• 的确邀请巴博塔拉星期四前往亚的斯亚贝巴参加非洲联盟发起的会谈

    He did invite both Gbagbo and Ouattara to African Union-sponsored talks in Addis Ababa on Thursday.


  • 那些没法弄的人们,生活很快就变得十分艰难引起塔拉巴博支持者愤怒和反叛。

    For those without access to ready money, life will soon become very difficult indeed. And that will cause anger and revolt-among both Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters.


  • 那些没法弄的人们,生活很快就变得十分艰难引起塔拉巴博支持者愤怒和反叛。

    For those without access to ready money, life will soon become very difficult indeed.And that will cause anger and revolt-among both Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters.


  • 巴拉接下来年里赫迪不断骚扰进行恐吓甚至求婚

    Bahrami said that over the next two years, Movahedi harassed her and made threats, even asking her to marry him.


  • 他的父亲巴米扬南部拉斯地区一个叫哈夫戈蒂的村庄种植庄稼,并且在那个区的中心地段开了一家餐馆。

    Shafaq's father farmed in their village Haft Gody in Waras a district in southern Bamian and ran a restaurant in the district center.


  • 宣布塔拉对手巴博持续了月的权力争夺中获得胜利表示欢迎

    The announcement welcomed Alassane Ouattara's victory in a power struggle against his rival Laurent Gbagbo, which lasted more than four months.


  • 拉”由于始终相同报酬认为是 “从底层不断向上攀爬”的社会企业家典范。

    The dabbawalas, who all receive the same pay, are also seen as paragons ofbottom upsocial entrepreneurship.


  • 即使大多数将军貌似忠于巴博先生清楚大约三分之二的官兵都把票投给了塔拉先生。

    Though most of the generals seem loyal to Mr Gbagbo, he knows that around two-thirds of the forces' rank and file voted for Mr Ouattara.


  • 西非国家经济共同体威胁通过武力巴博赶下台,如果权力交给他对手塔拉。

    ECOWAS has threatened to remove Mr. Gbagbo by force if he does not cede power to rival Alassane Ouattara.


  • 刚刚从竞争对手巴博艰难赢得权力塔拉表示警方维持法律秩序

    Mr Ouattara, who recently won a power struggle with his rival Laurent Gbagbo, said law and order would be maintained by the police.


  • 录像可能巴基斯坦济里斯坦地区,据霍斯16公里(10英里),在那儿巴拉维在美军基地内部将自己引爆。

    It was probably filmed in Pakistan's North Waziristan region, 16km (10 miles) from Khost, where Mr Balawi blew himself up inside an American army base.


  • 塔拉支持者巴博青年羽翼塔拉内阁成员住所

    And Ouattara supporters say Gbagbo's youth wing is ransacking the homes of members of Ouattara's cabinet.


  • 作为流经波兰境内条干流维斯河发源于波兰南部喀尔巴阡山脉巴拉·尼亚山麓。

    A major river in Poland, the Vistula originates on the western slopes of the mountain Barania gora in the Carpathian Mountains in southern Poland.


  • 卫组织收到布基纳法索东南部邻近科特迪边界巴蒂埃、加邦福拉发生黄热病暴发报告

    WHO has received reports of an outbreak of yellow fever in Batie, Gaoua and Banfora districts in Burkina Faso in the southeast of the country, near the border with Côte d'Ivoire.


  • 曾经巴卡拉、凡陀集团娇兰以及最近的萨尔多·菲拉格慕担任这些品牌北美营销总裁

    Her experience includes working for Baccarat, the Movado Group, Guerlain and, most recently, Salvatore Ferragamo, where she served as senior vice president of marketing for the brand in North America.


  • 大选以来,塔拉一直遭到巴博围攻,于是藏身阿比让高尔夫酒店上个月塔拉认为时候,该动用军事力量了。

    Late last month, holed up in the Hotel du Golf in Abidjan where he had been under siege since the election by forces loyal to Mr Gbagbo, Mr Ouattara decided it was time to resort to his own forces.


  • 支持巴博激进分子塔拉社区设立了路障

    Gbagbo militants have set up barricades in pro-Ouattara neighborhoods.


  • 西非国家经济共同体美国欧盟呼吁巴博将权力转交塔拉。

    The Economic Community of West African States, the European Union, the United States, and the African Union are all calling for Gbabgo to yield power to Ouatarra.


  • 托巴科拉先生(Rishad To baccowala)认为过去二十年的依靠媒体分割广告发展趋势“细分”,只是一种表征变化

    "Segmentation", an advertising trend during the past two decades tied to fragmentation in the media, represents only a cosmetic change, thinks Mr Tobaccowala.


  • 塔拉指挥官Gausu上校谴责巴博犹豫不决

    One of Mr Ouattara's commanders, Colonel Gausu, condemned Mr Gbagbo for hesitating.


  • 2008年11月,伊朗曾出现过类似案件。 当时,马吉德.莫哈迪曾因向拒绝嫁给的阿米娜.巴拉米尔硫酸有罪,法庭判处他挖去双眼

    In a similar case in November 2008, Majid Movahedi was sentenced to lose both eyes after being found guilty of throwing acid at Ameneh Bahramia woman who refused to marry him.


  • 如果没有法国武装直升机协助(巴博战斗机),如果没有法国1750人的精锐部队的参与,塔拉可能难逃一败。

    Without the aid of France's helicopter gunships (Mr Gbagbo had no fighter aircraft) and 1, 750 French elite troops, Mr Ouattara would probably have been doomed.


  • 如果没有法国武装直升机协助巴博战斗机),如果没有法国1750人的精锐部队的参与,塔拉可能难逃一败。

    Without the aid of France’s helicopter gunships (Mr Gbagbo had no fighter aircraft) and 1,750 French elite troops, Mr Ouattara would probably have been doomed.


  • 如果没有法国武装直升机协助(巴博战斗机),如果没有法国1750人的精锐部队的参与,塔拉可能难逃一败。

    Without the aid of France's helicopter gunships (Mr Gbagbo had no fighter aircraft) and 1,750 French elite troops, Mr Ouattara would probably have been doomed.


  • 这些听说科学聚会,就要求他们当地语言(卢格·巴拉语、斯希里语、卢干达Itesot语)当地的马尔(小米啤酒)酒店举办聚会。

    These people heard about the science meetings and asked for them to be held in their local languages (Lugbara, Kiswahili, Luganda and Itesot) at the local malwa (millet beer) joint.


  • 作为南方人巴博先生8%的差距输给了来自北方竞争对手,也就是曾在国际货币基金组织任职的塔拉

    Mr Gbagbo, a southerner, lost by eight percentage points to his northern rival, Alassane Ouattara, a former IMF man.


  • 作为南方人巴博先生8%的差距输给了来自北方竞争对手,也就是曾在国际货币基金组织任职的塔拉

    Mr Gbagbo, a southerner, lost by eight percentage points to his northern rival, Alassane Ouattara, a former IMF man.


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