• 例如我们可能希望某些嵌入式体系结构运行GTK+,添加一些特殊交互类型支持

    For example, you may need to run GTK+ on some embedded architecture or add support for some special interaction type.


  • 已知LTP测试套件测试过的体系结构11 种,包括i386ia64PowerPC、PowerPC 64、S/390、S/390x (64bit)、MIPSmipselcrisAMDOpteron嵌入式体系结构。

    There are 11 known LTP test suite tested architectures including i386, ia64, PowerPC, PowerPC 64, S/390, S/390x (64bit), MIPS, mipsel, cris, AMD Opteron, and embedded architectures.


  • 嵌入式系统常用体系结构种类要远远超过传统计算机选择所以可移植性至关重要的。

    The variety of architectures commonly used in embedded systems far exceeds common choices for traditional computers, so portability is vital.


  • 对于嵌入式领域添加新的体系结构处理器类型——包括那些没有硬件控制的内存管理方案MMU -less系统支持

    For the embedded world, new architectures and processor types have been addedincluding support for MMU-less systems that do not have a hardware-controlled memory management scheme.


  • JDBC相比提高了开发生产率现有嵌入式SQL体系结构(ccobol)移植应用程序尤其如此

    Increased development productivity as compared to JDBC, especially if an application is being ported from an existing embedded SQL architecture (c, COBOL, etc.)


  • 通过这次并购,Aeroflex公司获得了Gaisler公司IP核心开发工具,可以用于商用和宇宙空间基于SPARC体系结构嵌入式处理器

    Via the acquisition Aeroflex gains ownership of Gaisler's IP cores and development tools for commercial and aerospace embedded processors based on the SPARC architecture.


  • 本文就是这样前提下,研究了基于嵌入式CPU数字家庭控制中心体系结构设计服务器对于设备操作管理所使用的即协议栈

    In the premise, this paper works over the system structure of digital home 's control center based upon embedded CPU, and designs the Plug and control stack for server to manage the devices.


  • 本文根据嵌入式网络技术最新研究开发探讨嵌入式设备网络连接结构体系协议层次

    With the latest research and development in embeded-net technology, here discussed the architecture of embeded device net connection and protocol hierarchy.


  • 雷达自动录取计算机系统嵌入式设计建立模块化多处理器体系结构基础之上

    The embedded design for radar's automatic enrollment computer system is founded on the base of modular multiprocessor system structure.


  • 本文介绍了种基于ARM体系结构处理器嵌入式设备设计理念,设计应用振动测量分析领域通道便携式仪器

    This article introduces a new design in an ARM_based embedded system. The system is applied to the dual channel portable device in the field of vibration analyzing.


  • 传统个人计算机USB总线管理体系微型化,使用到嵌入式设备内部,使得嵌入式设备的数据传输更为简洁。

    Traditional management system of USB Host on PC are introduced in embedded instruments or devices, which makes convenience of data transport of these devices and instruments.


  • 重点阐述嵌入式蓝牙网关硬件组成结构软件体系架构蓝牙驱动层框架。

    Firstly, the hardware composition structure and the software system construction of the Embedded Bluetooth Gateway are presented .


  • 本文分析现有多媒体数字终端设备嵌入式技术基础上,提出了多媒体数字终端的软件体系结构

    On the basic of the existing multimedia digital terminal unit and embedded technologies, we introduce a new software and hardware architecture of multimedia digital terminal.


  • 本文从数据类型指令格式指令集合三个方面介绍嵌入式32RISC微计算机的体系结构

    According to three aspects: data types, instruction formats, and instruction set, the architecture of an embedded 32 bit RISC microprocessor is introduced in this paper.


  • 本文针对嵌入式系统应用环境实时数据库系统数据特征通过对各种存储器性能的比较,提出嵌入式实时数据库系统的存储体系结构

    In this paper, we propose a storage architecture for an embedded real time database system according to the data character of real time application and the performance of the storage media.


  • 本文通过嵌入式系统教学现状分析,提出了建立嵌入式系统教学体系改进方案

    An analysis of the current situation of the embedded teaching system is provided and Put forward the improvement project of the embedded teaching system?


  • 本文将算法并行处理、指令级并行处理进程级并行处理等三个方面讨论嵌入式RISC体系结构设计问题

    The design problem of an embedded RISC architecture in parallel processing of algorithm level, instruction level and process level is discussed in this paper.


  • 嵌入式系统实验中了解ARM体系结构、熟悉嵌入式操作系统关键

    In the embedded system experiment, it is crucial to be familiar with architecture of ARM and embedded operating system.


  • 根据嵌入式网络技术最新研究开发探讨嵌入式设备网络连接结构体系协议层次

    With the latest research and development in embeded-net technology, here discusses the architecture of embeded device net connection and protocol hierarchy.


  • 论文设计并实现了一个嵌入式P 2 P

    In this paper we design an embedded P2P streaming media system.


  • 本文重点分析蓝牙模块体系结构及其协议栈,同时将蓝牙技术嵌入式技术结合起来,给出了一个基于蓝牙技术的嵌入式系统设计模型

    In this paper, we analyse the architecture of the bluetooth module with emphasis and show an embedded system design model based on bluetooth technology.


  • 课程教学体系实验教学体系等方面探讨应用型高校嵌入式系统教学模式方法手段

    From aspects of education, experiment and so on, the paper discusses some issues of embedded system education such as teaching pattern, method and means in application-orientation colleges.


  • 论文最后,对嵌入式多媒进行综合性描述,这个系统已经实用并且产,从而证明本文所贡献的理论技术方法的实际意义。

    At last, draws the conclusion and makes prospect. This system is implemented and already in production, which proves the practical value of the theory and technical methods.


  • 嵌入式巡线固件体系结构GUI数据结构通信协议程序进行了设计与实现。

    The design of architecture of firmware, GUI, data structure, communication protocol, and program of the instrument of line patrol are presented in the thesis.


  • 针对目前应用日趋广泛简单小型无人机系统本文提出了基于ARM嵌入式处理器的控制体系结构,此系统简化配置的低成本通用系统。

    For the widely-used simple UAV system, an embedded Flight-Control system based on ARM processor is presented in this paper. Minimum sensors are hired for the demand of low-cost and universal purpose.


  • 介绍了智能家庭网络功能体系结构,分析了系统中的关键技术包括嵌入式网络操作系统和通信协议,并且指出了智能家庭网络今后的研究方向

    Some key technologies such as Embedded Network Operating System and communication protocol are discussed in detail. The research trend is pointed out at the end of this paper.


  • 文章探讨嵌入式模糊控制的优势不足,进一步阐述了如何进行嵌入式模糊控制体系的自适应寻设计问题

    The paper also pointed out the important advantage and some shortage, it made out the auto-suitable and optimization design about fuzzy-control.


  • 基于这种需求课题设计了一基于ARM 9体系结构嵌入式点餐系统

    Because of this demand, this topic designs an embedded ordering system based on ARM9 architecture.


  • 文章处理器设计者角度出发,对嵌入式系统当中应用广泛32ARM微处理器系列体系结构作了研究探讨,简要介绍了3种当前市场上流行的、典型基于ARM的SOC芯片

    This thesis studies the architecture of the 32 bit ARM series microprocessor which is widely applied in embedded systems, and briefly introduces some typical SOC chips based on ARM core.


  • 终端用户的角度,本文针对嵌入式系统安全需求、安全实现分别算法体系结构两个层次进行重点研究

    In this thesis, we attempt to research security requirements, physical security and implementations for embedded system from algorithm and architecture levels respectively from an end-user.


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