• 他们难道看不到巫王疯狂

    Can they not see the madness that lies within the Witch King?


  • 泰瑞曾是芬努瓦尔平原光荣之战指挥官那时击溃马勒凯斯众军,并亲手杀死了巫王-乌兰毒刃。

    Tyrion was commander at the glorious battle of Finuval Plain, when he routed the host of Malekith and slew the Witch King's personal champion, Urian Poisonblade.


  • 权杖只有最后一巫王(现在强大妖)被打倒并消灭时候才能被摧毁当然权杖本身对于制造着是没有作用的。

    The Scepter is destroyed when the last of the sorcerer-kings (now potent liches) are hunted down and killed. Of course, the Scepter is powerless against its makers.


  • 另外,信息来自玩家报告因此也许说服艺术的描述大错特错,虽然这不太可能。

    I'm relying on reports from Lich King players, so I could be entirely wrong about the Art of Persuasion, though I doubt it.


  • 这里一个更加微妙警告∶与讨论一些玩家认为暴雪世界中,刑讯逼供游戏的影响已经作了深入的考虑。

    Here's a more nuanced caveat: Some players I talked to think Blizzard has been quite thoughtful about how torture plays into the world of Lich King.


  • 例如暴雪可以说服艺术”成为一个支线任务有着让人眼睛发红的好处或者巨量经验值

    For example, Lich King maker Blizzard Entertainment could have made the Art of Persuasion quest optional -but endowed it with some unusually lucrative loot or experience.


  • 魔兽世界第二资料片之怒》去年首发时出现了粉丝们通宵排队争相抢购情形。

    Wrath of the Lich King, the second World of Warcraft expansion pack, was released last year, with fans queuing through the night to be among the first to play the game.


  • 面临监管不确定网易推迟了《磨兽世界》最新版本》(Wrathofthe Lich King)的上线。这个版本中,玩家可以冰天雪地中冒险。

    In the face of regulatory uncertainty, NetEase has delayed the rollout of the latest version of the game, called 'Wrath of the Lich King,' which allows players to explore a frozen land.


  • 最新资料片销量已经超越之前的“怒”2008年11月份创下销售记录280万

    The new expansion has even beaten the previous expansion launch of the Wrath of the Lich King that launched in November 2008 and sold a massive 2.8 million copies.


  • 我们这些仆从

    The Lich King watches over us minions!


  • 希瓦·斯,过你现在这个行为代表什么意义吗?你现在和到底差别了?

    Have you given any thought to what this means, Sylvanas? What difference is there between you and the Lich King now?


  • 领主提里奥佛丁必须的行为复出代价,他绝不能允许再对我们世界造成进一步破坏

    Highlord Tirion Fordring says: the Lich King must answer for what he has done and must not be allowed to cause further destruction in our world.


  • 提克迪奥斯通过杀了的亲身父亲这个大陆交给天灾已经通过一道测试对你的…热情满意。

    Tichondrius: By killing your own father and delivering this land to the Scourge, you have passed your first test. The Lich King is pleased with your… enthusiasm.


  • 某些人所想恰恰相反,还无人踏足过诺森德,事实上这里建有一个巨大要塞试图这里统治他的领地。

    Contrary to the belief of some, Northrend is in fact intact, and is actually having a massive fortress constructed on it from which the Lich King intends to rule.


  • 最终成为了手下最有价值的仆人之一

    Eventually he became one of the Lich King's most valuable servants.


  • 玩家阿尔萨斯堕落之前并肩作战

    Players will be fighting alongside Prince Arthas before he falls to the Lich King.


  • 关于这些我们讨论太多但是是个挺喜欢主题,但是这必须被非常缓慢出来

    We didn't talk much about it in Wrath of the Lich King, but it is a theme I love a lot, but it has to be played out very slow.


  • 幽灵为阿尔萨斯命运担心动机什么魔兽世界:阿尔萨斯,的崛起》中解释么?

    Medievaldragon: What were the Revenants' motives to care for Arthas' fate? Will it be explained in World of Warcraft: Arthas, Rise of the Lich King?


  • 喊道下一次我们见面的地点不会圣地了,圣骑士

    The Lich King yells: When next we meet it won't be on holy ground, paladin.


  • 领主提里奥佛丁你们保证兄弟姊妹们:必将打倒!一天,我提议组建一个联盟

    Highlord Tirion Fordring says: I make a promise to you now, brothers and sisters: the Lich King will be defeated! On this day, I call for a union.


  • 冠城塞中,暴雪为了剧情效果了很多过场动画你们为了旧世界的剧情制作一些吗?

    Q. Wrath of the Lich King and Icecrown Citadel showed Blizzard using cut scenes more for dramatic purposes. Will you go back and add more for old world events?


  • 阿尔萨斯将拥有无尽力量的头盔戴到了自己头上成为新的

    Arthas placed the unimaginably powerful helm on his head and became the new Lich King.


  • 死亡使者事情变得糟糕了。过来直面赐予的力量吧!

    Deathbringer: Things are about to get MUCH worse. Come and face the might the Lich King has bestowed upon me.


  • 领主提里奥?弗丁:继续毁灭世界的行为必须被阻止,而必须罪行付出代价。

    Highlord Tirion Fordring says: the Lich King must answer for what he has done and must not be allowed to cause further destruction to our world.


  • 领主提里奥?弗丁:继续毁灭世界的行为必须被阻止,而必须罪行付出代价。

    Highlord Tirion Fordring says: the Lich King must answer for what he has done and must not be allowed to cause further destruction to our world.


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