• 本杰明·卢姆研究过数学家中,有一人对学校没有什么好感。

    About half of the mathematicians studied by Benjamin Bloom had little good to say about school.


  • 2017年1月数据显示,56%账单通过网络支付的,意味着只有不到账单是通过快递服务完成的。

    According to data released in January 2017, 56 percent of bills are paid online, which means that just under half of payments still rely on delivery services to be completed.


  • 周二一项研究显示19世纪30年代以来,加州已经失去了大树

    California has lost half its big trees since the 1930s, according to a study to be published Tuesday.


  • 芬顿说,发现了一个沙子水瓶看起来好像一开始那里

    Buffington says he found a soda bottle half buried in the sand that looked like it had been there since the beginning of time.


  • 芬顿说,发现了一个沙子水瓶,“看起来就像是一开始那里一样。”

    Buffington says he found a soda bottle half buried in the sand that "looked like it had been there since the beginning of time."


  • 指着做了一说:“这是用最好的丝绸织成的。现在如果我剪掉它,我之前所有的工作都白费了。这和你的学习是一样的。”

    Pointing at the half-done cloth, she said, "The cloth is woven from the best silk. Now if I cut it, all my previous work will be wasted. It's the same as your study."


  • 涨出尺。

    When the cloth was measured, it was found to be half a chi longer than expected.


  • 许多高中在毕业以前就已经流失超过的学生。隆·伯格保证会改变这种现状。

    Many high schools were losing more than half their.


  • 把手放在桌子上,站在那里看着桌子,桌子上整洁,一脏乱桌子这儿

    (She puts her hand on the dish towel which lies on the table, stands looking down at table, one half of which is clean, the other half messy.) It's wiped to here.


  • 马丁离开偶然赶上了里森登,已经走了通向大街便道的

    It chanced that when Martin was leaving, he overtook Brissenden already half down the walk to the street.


  • 时候雅各做了我们早已鼻涕直流,夹杂着准备形成的汗珠子。

    By the time Jacob and I were halfway done, we were already sniffling, with sweat beads ready to form.


  • 学习西班牙语但是里斯·斯或是赫·里奇度假在那里可以看到伦敦景象。

    Learn Spanish but take your holidays on Lesbos or in Hebden Bridge, where you will see half of north London.


  • 还有就是擦碗,不用着被你搭洗碗池边沿上,这时它成了真正厨房噩梦(可不是戈登·拉姆齐那种“厨房噩梦”)。

    Add to that the dishcloth you dry every dish with, which hangs semi-damp over the lip of the sink when not in use, and you've got a real kitchen nightmare (as opposed to the Gordon Ramsey kind).


  • 志向远大的印度人甘地巴基斯坦托而言,凭借家族名声谋上一官简直轻而易举

    For an aspiring Gandhi in India, or a Bhutto in Pakistan, exploiting the family name to get into politics is relatively simple.


  • 围绕控制战斗空前激烈,很多城镇被毁,从而迫使当地以上人口逃往山区。

    The fight to wrest control of Buner from the militants was fierce, shattering towns and forcing more than half the population to flee the mountainous region.


  • 所以着手幕后走出来》(雅各的第一部自传体小说)。

    So I started writing 'Coming From Behind' [Jacobson's semi-autobiographical first novel].


  • 官员70万口中大约有一逃离冲突

    Officials say about half the population of Buner, 700, 000 people, fled the conflict.


  • 官员70万口中大约有一逃离冲突

    Officials say about half the population of Buner, 700,000 people, fled the conflict.


  • 这个神秘灰色飞行物于上周日下午5点位于里斯托尔的诺里居民区上空滑行没有发出任何声音

    The mysterious grey object glided around the residential area of Knowle, Bristol, at 5.30pm on Sunday without making a sound.


  • 不过她们并不喜欢玛丽•波平斯那种朴实无华的鞋子偏爱意大利称作mezzotaco鞋:可以将这种鞋想象为介于卡拉·吕尼·萨科奇默克尔之间的那种风格。

    Not Mary Poppins's sensible shoes, but what Italians call mezzo tacco, half heel: halfway between Carla Bruni Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, you might say.


  • 兰顿就坐阴影中,着身子。给了勇气,使他有胆量凝视那位坐在火光中的女孩

    Brantain sat in one of these shadows, partially hidden. This gave him courage to stare at the girl who sat in the firelight.


  • 兰·尼夫雇用义务恢复时候,回来了,但薪水只有以前

    When Braniff came back because of the duty to hire, he came back at half the salary that he had made before.


  • 星期六项调查显示虽然有一法国认为学习外语很重要的,但三分之一以上的法国不说英语

    More than one third of French people do not speak English although more than half of them say that learning a foreign language at school is important, a survey published on Saturday showed.


  • 利多示意哈利岩石边缘,岩石上许多可供踩参差不齐的凹缝,通向下面那些悬崖周围、露出海面巨型卵石

    Dumbledore beckoned Harry to the very edge of the rock where a series of jagged niches made footholds leading down to boulders that lay half-submerged in water and closer to the cliff.


  • 第三光脚丫子碰到沙子叫喊起来,说时迟那时快,他缩回马镫上,一只脚到了脊背上。

    But the third time, as his bare feet touched the sand he screamed with pain and got one foot back in the stirrup and the other half over Bree's back before you could have said knife.


  • 第三光脚丫子碰到沙子叫喊起来,说时迟那时快,他缩回马镫上,一只脚到了脊背上。

    But the third time, as his bare feet touched the sand he screamed with pain and got one foot back in the stirrup and the other half over Bree's back before you could have said knife.


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