• 佳妈妈的礼物关于玻利维亚男孩的故事,自己父亲一起赶着一骆驼外出贩

    "The Gift of Pachamama" is about a little boy in Bolivia. He travels with his father and a herd of llamas to trade salt.


  • 今年早些时候布亚企鹅转运途中暂时加入这些洪堡企鹅的体。

    The penguins had been joined temporarily by a group of Gentoo penguins earlier this year while they were in transit.


  • 布亚企鹅栖息南极洲西尔瓦海湾结冰岸上

    A group of gentoo penguins nests on an icy shore of Cierva Cove, Antarctica.


  • 他们混蛋!”罗莫·托夫下午阳光肆意的骂道,在他旁边的则是一待售的日产轿车。

    "They are a bunch of arseholes," Roma Butov said unapologetically, standing in the afternoon sunshine next to a row of unsold Nissans.


  • 正当它们快乐采摘鲜花编织花环的时候,膘肥体壮的来到了片草地上,欧罗一眼看见牛中那一只高贵华丽的金牛

    When they picked up flowers and happily wove garlands, a large and strong ox came to them. Europa was soon attracted by this noble and fabulous-looking animal.


  • 太阳刚刚落山非洲蜜蜂围着一朵尔沙打转。

    Africanized honeybees swarm toward an Ochroma flower just after sunset.


  • 大卫击杀时候,利逊了一,自己作他们头目,大马居住在那里作王。

    He gathered men around him and became the leader of a band of rebels when David destroyed the forces of Zobah; the rebels went to Damascus, where they settled and took control.


  • 斯瓦尔挪威大陆以北将近1000公里之外岛屿,距离北极大约1120公里

    Svalbard is a group of islands nearly a thousand kilometres north of mainland Norway and about 1120 km from the north Pole.


  • 欧叶说,这个视频”把那些完全迷失自我、无人问津的比作深海中的一小

    The video, explains Bardaouil, is a "metaphor for these people who have been completely lost, unheard, like those rare fish in the depths of ocean."


  • 岩石所含有碳酸盐十分相近,而一点对于研究来说十分关键因为皮尔拉地区的岩石用于研究35亿年前地球早期阶段生命

    The similarities between the two sets of rocks in terms of carbonates is important because Pilbara is used to study the early stages of life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago.


  • 地方长官及其属下抬头张望之际,在荷兰军官•范霍夫(Janvan Hoof)呼叫下,F-16战机呼啸格兰上空。 机加大油门俯冲直下,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声摄人心魄,令人难忘。

    As the governor and his officials looked on, Jan van Hoof, a Dutch commander, called in a group of F-16 fighter jets, which swooped over the city of Baghlan, their thunderous afterburners engaged.


  • 10年前充满冒险精神的酿酒师们目光投向了阿根廷名为SanPatriciodelchanar山谷,一个异常肥沃拥有奇异美丽景色的塔哥尼亚角落

    Ten years ago, a group of adventurous winemakers set their sights on an Argentine valley called San Patricio del chanar, an unusually fertile and eerily beautiful corner of Patagonia.


  • 2011年10月5日,印度古吉拉特邦首府艾哈迈达以西140公里Siyani单身汉。

    A group made up mostly of unmarried men poses for aphotograph in the remote village of Siyani, about 140km (86 miles) west of Gujarat'scapital of Ahmedabad, India, on October 5, 2011.


  • 1945年1月12日,科涅夫率领俄国集团军华沙南面维斯杜拉河上游拉诺夫桥头堡出击,西里西亚推进。

    On January 12, 1945, Konev's Russian army group broke out of its bridgehead AT Baranov on the upper Vistula south of Warsaw and headed for Silesia.


  • 大卫击杀琐时候,利逊招,自己作他们的头目,大马士革居住那里作

    And he gathered men unto him, and became captain over a band, when David slew them of Zobah: and they went to Damascus, and dwelt therein, and reigned in Damascus.


  • 位于菲律宾南部,与民大那峨岛西南部狭窄锡兰海峡分隔锡兰这个最大一个。

    A group of islands in the southern Philippines separated from southwest Mindanao by the narrow Basilan Strait Basilan island is the largest island in the group.


  • 最新新闻报道中,国家电视台播放了这位苏丹灵柩身穿白袍男人埋葬法阿瓦的镜头。同机遇难还有的一位当参议员的儿子。

    The late news bulletin on state television showed images of the sultan's coffin being buried in Sokoto by a crowd of men in white robes. His son, a senator, also died in the crash.


  • 加拿大马尼托哈得逊潜水觅食。离摄影师最近一只白放出空气下潜

    A pod of beluga whales diving to feed in Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada. The whale nearest to the photographer is releasing air to aid its descent.


  • 锡兰:位于菲律宾南部岛,与民大那峨岛西南部狭窄锡兰海峡分隔锡兰这个最大的一个。

    A group of islands in the southern Philippines separated from southwest Mindanao by the narrow Basilan Strait. Basilan island is the largest island in the group.


  • 在随同前往客店老板建议下,朝圣者达成一致意见,每人轮流故事娱乐大家旅途愉快

    Urged by the host of the Tabard, who accompanies them, the pilgrims agree to tell tales to amuse the group and to lighten the journey.


  • 实验患突出的特有的症状症候在临床上与羊的杆菌病十分相似。

    There were no specific symptoms or syndromes arising in the tested sheep, which was clinically similar to pasteurellosis.


  • 发现

    The Black Mambas are found in pairs or small groups.


  • 的生活图片。等待它们的主人窗户偷看城市的狗,一个高端照料集中街。

    Pooches awaiting their masters peek from a window at Fog City Dogs, a high-end care center on Lombard Steet.


  • 喜马拉雅构造石榴辉石岩透镜产于麻粒相变质的长英质片麻岩泥质片岩之中。

    Garnet pyroxenite occurs as lenses in granulite-facies metamorphic granitic gneiss and pelitic schist in the Namjagbarwa Group-complex of the eastern Himalayan tectonic syntaxis.


  • 1945年1月12日,科涅夫率领的俄国集团军华沙南面维斯·杜拉河上游拉诺夫桥头堡出击西里西亚推进。

    1945, Konev's Russian army group broke out of its bridgehead AT Baranov on the upper Vistula south of Warsaw and headed for Silesia.


  • 森:好比说,今天下午西蕾娜

    Ethan: Well, like, this afternoon the Brazilians are going to teach Rena and I how to dance the (4) samba.


  • 摘要《责任》是罗迪? 多伊尔“利镇三部曲一部作品,它以都柏林北部利镇上年青人组建乐队经历为叙事内容,生动描绘了乐队的排练和演出过程。

    The commitments the first book of roddy doyle's "barrytown trilogy" recounts how a band of soul music run by a group of dublin youngsters disbands with a new band being conceived.


  • 摘要《责任》是罗迪? 多伊尔“利镇三部曲一部作品,它以都柏林北部利镇上年青人组建乐队经历为叙事内容,生动描绘了乐队的排练和演出过程。

    The commitments the first book of roddy doyle's "barrytown trilogy" recounts how a band of soul music run by a group of dublin youngsters disbands with a new band being conceived.


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