• 公司太原市龙盛钢材市场40号设有钢材销售部同时,在离石汾阳设有办事处

    Longsheng in Taiyuan steel market with the South 40 Sales of steel at the same time, in Lishi, Fenyang offices.


  • 克还承认劳动力市场复苏步伐缓慢情况受到极大关注但是其它资产购买中产生的通胀权衡吸引力越来越

    The slow pace of recovery in labour markets was of great concern, he admitted, but the inflation trade-offs from additional asset purchases are “getting less attractive”.


  • 即便风力发电场建成之前大西洋风能网也能佛吉尼亚成本的电能输送新泽西昂贵能源市场

    Even before wind farms are constructed, the AWC would ferry cheaper power from southern Virginia to expensive energy markets in New Jersey.


  • 表示讲话报纸报道中没有明确表示市场预期质疑投资者们对此可能有所误解,以为伯克对市场预期感到满意

    Investors may be misinterpreting the lack of an explicit challenge to market expectations in a speech or leak to a newspaper as a sign that Mr Bernanke is happy with them, he says.


  • 市场现在知道——部分是因为没有时间证明自己——作为一个救火员是否称职。

    What the markets do not yet know-partly because he has not had time to prove himself-is how good Mr Bernanke is with a fire extinguisher.


  • 先生肩头的重担投资者认为他应该最近市场某些稳定性承担部分的责任,当然肯定不是全部的责任。

    It is on Mr Bernanke's shoulders that investors believe some of the responsibility for the recent bout of market instability lies-though not all of it, by any means.


  • 随后20个月里使用了前所未有方式金融市场注入流动性

    Over the next 20 months, Mr Bernanke employed ever more creative means to inject liquidity into the financial markets.


  • 由于持续存在抵押贷款问题房地产市场仍然处于疲软中。

    Bernanke said the housing market is continuing to weaken as problems persist with mortgage lending.


  • 接着怀疑它是从一个大约的活市场跑出来的,而且继续逃命

    Nancy and I next theorized that the chicken had escaped from a live-poultry market about four blocks away and was on the run.


  • 雷曼兄弟破产引起股票市场崩溃之后,不会允许再有一个美国银行破产

    After the failure of Lehman Brothers caused the stock market to crash, Bernanke didn't allow another major U.S. bank to fail.


  • 雷曼兄弟破产引起股票市场崩溃之后,不会允许再有一个美国银行破产

    After the failure of Lehman Brothers caused the stock market to crash, Bernanke didn't allow another major U. S. bank to fail.


  • 同时补充说:“通胀前景高度不确定。”似乎淡化通货膨胀风险相对其它所面临的挑战——经济全球信贷市场

    And while he added that the "inflation outlook remains highly uncertain," Bernanke appeared to downplay inflation risks relative to other challenges facing the economy and global credit markets.


  • 佛罗里达州加州亚利桑那州其它重创住房市场外国人置业比重日益上升

    Foreigners have accounted for a growing share of home purchases in South Florida, Southern California, Arizona and other hard-hit markets.


  • 由于克没给出一个明确政策目标采取明确的行动,出于经济前景不容乐观的预测市场表现消极,这并不为人惊奇

    And it's also not surprising that having been left by Mr Bernanke without a clear policy goal or action in mind, markets have gone on responding to bad news by projecting bad economic outcomes.


  • 住房市场拖累经济主要因素,但是经历了长期低落之后,现在呈现反弹迹象

    In the housing market, which has been a key drag on the economy, Bernanke says after a long period of decline there are signs of a bottoming out.


  • 昨天国会证词金融市场发出一个明确响亮信息美联储正“准备而且能力”应对美国经济。

    In his Congressional testimony yesterday, Mr. Bernanke had a clear and loud message to financial markets: the Fed is "prepared" and have the "means" to take action on the economy.


  • 然而学术研究准确评估金融市场紊乱的风险所在。

    Nonetheless, Mr Bernanke’s academic research gave him an acute appreciation of the risks posed by dysfunctional financial markets.


  • 人为地将利率保持低位一做法已经使联邦公开市场委员会内部产生多年以来最大分歧

    Bernanke's decision to keep interest rates artificially low has resulted in the most divided Federal Open Market Committee in years.


  • 美元贬值多少取决于金融市场如何看待对于通胀关注他们美联储乐观,美元贬值将越

    How far and fast the dollar falls will depend in part on how financial markets view Mr Bernanke's concerns about inflation. The more sanguine they think the Fed is, the faster the likely slide.


  • 这次震荡的讲话稳定市场显示赢得信任——尽管是以一种更为“凝聚共识”的风格

    Mr Bernanke's words steadied markets during that turmoil, suggesting he has won credibility - albeit with a more consensual style.


  • 最近一次讲话明确指出,未见房地产市场萧条有任何扩散到其他行业迹象

    In a recent speech Mr Bernanke made it clear that he saw little sign of the housing recession spreading elsewhere.


  • 贝尔表示严厉的金融法案以及市场压力将会导致大型金融机构缩减规模。

    Bair and Bernanke said tougher rules and market pressures will lead huge firms to voluntarily shrink themselves.


  • 拉贾拉特先生上诉如果这次审判保持不变,胆量的检察官们来说,那么这次定罪优先考虑内幕交易市场滥用一次重大胜利

    Mr Rajaratnam will appeal but if it stands, the conviction is a major victory for emboldened prosecutors, who are making insider trading and market abuse a priority.


  • 派特·布坎正在捍卫自由市场呢!

    Pat Buchanan is defending the free market!


  • 派特·布坎正在捍卫自由市场呢!

    Pat Buchanan is defending the free market!


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