• 知道盆地年龄唯一方法就是直接研究岩石吗?

    The only way to know the basin's age is to study its rocks directly?


  • 陡峭岩石一个宽阔的基地上拔地而起,直到平坦山顶突然切断

    Its sheer rock sides sweep up from a broad base until they cut off abruptly at the flat summit.


  • 世界上大部分饮用水——适合饮用淡水——地下水提供的,储存岩石孔隙裂缝

    Most of the world's potable waterfreshwater suitable for drinkingis accounted for by groundwater, which is stored in the pores and fractures in rocks.


  • 他们开采岩石人工分解,然后放进农业肥料里

    They mined the rock, artificially break it down and put the Phosphorus into agricultural fertilizers.


  • 虽然澳大利亚岩石艺术非凡古迹现在已经得到承认图像顺序意义一直被广泛地讨论

    Although the remarkable antiquity of Australia's rock art is now established, the sequences and meanings of its images have been widely debated.


  • 记住岩浆地下炽热熔化了岩石到达地表称为熔岩

    Remember, magma is hot molten rock that's underground, and it is called lava when it reaches the surface.


  • 这个系外行星质量地球但是足够,能够岩石构成,不是像木星是一巨大气体

    The exoplanet is a few times the mass of Earth, but it should still be small enough to be rocky rather than a gas giant like Jupiter.


  • 携带着细小沙粒这些沙粒会轰击裸露岩石表面从而岩石更多沙子

    It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing them into yet more sand.


  • 海洋板块密度更大更重岩石构成的,所以开始下沉大陆板块之下,到地幔之中。

    The oceanic plate is made of denser and heavier rock, so it begins to sink down under the continental plate and into the mantle.


  • 很快装进了袋子孩子们十字岩石那里

    The money was soon in the bags and the boys took it up to the cross rock.


  • 虽然地幔岩石固体,但在地壳地幔上覆岩石巨大压力粘性液体一样流动

    Although the hot rock of the mantle is a solid, under the tremendous pressure of the crust and overlying rock of the mantle, it flows like a viscous liquid.


  • 表面大部分是过去十亿年里形成的,使得地球以外任何岩石行星都更新鲜活跃

    The surface formed mostly in the last billion years, which makes it fresher and more recently active than any rocky planet other than earth.


  • 月球停留期间,收集了1731克岩石和土壤样本。

    During the stay on the moon, it collected 1,731 grams of rock and soil samples.


  • 最终着陆之前,必须远离沿途像是岩石之类的物体。

    It had to move away from the objects in its way such as rocks, before finally touching down.


  • 如果个像岩石一样硬的梨,放在一个棕色纸袋然后再放在柜子上25天后变得可以食用。

    If you have a rock-hard avocado, put it in a brown paper bag on the counter; it'll be good to go in 2 to 5 days.


  • 皮肤另一种令人印象深刻的捕食者相似岩石海底充当伪装。

    Its skin resembles that of another impressive predator and acts as camouflage on rocky seafloors.


  • 但是这种岩石还是相当广泛,因为既是海床基本物质,也是常见陆地火山喷发物

    But the rock is reasonably widespread, being both the underlying stuff of ocean floors and a common outpouring of terrestrial volcanoes.


  • 几年我们百慕大之旅时,我们遇到了名叫莱克斯的小猎犬喜欢岩石

    On a snorkeling trip in Bermuda a few years ago, we met a terrier named Lexi who liked to fetch rocks.


  • 很快就发现一道斜坡,岩石正是顺着条斜坡下来,一直现在所在的位置

    He soon perceived that a slope had been formed, and the rock had slid along this until it stopped at the spot it now occupied.


  • 一个航天器被发射太阳系内被最少探测到岩石行星(水星),正在提供信息令人惊叹,其可能改写科学家行星演化的认识。

    A spacecraft sent to the least explored rocky planet in the solar system is providing surprising new information that may rewrite what scientists believe about the growth of planets.


  • 为了再现四个世纪之前曼哈顿他们需要回到这个岛屿最基础的生态学特征上,回到岩石结构陆表地形。

    To create an image of Manhattan four centuries ago, they took the island back to its ecological fundamentals, back to the bedrock and surface topology.


  • 这个堡垒独特的地方时坐落岩石高地上。这里修道院,挖很多小房间

    The unique thing about the fortress is that it is situated on a rock plateau which used to be a monastery with numerous hollowed out cells.


  • 在荒野地锋利岩石旁,捕获到一只,杀死了

    He had killed one, caught it against one of the razored rocks of the Waste.


  • 穿着白袍,带 着黑色长冒的牧师带领我们穿过曲折,直到面前展现出更小神殿矗立在岩石院子内

    Two priests in white robes and tall, black headpiecesled us through each of the movements. We turned and faced the smaller, innershrine, which stood across a courtyard, an expanse of rock garden.


  • 而且因为第二月亮(月状物),那么可能冷却和凝聚地更快,这意味着岩石更古老。

    Also, because the second moon would have been smaller than the main one, it would have cooled and solidified more quickly, meaning that its rocks would be older.


  • 由于这种岩石神奇炼金术时期众多混合物当中的出现代表着希望

    Because these rocks are kind of magical, during the time of alchemy their name was invoked as an ingredient in any number of hopeful mixtures.


  • 主要目的已经发现暗示岩石冷却时候和水结合了,科学家们解释

    The main goal has always been to find hints that the rocks were hydrated when they cooled, said the scientist.


  • 我们知道太阳包含大量太阳风将氦沉积月球岩石表面的,也许我们可以提取

    We know the sun contains lots of helium, and as the solar wind has been depositing helium into the rocky surface of the moon, perhaps we can extract it.


  • 丑陋地折叠着,靠着岩石防止滑落

    Its wing membranes are folded and ugly, and it hugs the rock to keep from slipping off.


  • 两名穿着白袍,带着黑色长冒牧师带领我们穿过曲折,直到面前展现出更的神殿,矗立岩石院子内。

    We turned and faced the smaller, innershrine, which stood across a courtyard, an expanse of rock garden.


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