• 我们家庭成员包括成年人这个住址所有16岁以下儿童

    Our family memberships cover two adults and all children under the age of 16years at the one address.


  • 严重的是,这种对大龄儿童的关注意味着以下孕妇受到的关怀被削弱了。

    More seriously, this emphasis on older children means that the under-twos and pregnant women barely get a turn.


  • 腹泻主要影响以下儿童

    Diarrhoeal disease mainly affects children under two years old.


  • 很多专家表示儿童每天使用数码设备时间不能超过2小时——以下儿童不能接触数码设备。

    Many experts say children should spend no more than two hours a day using digital devices — with no screen time for children under two.


  • 每年共有亿5以下儿童未能充分实现智力社交潜力,其中多数儿童来自南亚和非洲撒哈拉以南地区。

    Every year, more than 200 million children under five years old fail to reach their full cognitive and social potential. Most of these children live in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.


  • 收购针对30以下人士最大社区网站是个十分谨慎策略

    It was a very careful strategy to go for the two biggest community sites for people under 30.


  • 尼泊尔实现饮用水安全目标,目前正稳步实现初等教育中等教育领域比例相同目标降低5岁以下儿童死亡率目标。

    Nepal has achieved the goal on access to safe water, and is on track to meet the goals on gender parity in primary and secondary education and on reducing under-5 mortality.


  • 但是10以下儿童需要疫苗期间相隔完全免疫力直到接种最后一剂疫苗1周才会产生

    However, a child below the age of 10 will need two doses of the H1N1 vaccine, spaced about a month apart, and full immunity will not occur until about a week after the final dose.


  • 每天,至少有35以下英国人确诊患上致命的皮肤癌

    More than two Britons under 35 are diagnosed with the deadliest form of skin cancer every day.


  • 提议的法令或模棱,或漫无边际,都没有直接禁止未成年人黄色插图禁止18以下儿童传播这类作品。

    The proposed rules, vague and rambling, do not amount to an outright ban on explicit illustrations of minors, but do prohibit their distribution to children under 18.


  • 我们知道我们看到数以百计父母不在身边的儿童包括婴儿以下的儿童,他们迫切需要救援

    We know that hundreds of unaccompanied children have been seen and registered, including infants, children under two years of age, who need urgent support.


  • 公司规定,24及24岁以下员工每年有一的失恋2529的员工享受失恋假;29以上的员工可休假天。

    Staff aged 24 years or younger can take one day off per year, while those between 25 and 29 can take two days off and those older can take three days off, the company said.


  • 25岁以下约有40%人出于失业欧洲其他受到金融危机重创国家倍。

    Some 40% of under-25s are unemployed, twice as many as in other hard-hit European countries.


  • 一趋势在45以下人群尤为明显,体重指数超过35男性比例超过40的女性比例在十年上升倍。

    The trend was found to be dominant in the under 45s, where the proportion of men with a body mass index over 35, and of women with a BMI of over 40, has grown two-fold during the decade.


  • 美国食品药物管理局告知父母医嘱不能以下儿童服用感冒药。

    The United States Food and Drug Administration had told parents not to give them to children under age two unless a doctor says to use them.


  • 科学家发现,带坎塔布连年龄以下的独居小熊通常冬眠

    Female Cantabrian bears with babies and independent young bears under the age of two do not usually hibernate, scientists have found.


  • 5以下儿童,全脂牛奶予以鼓励如果其余饮食供应足够的能量,半脱脂牛奶可用于以下的儿童。

    For children under five, whole milk should be encouraged, although semi-skimmed milk may be used from the age of two if the rest of the diet supplies adequate amounts of energy.


  • 据了解,培训基地超过一万名武术学员足球学校在其中千名岁以下武僧中进行选拔,进行特训。

    The base has more than 10, 000 students who are study martial arts. The football school will select from 2, 000 kungfu monks under the age of 10 for special training.


  • 明尼苏达州罗彻斯特马约诊所研究发现,给以下儿童做手术麻醉,会给他们带来双倍学习障碍上的危害。

    Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., found a twofold increase in learning disabilities in children who had more than one exposure to general anesthesia with surgery before age 2.


  • 那些年过猴子往往收到75%其它猴子——年龄分别十五——的回应,而以下的猴子只能收到40%的回应。

    Those over the age of seven often received 75 per cent response from the rest of the group - whose ages varied from three to 15, compared with just 40 per cent for those under two.


  • 即便以下幼儿中,也38%左右的儿童使用移动媒体设备,而年前这一比例只有10%。

    Even among kids under the age of two, some 38% have used a mobile device for media, compared to 10% two years ago.


  • 几乎所有患者以下儿童,其中大多数不到

    Nearly all of the cases have been among children younger than six, with most under two.


  • 请注意17以下18以上年龄阶段的付款方式不同。

    Note the different payment components are required for aged 17 and under, and aged 18 or above.


  • 密歇根大学2011年展开一项调查发现,61%的家长以下孩子服用止咳感冒药。

    An earlier University of Michigan poll from 2011 found 61% of parents with children 2 and younger had given them cough and cold medications.


  • 泰尔称,所在的组织建议父母们限制设备的使用,同时承认所有家庭中的以下幼儿远离屏幕现实的。

    Steyer says his organization recommends that parents set limits, though he appreciates that no screen time before age two isn't practical for all families.


  • 年龄50到74之间的人群电影票上的钱是30岁以下人群的倍之多。

    People aged between 50 and 74 spend twice as much as the under-30s on cinema tickets.


  • 岁以下儿童胸腺常常遮盖上部分心血管边缘。

    In children under the age of two years the thymus often obscures the upper cardvovascular borders.


  • 方法对1995年进行第三次九城市7以下儿童体格发育调查资料进行分析19751985年的次调查资料进行对比研究。

    Methods Data collected from the third national survey on physical development and growth in children under seven years old conducted in 1995 were analyzed and compared with those in 1975 and 1985.


  • 方法对1995年进行第三次九城市7以下儿童体格发育调查资料进行分析19751985年的次调查资料进行对比研究。

    Methods Data collected from the third national survey on physical development and growth in children under seven years old conducted in 1995 were analyzed and compared with those in 1975 and 1985.


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