• 评级机构本来应该市场服务实际优先效忠于付给它们评级费用债券发行者。

    Rating agencies were supposed to serve the market, but their first loyalty seems to have been to the issuers who were paying their fees.


  • 塔克特先生个高度视角俯瞰这场危机,尼古拉斯•邓巴在一个低下肮脏位置新书描述众多细节——关于信贷衍生市场的《恶魔的衍生品》。

    Mr Tuckett takes a lofty view of the crisis, but Nicholas Dunbar gets down-and-dirty with the details in his book, “The Devil’s Derivatives”, about the credit derivatives market.


  • 球赛转播而言,现金为上原则显然有损英超联盟的市场地位的。

    The money-up-front principle has undoubtedly damaged the Premier League's market position as far as broadcasting is concerned.


  • 给予部分资料如规格材质的情况下,由参与者决定创造产品(一个有关气候改变棋类游戏),并且,每个人都要将问题卡片产品起名,定商标市场策略

    Given a few guidelines on size and materials, they decided what to create (a board game about climate change), wrote a deck of question CARDS, and came up with a name, logo, and marketing strategy.


  • 当然欧盟了达到越来越严苛环保目标,要求大幅度削减二氧化碳排放量,不但F1受到了影响,法拉利的超级跑车市场被进一步挤压。 法拉利混合动力的599型跑车售价将是以汽油燃料的559 GTB Fiorano跑车售价的两倍,达到41.4万英镑,而前者正是在后者的基础开发出来的。

    Rather, it is being driven by the EU's tough environmental targets to cut carbon dioxide emissions, which could otherwise see Ferrari's supercars squeezed out of the market.


  • 提到这样事实员工可以他们生产汽车——实际产品开辟了一个市场

    He also mentioned the fact that his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles that they produced -in effect creating a market for the product.


  • 提到这样事实员工可以他们生产汽车——实际产品另开辟了一个市场

    He also mentioned the fact that his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles that they produced — in effect creating a market for the product.


  • 数量标准来看,中国世界最大电动汽车市场

    That would make China the biggest market for electric vehicles, by volume, in the world.


  • 一方面,这种市场实质资本形成提供了补贴。

    On the other hand, such a market essentially subsidises capital formation.


  • 世界黄金协会表示,2010年印度是世界最大的黄金消费市场总的黄金需求量963,同比增长了66%。

    India was still the biggest market for gold during 2010, with total demand rising by 66% to 963 tons, the WGC said.


  • 保持增长规模更大的公司需要拓展欧洲以外先进武器系统市场发掘世界最大市场——美国

    To sustain growth, the larger firms needed to grow outside the limited European market for sophisticated weapon systems, and tap into the world's largest market - the USA.


  • 中国媒体这类信息常常被报导市场传言

    Such information is often reported in the Chinese press as market rumors.


  • OFT本案相关市场界定(中型全国性巡回演出提供地区性剧院)压根可能任何人的名片找到

    The OFT's definition of the relevant market in this case (the "provision of regional theatres for medium-scale national touring productions") is unlikely to be found on anyone's business card.


  • 美国房地房利实际银行家开发商们担保了最低价格由此制造市场最终无法持续。

    In the us, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac virtually guaranteed minimum prices for bankers and developers, creating a market which eventually became unsustainable.


  • 一次从跳蚤市场星巴克淘回点儿有趣的东西什么时候

    When is the last time somebody went to the flea market to get something for a Starbucks store?


  • 各州准备时间,而且创立交易市场理论并不复杂,就像各州雇员们提供医保待遇一样。

    The states have four years to prepare, and creating an exchange is, in theory, no more complicated than what states do in providing health-benefit options to public employees.


  • 实际单方面举措市场解读一种监管机构实施的奇异的报复行动,会导致更多恐慌地抛售

    In fact, the unilateral move was interpreted by markets as an act of erratic regulatory spite, resulting in more panic selling.


  • 去年夏天,丰田推出欧洲市场打造新车设计改变。那时,踏板问题美国还未触礁。

    It introduced the design change for new cars being built in Europe last summer, before sticky pedal problems came to a head in the United States.


  • 防止一危机重演,世界最大小麦进口国埃及突尼斯阿尔及利亚约旦现货交易市场大量购入,抵制俄罗斯禁令

    To head this off Egypt, the world’s biggest importer of wheat, as well as Tunisia, Algeria and Jordan, have all reacted to the Russian ban by buying extra wheat on the spot market.


  • 已经连续个月汽车销售例,再次超过美国世界最大汽车销售市场

    Take car sales, which rose in March for the third straight month, once again making China the largest market for automobiles in the world, ahead of the U.S..


  • 于此同时商务化人际关系网linkedin世界最大的以商业中心的社交网络最近宣布了进军股票市场计划

    Meanwhile LinkedIn, the world's biggest business-centric social network, recently announced its plan to float on the stock market.


  • Napster的游戏最终定性非法(本质基于盗版),但是乔布斯看到技术可以唱片工业建立一个合法市场保证利润来源

    Napster's game was ultimately found illegal (it was essentially based on theft), but Jobs saw that the technology could create a legal market by ensuring the music industry a stream of revenues.


  • 所以呢,不足comScore市场调查公司的手机服务部进行了一次调查,由此发现日本人世界“联络紧密”的手机用户

    So it shouldn't come as much surprise that a survey by research group comScore's MobiLens service finds that the Japanese are the 'most connected' mobile-phone users in the world.


  • 爱迪生最初精力主要放在对说话声音复制,然而时隔不久,爱迪生这项发明音乐应用价值便世人所认识,推向了市场

    While Edison concentrated at first mainly on the reproduction of voice, it was not long before the musical uses of his invention were recognized and marketed.//


  • 多纳霍一方面强调eBay在线跳蚤市场地位尝试网站转型更加传统的在线零售,赚取回头客。

    While emphasising eBay’s origins as a marketplace for used and vintage goods, he has since tried to lure back shoppers by turning eBay into a more traditional online retailer.


  • 通过不同价格这样分解,我们能够市场需求曲线表示单个消费者需求曲线横向加总

    By doing this for various prices, we can express the market demand curve as the horizontal sum of the demand curves of the individual consumers.


  • 通过不同价格这样分解,我们能够市场需求曲线表示单个消费者需求曲线横向加总

    By doing this for various prices, we can express the market demand curve as the horizontal sum of the demand curves of the individual consumers.


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