• 最后其他人可能会我们提供工具性支持——财政援助物质资源必要服务——可以帮助我们应对解决问题减轻我们压力

    Finally, other people may give us instrumental supportfinancial aid, material resources, and needed servicesthat reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.


  • 子女特征及老年父母与子女联系以及两代人之间工具性支持经济支持对于老年父母心理健康的影响相对较小

    Comparatively, the characteristics of children, contact between parent and children, and the instrumental and financial support between generations have lesser effects.


  • 我们终于意识问题严重性,并通过支持改进一系列工具应用程序和方法防止骗子得逞。

    We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through.


  • 我们这样选择是因为提供大部分运行时工具来支持持久性同时满足应用程序需求

    We made this choice because it offers the most runtime and tooling support for persistence while meeting the requirements of the application.


  • 基于此,认识如果工具能够支持某些可视化以及查询功能那么对于我们处理代码复杂性而言,其效率就能台阶

    At a point, I realized that if the tool would support some visual and querying facilities, it could represent a new step in how we deal with code complexity.


  • 广泛工具支持包括遗留ascii系统最佳兼容性

    It offers broad tool support, including the best compatibility with legacy ASCII systems.


  • 为了改进其他开发学科互用性生命周期支持,需要对一个学科中的工具环境做出改变

    A change in the tool environment is made in one discipline in order to improve interoperability and lifecycle support with the rest of the development disciplines.


  • 包含软件开发项目工具例如通过迭代规划项目透明性控制工作构建支持可指定过程定义改进

    It includes tools for software development projects, such as iteration planning, project transparency, source control, work items, build support, and customizable process definition and enforcement.


  • 尽管如此为了取得完全有效性这些技术需要相关工具运行时系统支持

    However, these technologies need to be supported by relevant tools and runtime environments in order to be fully effective.


  • 精简客户端可以分布式团队更大灵活性可移动性但是也许不能支持工具所有本地接口特性

    Thin clients can give distributed teams more flexibility and mobility, but may not support all the features of a tool's native interface.


  • 此外适当的MDD工具支持提供来自不同层次模型工件模型元素之间纵向集成可溯性

    In addition, appropriate MDD tool support could provide much better vertical integration and traceability between artifacts and model elements from different level models.


  • 操作性允许用户通过各种工具创建商业规则,并且让这些规则能够支持RIF 的各种规则执行系统进行操作。

    This interoperability enables users to employ various tools to create their business rules but interoperate with various rule execution systems that support RIF.


  • 现有工具翻译可访问性支持方面得到了广泛的测试

    The existing tools had been extensively tested for translation and accessibility support.


  • 我们能够强调显示支持工具以演示1列出IBM工具当前提供服务建模功能

    We will also highlight the supporting tools demonstrating the services modeling capabilities currently offered by the IBM tools listed in Table 1.


  • 然而在接下来阶段,非正式沟通良好生命周期管理工具支持会使得项目的复杂性容易管理得

    However, with continuous, informal communication and good lifecycle management tool support, the complexities can be much more manageable.


  • 现在第二部分一个示例场景举例展示关于应用IBMRational工具支持GDD一些可能性

    Now, in Part II, I present an example scenario that illustrates some of the many possibilities for applying IBM Rational tools to support GDD.


  • 使得前面介绍方法具有可行性需要用工具支持DSLs高效定义

    To make the approach introduced above feasible, you need tooling that supports the efficient definition of DSLs.


  • 所有openoffice格式使用DTD认为这样好,因为拥有一个模式有助于强制格式互操作性并且选择DTD还确保了XML工具最广泛支持

    All OpenOffice formats use DTD, which I think is good because having a schema helps enforce interoperability of the format, and the choice of DTD ensures broadest support in XML tools.


  • 总之开发人员可以利用支持下面三技术过程语言工具成功地解决复杂性

    In summary, developers can deal successfully with complexity using processes, languages, and tools supporting three techniques.


  • 引入Rational工具动机提高功能性提高生命周期支持

    The motivation for introducing Rational tools were improved functionality and improved lifecycle support.


  • WebSphereApplicationServer可以Spring应用程序提供企业级工具事务支持工作负载管理可用性等等

    WebSphere application Server can provide enterprise class facilities to your Spring applications, such as transaction support, work load management and high availability, to name a few.


  • 由于工具极其明显的重要性语言绑定开发人员正在进行相关的工作,语言支持libglade(虽然目前尚未将其包含基础gtk +中)。

    Because of its crucial importance, language bindings developers are making a point to support libglade (even though it's not (yet) part of the base GTK + library) in their languages.


  • 使用IBM工具指导资产管理资产生命周期支持开发团队其SOA开发主动性上拥有显著优势

    Teams that leverage IBM tools, guidance, and resources to manage the lifecycle of their assets have a significant advantage in their SOA development initiatives.


  • 此外工具可以支持现有波形逆向工程SCA基础设施代码正向编码生成以及端口波形进行SCA兼容性测试

    In addition, the tools allow for reverse engineering of existing waveforms, forward code generation of SCA infrastructure code, and the SCA compliance testing of ported waveforms.


  • 大型机环境SOA支持包括用于发现这些逻辑使具有可重用性的各种实践体系结构模式工具中间件

    SOA enablement for the mainframe environment includes practices, architecture patterns, tools, and middleware to uncover this logic and make it reusable.


  • 一些支持规划扑克工具这些工具通过提高团队不同故事复杂性认识以实现对规划扑克的支持

    Some tools that support planning poker by improving the understanding the team have of the complexity of different stories.


  • 研究流动前驱(及其他领域),时代计算工具的复杂性还不足以支持他的理论想法

    He was a pioneer of the study of moving fluids (among many other things), but his ideas outran the computational tools of his day.


  • 这些测试实用工具支持来自任意数据源类型正确输入/或描述性数据格式输出

    These tests (or utilities) allow input from arbitrary data sources (of the right type) and/or output in descriptive data formats.


  • 这些测试实用工具支持来自任意数据源类型正确输入/或描述性数据格式输出

    These tests (or utilities) allow input from arbitrary data sources (of the right type) and/or output in descriptive data formats.


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