• 嵌入时间序列空间重构中的基本参数。

    In phase space reconstruction of time sequences, the selection of embedding dimension is important.


  • 利用邻近点法确定相空间重构最小嵌入数。

    The minimum embedding dimension of reconstruction is confirmed by the false nearest neighbours method.


  • 通过虚假临界点计算嵌入数可以使小数据量法更加完善。

    The small-data method is improved by false nearest neighbor method calculating embedding dimension.


  • 结果基本个体、数据长度嵌入以及延迟时间影响

    This result not change by and large when object, the length of data, embedded dimensions and delay time change.


  • 指出递归网络实现逼近考虑初始条件嵌入、逼近时效等因素。

    And point out that in order to realize the approximation of recurrent networks, the initial conditions, embed dimension and approximation effects must be considered.


  • 分别采用互信息方法确定重构最佳时延和和关联积分确定重构嵌入维数。

    Mutual information method and correlation integral method were presented to get the two optimal parameters.


  • 基于混沌时间序列局域线性预测模型提出了嵌入短期负荷预测方法

    Based on local linear prediction model of chaotic time series, short-term load forecasting method on multi-embedding dimension is presented.


  • 论述相空间重构中延迟时间嵌入数之间关系提出广义嵌入长的概念

    The relationship of embedding dimension and delay time is discussed and a new concept namely the generalized embedding Windows is put forward.


  • 本文基于“增大重构减少虚邻点思想,构造了合适最小嵌入方法

    Based on the idea of looking at the behavior of near neighbors under changes in the reconstruction dimension, a new method to determine the proper minimum embedding dimension is constructed.


  • 葫芦网站界面若干部分关于网站操作的详细说明指导现在已经嵌入文章

    Some parts of the cucumis. org interface, as well as details and tutorials about how the website should be used, are now embedded in wiki articles.


  • 根据变量时间序列混沌预测方法,只要嵌入延迟时间选择得合理,便进行精确的预测。

    Based on the prediction method of univariate time series, and according to the proper selection of dimension and delay time, the time series can be predicted precisely.


  • 通过空间重构技术选取合适延迟时间嵌入,将反映市场需求的时间序列嵌入相空间中。

    By phase space reconstruction, choosing the most suitable delay time and embedding dimension in order to embed time series which reflect the demanding into the phase space.


  • 讨论混沌时间序列的区间预测给出嵌入数的搜索算法区间预测算法,应用实例,取得好效果。

    Algorithms for searching the optimal embedding dimension and interval prediction are presented, which can be applied in practice with satisfactory.


  • 方法联合考虑了嵌入嵌入维数,同时计算出嵌入滞时和嵌入宽,避免以往确定嵌入窗宽的主观性

    The correlation integral method can estimate both the time delay and the embedding window, and can avoid subjectivity in calculating the embedding window.


  • 通过选择合适嵌入数计算出关联能够反映系统真实特性,所以关联数可以作为削片机检测的一个特征参量

    By choosing suitable insertion dimensions, the correlation dimensions can reflect the real dynamic characteristics of the system and correlation dimensions cou...


  • 最后实验分析SLLE算法近邻K嵌入识别率影响,得到了SLLE算法近邻数K和低嵌入维数。

    Recognition rate is superior to the traditional PCA algorithm. Finally experiments analyze the relationship between neighbor K and the embedding dimension of algorithms SLLE to the recognition rate.


  • 实例分析表明,相对于单嵌入,多嵌入维数组合预测方法可以综合利用不同空间中的有用信息提高径流时间序列预测的精度

    The results of actual runoff prediction show that the proposed method could use information synthetically in multi-dimension embedding phase spaces, and effectively improve the prediction accuracy.


  • 每个螺线管回路一半换成,其中嵌入细小卡合金棒形磁铁。

    One-half of each solenoid loop was replaced with an aluminum card into which tiny vicalloy bar magnets were embedded.


  • 为了平衡鲁棒性不可感知性新的适用于3的人类视觉模型重构用于调整水印嵌入强度

    To make the compromise between the robustness and the imperceptivity, a new 3-d HVS model is reconstructed and used to adjust the embedding strength.


  • 本文个相当初等方法说明了如何个3流形嵌入5空间去。

    Using an elementary method, we illustrate how a-3-manifold can be embedded into a 5-space in this note.


  • 实验证明基于3小波变换的3SPIHT编码算法超光谱图像压缩时,表现出优良的率失真性能。 并且算法复杂度适中,具有嵌入式特性。

    The test results show that the 3D SPIHT algorithm based on 3D DWT for hyperspectral images compression is very efficient, the algorithm is embedded and has modest complexity.


  • 带宽问题确定G平面格子一个嵌入,使得最长尽可能

    The two dimensional bandwidth problem is to determine an embedding of graph G in a grid graph in the plane such that the longest edges are as short as possible.


  • 数值测试表明混沌理论优选延时时间嵌入空间一般不是负荷预测适合参数。

    Numerical simulation test shows that the delay time and embedded space dimension given by chaos theory usually are not the best ones for load forecasting.


  • 实验表明嵌入编码方法可以分离型二子波变换情况比特率时有很好的巅值信比PSNR

    The experiment shows that the embedded zerotree coding method can be used in the case of nonseparable wavelet transform and has good PSNR at low compression ratio.


  • 并用混沌映射嵌入位置进行加密。

    And the embed place is encrypted by a 2-d chaos mapping.


  • 提出一种基于经验模式分解(BEMD)的图像水印嵌入算法,完成水印的嵌入提取

    This paper proposes an image processing method which is based on Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (BEMD). BEMD is applied in watermark embedding and extraction.


  • 本文基于离散余弦变换3D-DCT)技术扩频通信技术提出数据鲁棒水印嵌入算法

    This paper proposes a robust watermarking algorithm for volume data based on three-dimension discrete cosine transform(3D-DCT) and spread-spectrum communication technique.


  • 第一基于双频毫米波辐射计扫描要求设计了基于PC计算机嵌入系统伺服驱动电路,完成了扫描控制、通信协议和伺服驱动控制的软件设计。

    Firstly, a two-dimensional servo-control driver circuit, which consists of PC and an embedded system, is designed based on the scanning requirement of the dual frequency millimeter wave radiometer.


  • 带宽问题G顶点嵌入平面格子图,使最长连线尽可能

    The two-dimensional bandwidth problem is to find an embedding of graph G in a grid graph in the plane so that the longest edges are as short as possible.


  • 提出了确定嵌入接口线切割轨迹画法几何方法

    A descriptive geometry method is presented to obtain the track of wire incision in processing the three dimensional cut.


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