于,网上寻找操纵摄像头的人可能出于一系列动机窥探他人隐私敲诈勒索,”科电子邮件中写道

    "For people who are not C. E. O. s, the threat is people scanning the Internet for accessible webcams for a range of motives, from voyeurism to extortion," Mr. Cobb wrote in an email.


  • 今天早上见到莱特·妈妈的一便函,明天因为件专利大案华盛顿,他最高法院去辩论。

    I saw a note this morning from Mr. Letterblair to Mamma saying that he was going to Washington tomorrow for the big patent case that he was to argue before the Supreme Court.


  • 多把装着小哈利解释篮子留在了德思门前

    Dumbledore leaves Harry with an explanatory note in a basket in front of the Dursley home.


  • 如果说2010对于桑德拉•洛克来说像是坐过山车,估计否认,先是凭借影片《弱点》奥斯卡随后绯闻缠身的老公西•詹姆斯离婚

    Nobody would argue that 2010 has been an up-and-down year for Sandra Bullock, given her best actress Oscar for " The Blind Side" followed by her divorce from scandal-plagued husband Jesse James.


  • 葛兰素史克公司于2007年2月通告医生注意这种潜在风险信函,这张贴美国FDA的官方网站上。

    GlaxoSmithKline notified doctors of the possible risk in a letter dated February 2007. That letter is posted on the FDA's web site.


  • 亚历山大·安罗休()1981年生于巴西

    Alessandra Ambrosio (see cover, r) was born in Brazil in 1981.


  • 自费城的信,普尔大学一位名叫哈维·洛德斯基的学生的。

    One letter was from Philadelphia. It was written by a Temple University student named Harvey Brodsky.


  • 下来麦尔郑重其事的

    He sat down and wrote a formal letter to Melbury.


  • 可以热熔使用溶解使用,主要应用于pvcPU尼龙涤纶为基材胶带织物非织物材料复合粘贴等。

    Heated or dissolved, it can be made into hot sealing tape at the substrates of PVC, PU, nylon, dacron, etc. and can be used as adhesives between woven and nonwoven materials.


  • 可以热熔使用溶解使用,主要应用于pvcPU尼龙涤纶为基材胶带织物非织物材料复合粘贴等。

    Heated or dissolved, it can be made into hot sealing tape at the substrates of PVC, PU, nylon, dacron, etc. and can be used as adhesives between woven and nonwoven materials.


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