• 差分直接积分求解动力方程计算假设条件系统增加了一个“计算扰动”效应

    The difference type direction integration is used for solving dynamic - equation, its calculation assumption causes a "calculation perturbation" effects to the system.


  • 动态数学校数值求解试验了颇为有效方法两种方法常用有限差分方法作了比较。

    In solving the mathematical model, two time-saving and effective numerical methods have been tested and compared with the finite difference method commonly used.


  • 其它开关卡,例如770020通道差分复用模块采用闭锁继电器无论是成对还是单独使用一个闸刀,偏移电压都是相同的。

    Other CARDS, such as the Model 7700 20-channel Differential Multiplexer Module, use latching relays, and the offset voltage is the same whether the poles are used as a single pole or as a pair.


  • 研究具有连续变量中立差分方程建立非线性差分方程与其对应线性差分方程振动性关系。

    Establishes the relationship between the oscillation of neutral difference equations with continuous variable and that of its associated linear limiting equations.


  • 研究现有交通宏观基础上采用差分方法对BD交通流模进行了数值模拟

    This paper, on the basis of studying the existing macroscopic model of traffic flow, applied difference method to simulating traffic flow model of model BD.


  • 本文通过概率论有关差分方程知识讨论差分方程解决离散概率

    This paper is using some knowledge of difference equation related to probability theory. and the Discussion solves the dispersed probability question.


  • 研究非线性延迟抛物微分方程交替方向差分方法

    The alternating direction difference method for the two-dimensional nonlinear delay parabolic differential equation is given.


  • 提出一种应用流水线模数转换器(adc)增益提高套筒差分跨导放大器(OTA)的设计分析方法。

    This paper describes the design and analysis of a fully differential, gain-enhanced CMOS telescopic operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) used in a pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC).


  • 不同运行状态,对Y355M2 2D电机噪声进行了测量,并采用通道差分测量方法

    Under the different movement appearance, the noises of the Y355M2-2D type electromotor are measured. The difference measuring method in double channels is used.


  • 方法差分演化算法操作算子进行改进,解决差分演化算法生成离散测试数据的问题。

    This method ameliorated the operators of DE algorithm to avoid the discrete test data generation based on DE algorithm.


  • 研究一类具有多变滞量的非线性中立差分方程振动性,给出了此类方程振动的一个充分条件

    The oscillation for a class of higher order nonlinear neutral difference equations with several delay arguments is studied. A sufficient condition for the oscillation of the equations is obtained.


  • 采用二分步法积分方程出发,有限控制建立守恒差分格式,对二维浅水波方程进行求解

    By use of the time split method, a conservation difference formula is established to find the solution to the shallow water equation based on the finite volume control method from integral equations.


  • 本文研究了一类非线性中立差分方程组的存在性。

    Multiple positive solutions for a class of higher order nonlinear neutral system of difference equations are studied in this paper.


  • 考虑一类含有多个中立差分方程,获得了该方程存在有界一个充分必要条件

    By discussing a class of the neutral difference equation with several delay arguments, the author deduces a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of bounded positive solutions.


  • 研究差分吸收式光谱吸收光纤气体传感器

    An easy realizable spectrum absorption type optic fiber gas sensor was studied and discussed.


  • 本文获得正负周期系数中立微分差分方程振动充分条件

    Some sufficient conditions are obtained for the oscillation of first order neutral differential-difference equations with positive and negative periodic coefficients.


  • 关于双曲偏微分方程式差分逼近双边问题的G.K.S。稳定性

    The G. K. S. Stability of the Hyperbolic Difference Approximation with Two Boundaries Initial-Value Problems.


  • 介绍ad698线性位移差分变压器(LVDT)专用信号调理电路应用ad698可简化电路设计

    Signal conditioning circuit AD698 for Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is introduced, and the application of this circuit can greatly simplify the circuit design.


  • 本文研究了中立差分方程

    In this paper, the neutral difference equation is studied.


  • 考虑网络中用户路径选择行为满足概率随机平衡的条件给出交通网络设计的双层规划,同时设计了基于差分的启发式求解算法。

    On the condition that the stochastic equilibrium restraints are satisfied as the network clients select the path, the author presents bilevel planning model for traffic network design.


  • 该文讨论一类非线性中立差分方程振动性,扩充并改进了此类方程的已有结果

    The autheors obtain results on the oscillations of solutions of a second order nonlinear neutral difference equation.


  • 跨音速计算采用守恒金位势方程精确边界条件AF 2高效有限差分迭代算法

    The transonic flow computation is performed by the use of conservative full-potential equation with exact boundary conditions and the efficient iteration scheme in finite difference method AF2.


  • 研究一类非线性中立差分方程存在渐近性。

    This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior and existence of positive solutions for a class of higher order nonlinear neutral difference equation.


  • 本文研究双曲守恒高精度差分方法。

    In this paper, a high order accurate difference scheme is presented for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws.


  • 研究一类具有多个滞量系数中立差分方程的解的振动性,得到了该类方程振动及其解的差分振动的充分条件。

    The oscillation problem for a class of the second order neutral difference equations with several variable delay arguments and variable coefficients was studied.


  • 讨论了具连续变量中立差分方程获得方程所有振动充分条件

    The authors obtain sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of the neutral difference equations with continuous arguments.


  • 采用方法导出增量自动厚度控制(agc)设定序列差分方程

    A differential equation of giving series of incremental AGC (Automatic Gauge Control) model has been derived by the error analysis method.


  • 研究了一类具有多个量的变系数中立差分方程解的振动性,得到该类方程振动及其解的一阶差分振动的充分条件。

    The oscillation for a class of the second order neutral difference equations with several variable delay arguments and variable coefficients are studied.


  • 研究了一类具有多个量的变系数中立差分方程解的振动性,得到该类方程振动及其解的一阶差分振动的充分条件。

    The oscillation for a class of the second order neutral difference equations with several variable delay arguments and variable coefficients are studied.


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