• 工程过早去世推迟工程的完工

    The untimely death of the engineer delayed the completion of the project.


  • 国际机场跑道扩建工程丹容亚路天桥工程完工日期会拖延。

    The Kota Kinabalu International Airport run-way extension project and the Tanjong Aru flyover projects may face another set back on the eventual completion date.


  • 由于泰利工程完工可能违反该法,上诉法院禁止继续建设做法并没有

    The Court of Appeals did not err in ordering that completion of the Tellico Dam, which would have violated the Act, be enjoined.


  • 庆祝仪式珠海举办,庆祝这座全长55公里跨海大桥工程完工,也标志着路面相关工作开展

    A ceremony was held in Zhuhai to celebrate completion of the 55-km cross-sea route and to mark the start of road surfacing and related work.


  • 工程完工许多人其他建筑工地城镇工厂工作在那里他们成为不断扩大的工人阶级一部分。

    When the work was completed, many moved to other construction jobs or to factory work in cities and towns, where they became part of an expanding working class.


  • 这个风力发电厂位于新泽西州大西洋城外海英里处工程完工之后具备25兆瓦装机容量

    Located roughly three miles off the coast of Atlantic city, N.J., the wind farm will have a production capacity of 25 megawatts when complete.


  • 卡塔尔数百亿美元的地铁地上轨道项目近日开工,预计将于2016年前分阶段完工工程卡塔尔希望申办2022年世界杯重要项目。

    Work has begun on Qatar's multibillion-dollar metro and ground rail projects, set to be completed in phases until 2016, and central to the emirate's dreams of hosting the 2022 football World Cup.


  • 引述了首都许多有意义却从来没有完工工程

    He cites several well-meant projects across the capital that have never been completed.


  • 同时大量新兴的交通工程,例如穆迪高桂林通过长青线温哥华连接起来项(预期2015年完工),市场带来了很大推动力。

    Additionally, new mass transit projects, like the one that will link Port Moody and Coquitlam to Vancouver via the Evergreen Line (expected to be complete by 2015), are giving the market a boost.


  • 城市以水渠岩石雕刻工程闻名其中包括“代尔”修道院座未完工陵墓正面外观,它在拜占庭时期被用作教堂

    The city is famous for water tunnels and stone structures carved in the rock, including Ad-Dayr, "the Monastery," an uncompleted tomb facade that served as a church during Byzantine times.


  • 城市以水渠岩石雕刻工程闻名其中包括“代尔”修道院座未完工陵墓正面外观,它在拜占庭时期被用作教堂

    The city is famous for water tunnels and stone structures carved in the rock, including Ad-Dayr, “the Monastery,” an uncompleted tomb facade that served as a church during Byzantine times.


  • 这些上周作为高塔观景台扩展翻修部分完工的玻璃盒子,最新的、最奇特使用玻璃作为承重部件工程

    The boxes, which opened last week as part of an extensive renovation of the tower's observation deck, are among the most recent, and more outlandish, projects that use glass as load-bearing elements.


  • 改造工程完工后,那些平板电脑口袋诞生了(如下图)。

    After all of this, a portable version of all of these tablet computers was created (pictured below).


  • 目前荷兰工程进展非常顺利,预计于今年10月31日完工

    The construction of the pavilion is expected to be finished around October 31.


  • 上月交通部宣布一项为期3年工程完工,在全市兴建了200英里自行车以及6100个停车架

    Last month, the DOT announced it had completed a three-year project that saw 200 miles of bike lanes and 6,100 racks installed around town.


  • 这个小镇为了减缓上海2010世博住房压力,能方便北边转移,“citta”设计能够承载150000人,但是现在,只有一半工程完工

    The town was meant to house 150, 000 people displaced from Shanghai’s 2010 World Expo, which is situated to the north of the “citta, ” but only half of the town has been completed.


  • 尽管南苑军民两用的机场,一工程——预计2015年完工——这座城市一年1.2亿客流量承载能力

    In addition to a semi-military airport in Nanyuan, this first phasedue for completion in 2015 – will give the city the capacity to handle 120 million passengers a year.


  • 最后需要注意一点应该这里讨论所有扩展都看成是程,它们随着IETF InternetStandards进程不断演变

    As a final note, you should consider all of the extensions discussed here to be works-in-progress that will continue to evolve as they navigate through the IETF Internet Standards process.


  • “当整个隧道工程完工后,圣哥达隧道变成永久的、壮观雄伟的纪念碑。”瑞士交通部长Moritz Leuenberger

    "The Gotthard will forever be a spectacular and grandiose monument with which all tunnels will be compared," said Swiss Transport Minister Moritz Leuenberger.


  • 这项工程本可以早点完工的。

    The project might have been completed earlier.


  • 工程完工后,业主必须提交有关工程采用LEED设计要求的概况描述申请美国绿色建筑委员会(usgbc)进行评估

    Upon completion of construction, he must submit a project description outlining the LEED design features incorporated into the building for formal USGBC evaluation.


  • 第一阶段工程提前完工

    The first phase of the project was finished three days ahead of schedule.


  • 第一阶段工程提前完工

    The first phase of the project was finished three days ahead of schedule.


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