• 一个分类工具箱集合

    A collection of toolbox items that have been categorized.


  • 单词列表一个分类单词条目列表。

    The word list is a sorted list of word entries.


  • 重复步骤4分类另外2500条短信分类600条短信。

    Repeat Step 4 to classify another 2500 of short messages plus the 600 short messages you have already classified.


  • 分类助手通过检查现有分类文档了解如何识别类别

    The Category Assistant learns how to recognize categories by examining existing categorized documents.


  • 请访问分类的Eclipse插件注册表获得更多信息请参阅参考资料)。

    Visit the categorized Eclipse plug-in registry for more information (see Resources).


  • 而且浏览用户了解所需内容时,他们需要分类链接中进行选择例如产品公司信息等等

    Not only that, but users are forced to choose from pre-categorized links such as Products, Company Info, etc., when they may not even know what they're looking for.


  • 认为诚信分崩瓦解因为大众普遍接受社会分类机制应该利益市场这种观点。

    Integrity had collapsed, she argued, because of a collective acceptance that the only "sorting mechanism" in society should be profit and the market.


  • 我们对 announcement模块进行扩展添加一个显示IBC词汇表、词汇分类内容额外区块

    We extend the announcement module by adding an extra block for displaying the IBC vocabulary, its terms, and the content that has been classified.


  • 授予对具有读取编辑删除访问权的每种分类类别的读取、编辑或删除访问权。

    This also grants read, edit, or delete access to each taxonomy and category that you have read, edit, or delete access to.


  • 或者如果一个建立网络,您可能努力解决这些问题并且想知道如何改进网络以适应分类服务

    Or, if you have an established network, you might already be struggling with these issues and wondering how to retrofit your network to accommodate classes of service.


  • 授予对具有访问权的每种分类类别的读访问权。

    This also grants read access to each taxonomy and category that you have read access to.


  • 可以分类消息语言资料库自动生成过滤器需要花费精力来制订规则

    It can generate a filter automatically from corpora of categorized messages rather than requiring human effort in rule development.


  • 一旦实现行的分类连接算法十分容易:数据库服务器仅仅连续地读取已分类表,合并所有匹配的

    Once the rows are sorted, the algorithm for joining the two tables is easy: the database server simply reads both sorted tables sequentially and merge all rows if they are matching.


  • 而且还提供注册中心功能通过用户定义属性关系分类扩展注册服务声明派生内容模型元素

    And it provides registry functions for decorating registered service declarations and elements of the derived content models with user-defined properties, relationships, and classifiers.


  • 这些测试往往涉及分类而这证明西方人强项

    These tests often involve categorization, which has been shown to be a strength of Westerners.


  • 国际专家支持下世卫组织患者安全制定了国际患者安全分类概念性框架

    With the support of international experts, WHO Patient Safety has developed a conceptual framework for the International Classification for Patient Safety.


  • 将未分配术语分配创建分类,具体方法是光标放到第一分类然后使用箭头按钮将术语分配分类

    Assign the unassigned terms to the categories you created by placing your cursor on the first category and using the arrow buttons to assign terms to this category.


  • 一个注册服务可以包括wsdl这样描述性信息,还可以按照任意多种方式进行分类

    A registered service can include descriptive information such as WSDL and can be categorized in an arbitrary number of ways.


  • 以下图形设计非常有价值的教育资源集合。资源进行了分类可以根据自己的学习方式来选择。

    Here is a collection of invaluable educational resources on graphic design that have been broken down into different categories depending on your preferred methods of consumption.


  • 很多舍弃了门店旅行社报纸上分类信息,也不再需要花大量时间没完没了的电视文字广播搜寻信息。 他们只要登陆相关网站,便可享受最新高科技服务

    Many of us waved goodbye to high-street travel agents, newspaper classifieds and hours spent staring at endless Teletext pages, and logged on to new hi-tech services.


  • 值得高兴英国电影分级委员会主管大卫·库克表示:“是否美化吸烟成为我们出版分类准侧之一。”

    It was nice that David Cooke, the BBFC director, had said: "Glamorising smoking has been included as a classification issue in our published classification guidelines."


  • 然后,如果启动Konqueror应用软件标签分类别浏览到一些安装Linux软件,娱乐游戏到互联网和多媒体。

    First, if you launch Konqueror and go to the Applications tab, you can browse some of your installed Linux applications by category, from Entertainment and Games to Internet and Multimedia.


  • craiglist免费清单成功,此举危及报纸分类广告市场

    The success of craigslist's free listings, for instance, has hurt the newspaper classified ad business.


  • 第一步骤称作训练(training),它将通过查看分类内容示例来创建一个模型然后跟踪特定内容相关各个词汇概率

    The first step, called training, creates a model by looking at examples of already classified content and then keeps track of the probabilities that each word is associated with a particular content.


  • 无可否认超过200个分类不寻常的,所以这个问题可能不会影响大家

    Admittedly I have over 200 categories, which is unusual, so that problem may not affect everyone.


  • 白日发生事件中的合成可能暗示出一种信息研制剂”,以及对前面分类编码的信息的回顾

    This synthesis of events of the day in dreams would imply a "trituration" of information, together with a review of previous information already classified and coded.


  • 由于这种现象发生两种分类体型建立了努力了解人们如何储存脂肪不同

    Since this phenomenon has occurred two classifications of body shapes have been established in an effort to understand how people store fat differently.


  • 第五层次综合,是通过创建一些以前存在内容组成的,这种创建是通过对分类较低层次习得知识整合来实现的。

    The fifth level, synthesis, consists of creating something that did not exist before by integrating 'information that had been learned at lower levels of the hierarchy.


  • AFLP广泛应用分类学、病理学种群遗传学DNA指纹分析研究建立数量性状基因图谱,成为主要遗传标记

    AFLP has been emerged as a major new type of genetic marker with broad application in systematic, pathology, population genetics, DNA fingerprinting and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping.


  • AFLP广泛应用分类学、病理学种群遗传学DNA指纹分析研究建立数量性状基因图谱,成为主要遗传标记

    AFLP has been emerged as a major new type of genetic marker with broad application in systematic, pathology, population genetics, DNA fingerprinting and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping.


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