• 其次证券市场制度完善势在必行。

    Second, the institution of the stock market must be improved.


  • 这种市场制度使某些缺乏收入以致饿死

    Such a system might dictate that some people starve from lack of income.


  • 当代国际竞争归根到底不同市场制度之间竞争

    Modern international competition is the institutional competitions among the various markets in the final analysis.


  • 市场制度变迁人类文化演进一个互动过程

    The change of market systems and the evolution of human cultures are a process of interaction.


  • 证券市场制度缺陷开放式基金流动性风险外生性诱因。

    The institutional defect of securities market is the exogenous reason causing liquidity risk of the open-ended fund.


  • 问题根源可能基金管理水平与我国证券市场制度的不完善性上。

    The reason of the problem could be the faultiness of security market system in China.


  • 我国目前劳动力市场机制的缺陷:劳动力市场制度分割扭曲

    China's present labor market mechanism is inefficient, which is reflected in institutional separation and distortion of labor market;


  • 市场制度演化受到文化直接非正式约束间接强制性约束。

    The change of market systems is subject to both direct informal and indirect compulsory restraints of culture.


  • 房地产市场结构失衡看,广州市房地产市场制度特殊安排

    From the structural imbalances at the real estate market, It is a special arrangement of real estate market system in Guangzhou.


  • 三板市场功能定位论文一个重点,是三板市场制度构建出发点

    Function orientating of the Third Board Market is the focal point of the thesis and the starting place for the building of Third Board Market.


  • 解决问题过程中,重要保持平衡破坏那些使市场制度得以发挥作用关键要素

    It is important, as problems are being addressed, to keep a balance and not to undermine some of the key elements of a functioning market system.


  • 近代市场制度形成的理性经济观商业精神契约文化信用观念密切相关。

    The development of the modern market system is closely related to man's concept of rational economy, commercial spirit, bond culture and credit concept.


  • 根本性制度是指技术创新决定作用制度包括竞争性市场制度激励产权制度

    Fundamental systems refer to the systems that play a decisive role in technological innovation, including competitive market system and incentive property system.


  • 循环经济制度构建应包括三个方面法律法规、经济激励市场制度以及公众参预制度

    The institution of circular economy includes three aspects: relevant laws, economic stimulation and participation of public in circular economy.


  • 由此,退休制度调整在总体延迟基础上包容差异性,应劳动力市场制度完善同步推进。

    Therefore extension reform should be inclusive and carried out in synch with the perfection of the labor market system.


  • 继续扩大需求推进市场制度安排提高就业水平促进中国经济转入稳定增长重要基础

    Continuing to increase aggregate demand, promoting arrangement of market system and enhancing employment level are the important basis of pushing China's economy into steady growth.


  • 2006年中国证券市场制度变革年,伴随股权分置问题解决,证券市场进入了后股权分置时代。

    There will be huge changes in securities market in 2006. With the solution of non-tradable share problem, securities market will begin to "post-non-tradable share period".


  • 2006年中国证券市场制度变革年,伴随股权分置问题解决,证券市场进入了后股权分置时代

    There are huge changes in Securities Market in 2006. With the solution of non-tradable share problem, Securities Market will step into "Post-Non-Tradable Share Period".


  • 科技进步市场制度有机结合人类社会不断走向高级化的主推不断开辟着人类活动新的自由空间

    The organic combination of science development and market system is the essential force to push human society to go higher and higher, to explore new spaces for human activities.


  • 股份制企业所有权控制权分离源于股份制企业制度下的企业法人资产制度股权自由交易股票市场制度

    The separation of ownership and control of corporations lies on system for corporate asset, limited liabilities of stockholders and the system of stock market which equity exchange is free.


  • 中国劳动力市场制度非均衡又成为市场制度变迁的诱致因素轨迹就是劳动力市场制度变迁的轨迹。

    Institution disequilibrium of Labour market in China is a cause factor of changes of institution of this market, and its trace is just the trace of changes of institution of Labour market.


  • 之相反我国由于缺乏全部部分这些基本制度特征市场制度呈现出成熟、不规范、不完善的特点

    Contrary to it, because our country lacks these basic system quality characteristics of all or the part, its market system demonstrates not standard, not perfect characteristic.


  • 有关市场有限理性(非理性)考察旨在澄清市场制度特征及其弱点不是市场神话”的完美性辩护

    The aim of the survey of the limited rationality of markets is to clarify the features and weak points of the market system, but not to defense the perfection of the "legend of market".


  • 本文旨在探讨比较工业关系领域一个有趣的问题到底劳动市场制度对于工业冲突程度变化有无举足轻重影响

    This paper is aimed at exploring an interesting question in comparative industrial relations literature: Do labor market institutions matter influencing the variations of industrial, conflict?


  • 我国劳动合同法一般意义上讲一部“就业保护法”,颁布实施的确健全完善我国劳动力市场制度

    The "Labor Contract Law"in China improved and perfected the system of labor market in China, which is an employment-protection law.


  • 古典经济学效用劳动供给理论隐含假设:工人实现效用最大化可自由选择工作时间,不受劳动市场制度影响。

    In the utility theory of labor supply of the neoclassic economic regime, for utility maximization workers have full freedom to choose their working hours.


  • 德巴赫伊拉克市场敞开的,本着竞争的原则,任何国家公司企业可以我们出口因为我们是以自由市场制度为基础的。

    He says that the Iraqi market is open and any country or company or business can export to us, since we rely on a free-market system, based on competition.


  • 解决市场机制中存在问题需要信用治理角度重新安排市场制度强制信息披露消费者权益保护社会价值目标导向方面的具体措施。

    To solve the problem of market mechanism, new intuitional arrangement from the view of credit governance is needed, such as mandatory disclosure, consumer equity protection, social value direction.


  • 解决市场机制中存在问题需要信用治理角度重新安排市场制度强制信息披露消费者权益保护社会价值目标导向方面的具体措施。

    To solve the problem of market mechanism, new intuitional arrangement from the view of credit governance is needed, such as mandatory disclosure, consumer equity protection, social value direction.


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