• 管理学书籍花费了大量文字笔墨来讨论如何工作场所最大限度利用这些年轻人。

    Much ink has been spilled in management books discussing how to get the most out of these youths in the workplace.


  • 这项工作要求最大限度发挥技能

    The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum.


  • 莱勒描述了乔布斯皮克斯动画公司时如何设计整个工作场所最大限度地增加陌生人相遇交谈相互学习机会

    Lehrer describes how at Pixar Animation, Jobs designed the entire workplace to maximise the chance of strangers bumping into each other, striking up conversations and learning from one another.


  • 这项志愿工作要求最大限度发挥技能

    The volunteer work will require you to use all your skills to the maximum.


  • 以研究为主导大学核心目标必须最大限度地扩大研究工作影响

    The core objective for universities which are research-led must be to maximize the impact of their research efforts.


  • 然而这些程序工作最好那些有着糟糕慢性病最大限度住院治疗

    However, these programs work best among those who have the worst chronic illness and the greatest rates of hospitalization.


  • 正确轨道上也就是应当最大限度利用这些工具使得工作简单,最大限度地利用容器使得代码的编写工作更容易。

    You are on the right track, that you should maximize your use of the tools to make your job simpler and develop code that maximizes the use of the container to make the code's job simpler.


  • 最理想的方法是一完成这个活动,以便最低限度打断团队成员工作

    It is best to perform this activity at a time that will cause minimal disruption to your team's work activities.


  • 我们工作超出了必要的限度让它渗透我们生活中的每一方面的时候,怠惰就会发生

    Burnout happens when we allow work to overflow its boundaries and interfere with every other part of our lives.


  • 最大限度利用数字世界一步就是弄明白的数字工作

    The first step to get the most out of working in a digital world is to get a handle on your digital workflow.


  • 工作我们花费大多数时间,那么为什么最大限度利用呢?

    We spend most of our time at work-so why not make it the most out of it?


  • 通过最大限度满足员工的生活安排能够找到更多机会激励员工,让他们更加努力地工作自己最大努力来运行自己的时间表有条不紊。

    By allowing work to fit best with employees’ life schedule, you increase the chances that they’ll be motivated to work harder while they are at work and to do their best to make their schedule work.


  • 怎么工作上,最大限度钱花在愉快方面

    How can you maximize the time that you spend on enjoyable aspects of your job?


  • 我们每一个人都努力工作最大限度地发挥自己价值然而经常找不到重点

    Each of us is working hard trying to maximize our value, but it can often be difficult to understand where to focus.


  • 有了客户机就可以最大限度地利用您能完全控制资源(即服务器),由它完成繁重工作提供精简的数据表示信息

    With a thin client, you can maximize the one resource you have complete control over, the server, to do the brunt of the work and dish out a minimal set of data and presentation layer information.


  • 到目前为止,关于分析API大多数方面最大限度的对进行了隐藏但是如果您正在阅读本篇文章那么您必须向工作集成一些形式的分析工具。

    So far, most aspects of the analysis API have been largely hidden from you, but if you are reading this article, then you must have a need to integrate some new form of analysis into the workbench.


  • 如果本地邮件副本模型适合环境,那么本文最大限度地减少了实现中的问题工作管理过程

    If the local mail replica model is the most appropriate for your environment, this article should minimize the issues, effort, and administrative process of implementing it.


  • 原则表明,有时负责新闻工作难免伤害到某人但是必须一切努力将此降到最低限度

    This principle recognizes that a responsible journalist sometimes unavoidably will harm someone but requires her to make every effort to minimize that damage.


  • 由于采用约定优于配置方法因而最大限度地减少了建立中介所需工作

    Because it USES a convention over configuration approach, the work required to set up a mediation is minimized.


  • 通过列出这些常见失误团队可以容易地加以避免,从而将SOA采用工作相关风险降低到最低限度

    By highlighting these common pitfalls, you and your team can more easily avoid them and, as a result, minimize the associated risks of SOA adoption.


  • 最低限度窗口管理可以同时满足这两种需求一个不错的选择它运行功能强大的窗口管理器之上允许轻松灵活完成脚本编写工作

    A successful option to meet both needs is a minimalist window manager that runs on top of a powerful window manager, allowing you just enough flexibility to script with ease.


  • 工作流程自动化许多优点其中包括最大限度提高流程效率确保流程一致地运行提高质量同时缩短周期降低成本

    Workflow process automation has many advantages, including maximizing process efficiency, ensuring processes are run consistently, improving quality while reducing cycle time, and lowering costs.


  • 最低限度的要求,工作空间应当令人感觉无聊压抑的。

    At a minimum, the space should not be dull and depressing.


  • 工作人员最低限度三班倒工作8小时二月份开始申请

    Stewards can expect to work a minimum of three 8hr shifts, and applications open in February.


  • 管理者们重视学问工作全球视野范围同时最低限度保持一个令人尊敬的视角。

    Both men prize scholarship, a global outlook and outreach, while keeping a respectful eye on the bottom line.


  • 如果这些公司聘请本籍员工,那他们肯定不得不额外支付”,广岛一位劳工律师,KimihiroKomatsu认为,“学员最低限度工作,”认为,“日本不能停止。”

    "If these businesses hired Japanese workers, they would have to pay," said Kimihiro Komatsu, a labor consultant in Hiroshima. "But trainees work for a bare minimum," he said.


  • 电器控制方式工作平台形式动力形式等各种配置正确选择最大限度发挥升降平台功能,取得最佳的使用效果

    Electrical control mode, work platform form, dynamic form and configuration of the correct choice can maximum full play the function of the lift platform, achieve the best effect of the use of.


  • 消除减少副反应负面影响可以提高生活质量减少错过工作天数从而使艾滋病感染者治疗中最大限度受益

    Eliminating or reducing the negative impact of side effects may improve QOL, reduce missed days from work, and maximize benefit from treatment for people living with HIV.


  • 悬吊绳、拉力绳、安全、固定绳应该每周每次使用前检查一次,规格(额定工作负荷)、磨损限度损坏程度安装

    Suspension lines, pull lines, backup lines and snub lines should be inspected weekly and before every job for specifications (job load ratings), wear limits, damage, or improper installation.


  • 悬吊绳、拉力绳、安全、固定绳应该每周每次使用前检查一次,规格(额定工作负荷)、磨损限度损坏程度安装

    Suspension lines, pull lines, backup lines and snub lines should be inspected weekly and before every job for specifications (job load ratings), wear limits, damage, or improper installation.


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