• 巴迪克说:“患者需要积极配合治疗,他们需要很多工作我们实施的治疗绝不是将一个模子放入腿里而后等待那么简单。

    The patient needs to do their part, and that involves a lot of workwe aren’t just putting a cast on the leg and waiting,” Badylak said.


  • 巴迪克说:“患者需要积极配合治疗,他们需要很多工作。”我们实施的治疗绝不是将一个模子放入腿里而后等待那么简单。

    "The patient needs to do their part, and that involves a lot of work - we aren't just putting a cast on the leg and waiting," Badylak said.


  • 会议结束相信这个保障条款协议印度全世界好处。

    Speaking after the meeting, ElBaradei said he believed the agreement is good for India and the world.


  • 你们已经回来你们权利我们现在已经没有退路了。”人群说道

    "You have taken back your rights and what we have begun cannot go back," Mr ElBaradei told the crowd.


  • 或许即使自己也没有奢望自己允许成为一个正式挑战者

    Perhaps not even Mr ElBaradei himself expects that he may be allowed to become a serious challenger.


  • 很多方面认为威胁夸大其词。” 巴迪面对原子科学家简报》时如是说。

    In many ways, I think the threat has been hyped,” he told the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.


  • 和艾不一样,华盛顿知道可以打交道

    Unlike ElBaradei, he’s a man Washington knows it can deal with.


  • 已经提议建立跨国燃料中心作为避免危险技术个别国家滥用一种方式

    Mr ElBaradei and others have suggested multinational fuel centres as a way to avoid dangerous technologies being abused by individual governments.


  • 一些附近了年纪支持者甚至仍然记得涅利开的肉店以及当年十几岁的克·迪沃是怎样着车到处肉块的。

    Some older supporters from around the San Saba district even remember the Ranieri family's butchers shop, and how Claudio himself would deliver cuts of meat by bike as a teenager.


  • 伊朗表示如果联合国安理会不再纠缠,并文件归还IAEA自行处理将应之请签署附加议定书。这几乎不可能的!

    Iran says it would sign the additional protocol as Mr ElBaradei asks if the UN Security Council got off its back and its nuclear file was returned to the IAEA to handle alone.


  • 接下来年里莫瓦赫迪不断骚扰进行恐吓甚至求婚

    Bahrami said that over the next two years, Movahedi harassed her and made threats, even asking her to marry him.


  • 艾尔丁说:“比如象巴面包那些买得起优质面包的应该享受这项补贴。

    "Balady bread in particular should not be made available to people who can afford better bread," he said.


  • 下属们表示看来没有任何东西驱散笼罩在伊朗核计划上的伊朗秘密西方疑虑阴影

    Nothing Mr ElBaradei's men say looks able yet to dispel the cloud of Iranian secrecy and Western suspicion that hovers over Iran's nuclear programme.


  • 尼科巴斯一个诊所曼迪在布里斯托的只有英里远,于是曼迪决定去拜访一下——尽管马克非常怀疑

    Nicola had a clinic in Bath, just a few miles from the Parryshome in Bristol, so Mandy decided it was worth a visit - though Mark was highly sceptical.


  • 指责叙利亚据称涉及可疑活动的问题没有给予充分合作

    ElBaradei also criticized Syria for failing to fully cooperate in allegations it is also involved in questionable nuclear activities.


  • 说法最好伊朗在检查人员密切监管继续有限工作

    Mr ElBaradei's argument is that it is better to let Iran continue limited work under close supervision.


  • 敦促伊朗华盛顿建议作出回应,并且希望之间对话尽快开始

    ElBaradei urged Iran to respond to Washington's overture and said he hopes a dialogue between the two countries can begin as soon as possible.


  • 曾经表示愿意领导反对派运动

    Mister ElBaradei has said he is willing to lead an opposition movement.


  • 可能已经注意到,国际原子能机构总干事德黑兰研究燃料供应问题提出协议草案

    A: You may have noticed that the International Atomic Energy Agency Director General ElBaradei has proposed a draft agreement on the nuclear fuel supply of Tehran's research reactor.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈特》中,麦克唐纳先生为阿姆·巴尼故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟穆柯西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • ,人们怀疑以色列去年轰炸的叙利亚沙漠地区设施一个反应堆,叙利亚排除这方面的怀疑。

    ElBaradei said also Syria has failed to clear suspicion that a desert site bombed by Israel last year was a nuclear reactor.


  • 国际原子能机构干事巴6号抵达以色列开始进行为期的访问,目的是要求以色列至少默认拥有核武器或制造核武器的能力。

    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Mohamed El Baradei arrives on July 6th to start his two days' vistit, in order to convince Israel to reveal its nuclear programs.


  • 中方支持有关各方尽早国际原子能机构干事巴提出协议草案达成一致。

    A: China supports the efforts of the parties concerned in reaching an early agreement on the draft accord proposed by the former IAEA Director General Mohamed El Baradei.


  • 他们中的许多人怀着万分惊恐的心情走进”监狱一位迪亚工作美军羁押者专家,一等中士宾尼·巴尔博表示

    "A lot of them are scared to go" to Iraqi prisons, says Sgt 1st Class Penny Barber, a US military detainee specialist working in Diyala.


  • 所有这些组织成立历史超过8,而的国改联刚刚成立了一

    None of these groups is more than eight years old, and El Baradei's NAC was formed only last year.


  • 2008年11月,伊朗曾出现过类似案件。 当时,马吉德.莫瓦哈迪曾因向拒绝嫁给的阿米娜.巴米尔硫酸有罪,法庭判处他挖去双眼

    In a similar case in November 2008, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to lose both eyes after being found guilty of throwing acid at Ameneh Bahramia woman who refused to marry him.


  • 2008年11月,伊朗曾出现过类似案件。 当时,马吉德.莫瓦哈迪曾因向拒绝嫁给的阿米娜.巴米尔硫酸有罪,法庭判处他挖去双眼

    In a similar case in November 2008, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to lose both eyes after being found guilty of throwing acid at Ameneh Bahramia woman who refused to marry him.


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