• 我们必须继续已经开始进行的各项重要工作

    We must continue the important work that we have begun together.


  • 这项工作已经开始我们将它进行到底的决心不会减弱

    Our resolution to complete the work we have started is undiminished.


  • 但是杜洪得知,银行一些竞争对手已经开始进行抵押风险信用衍生品交易所以他们团队决定接受这项工作

    But Duhon knew that some of the bank's rivals were starting to conduct credit derivatives deals with mortgage risk, so the team decided to take it on.


  • 我们团队已经开始VS 2008发布之后功能特性进行一些先期工作

    The team is already starting to do some early work on new functionality and features that we can deliver after we ship VS 2008.


  • :“到了很多很多,项目开始的时候我已经有不少知识了,但是随着工作进行,我得学习之前没怎么接触过的东西。”

    "I learned a fantastic amount," he said, "I came into it with a reasonably good knowledge, but this opened up a lot of areas that I did not have much exposure to."


  • 许多团队使用进入标准指定什么时候可以开始进行测试使用退出标准来指定什么时候工作已经完成。

    Many teams use entry criteria to specify when they can start testing, and exit criteria to specify when they are done.


  • 菲尔德博士研究团队已经开始这项工作,在诸如西伯利亚等己猛犸象繁殖地点,他们对湖区沉淀物保存桦树花粉远古信息进行了分析。

    Dr Field’s team set about the task by analysing ancient records of birch pollen preserved in lake sediments from known mammoth breeding grounds like Siberia.


  • 菲尔德博士研究团队已经开始这项工作,在诸如西伯利亚等己猛犸象繁殖地点,他们对湖区沉淀物保存桦树花粉远古信息进行了分析。

    Dr Field's team set about the task by analysing ancient records of birch pollen preserved in lake sediments from known mammoth breeding grounds like Siberia.


  • 1990年代起科学家区域性管理机构就已经开始数据收集工作通过对“食物链等级”上不同种群生态平衡变化进行定量研究。

    Since the late 1990s, scientists and regional management organisations have used catch data to measure changes in the balance of species across so-called "trophic levels."


  • Astrium公司已经Romeo火箭引擎进行了相应的改造工作,以驱动飞船爬升太空并且风道测试已经证实气动外形。公司很快将会开始火箭发动机测试。

    Astrium has done considerable work already on the Romeo rocket engine that would power the climb to space, and wind tunnel testing has proven the aerodynamic shape.


  • 开始进行这次侦查时候,威尔已经庇护所工作多久了?

    At the time of this investigation, how long has Will been working at the Sanctuary?


  • 建议:在开始工作之前一定记得湿抹布办公桌进行消毒即便办公桌看起来已经非常干净”。

    Suggestion: % Always remember to disinfectant your desk with wet wipes before you start your work, even if the desk appears very "clean" already.


  • 然而自那时起年内阿拉巴马州汉斯·维尔马歇尔航天飞行中心资金已经到位而且设计工作已经开始,同时缩尺模型空气动力测试也在进行

    In the two years since, however, funding has been forthcoming and design work has begun, with aerodynamic testing on scale models under way at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.


  • 因此很多教育工作已经开始进行如何借鉴多元智能理论指导教育教学研究音乐学科实践进行探索

    Therefore, many educators have already begun to draw on the theory of multiple intelligences to guide the education and teaching studies, music, the practice of discipline is also explored.


  • 我们必须继续我们已经共同开始进行的各项重要工作

    We must continue the important work that we have begun together.


  • 最近已经开始进行研究工作致力于研究身体基本构件之外的东西,以便揭示发育改变如何造成世界上著名一些进化事件的发生。

    More recent work has begun looking beyond the body's basic building blocks to reveal how changes in development have resulted in some of the world's most celebrated of evolutionary events.


  • 安德鲁已经辞去工作开始进行游戏设计课程大学DICE新兵及其团队瑞典

    Andrew... has quit his job and started a game design course at a university where DICE recruits their team from, in Sweden.


  • 救援工作开始计划第三洞了救援工作已经进行第二了。

    Crews now plan to drill a third hole as rescue operations enter their second week.


  • 机构已经开始一个这样分析进行工作集中解决2005年排放量库存数据

    The agency has already begun work on the next such analysis that will focus on 2005 emissions inventory data.


  • 厂房中,机器人已经开始进行产品装配打包重复工作食品服务业一些餐厅正在测试自助下单甚至采用机器人侍者

    Robots on factory floors already do repetitive rote tasks such as product assembly and packaging, while in food service, some restaurants are testing self-service ordering or even robotic servers.


  • 现在场景已经准备好了,基本灯光属性设置好了,我们终于开始HDRI图像进行工作

    Now that the scene is prepared and the basic lighting parameters are set, we will finally start to work the the HDR image.


  • 已经开始了许多方面工作,并发现那些我专门进行推广文章阅读开始增加

    I have started to do more of this and watched as my daily reads onthe articles I have concentrated on have started to rise.


  • 日本卫生保健工作已经开始福岛核电站附近的30万名儿童进行甲状腺检查

    Japanese health workers have begun checking more than 300,000 children living near the Fukushima nuclear plant for thyroid abnormalities.


  • 到了月底他们已经完成了整个季度工作目标,并且已经开始着手进行时间规划再之后项目了。

    By the end of the month, they hit their quarterly goals and were well on the way to putting to bed projects that were over a year behind schedule.


  • 酒店已经开始一整套培训课程尽快改善前台员工素质工作效率;酒店工程部对房间的设施设备进行了大检查确保房间设施的正常运行

    Our hotel has conducted a set of training course to perfect employees' abilities and efficiency, and hotel Engineering department has checked all rooms to make sure everything is in order as well.


  • 酒店已经开始一整套培训课程尽快改善前台员工素质工作效率;酒店工程部对房间的设施设备进行了大检查确保房间设施的正常运行

    Our hotel has conducted a set of training course to perfect employees' abilities and efficiency, and hotel Engineering department has checked all rooms to make sure everything is in order as well.


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