• 境内由帕米尔山脉覆盖,百分之五十地区在海拔3000(大约10,000英尺)以上

    It is covered by mountains of the Pamir range, and more than fifty percent of the country is 3,000 meters (approx. 10,000 feet) above sea level.


  • 斯诺登山及其以远山脉积雪覆盖着。

    Snowdon and the mountains beyond were covered in snow.


  • 当飞行员的时候,曾多次飞过这些巨大的山脉,从高处欣赏闪亮的、被雪覆盖的山顶。

    During my time as a pilot, I had flown over these huge mountains many times, admiring the shiny, snow-covered mountain tops from above.


  • 当年一道巨大走廊头向着通过太平洋一侧洛基山脉一路向延伸至美国各地一头深深延伸至被大陆冰层覆盖加拿大广袤土地。

    The way further south into the rest of America was through an ice-free corridor between the Rocky Mountains on the Pacific side, and the vast continental ice-sheet covering Canada on the other.


  • 冬日覆盖山脉大块开始破裂开来,重重地跌落山脚下正在融化的海水里。

    Great chunks of the ice crust, which has covered the mountains through the winter, break off and drop heavily into the thawing sea beneath.


  • 也门山脉种植特的绿色梯田覆盖着,咔特这种轻微麻醉效果植物整个国家大半耕地

    The mountains of Yemen are covered in green terraces growing qat, a mildly narcotic plant that takes up more than half the country's arable land.


  • 绿松石冰川湖泊正在飙升冰川覆盖山峰波涛汹涌的河流一起组成了北美上镜山脉

    Turquoise glacial lakes, soaring glacier-clad peaks and turbulent foaming rivers all combine to make these mountains one of the most photogenic locations in North America.


  • 几内亚岛上覆盖大片丛林,难以逾越欧文.斯坦利山脉蜿蜒崎岖在岛上。

    With the rugged Owen Stanley Mountains supplying an almost impassable backbone, the body of New Guinea was one vast jungle.


  • 大致在同一时期阿拉斯加州的弗兰格尔山脉出现大规模火山爆发这个地区被深达英尺怀特火山灰覆盖

    Around the same time, a massive volcanic eruption in the Wrangell Mountains in Alaska occurred, blanketing the area in a layer of ash, up to a foot deep, called the White River tephra.


  • 全国大多数人口集中三个山脉之中,平原地区丛林覆盖

    Most of the population is concentrated in three mountain chains, and much of the flatter area is clothed in jungle.


  • 选择适合自己气候地形冰雪覆盖阿拉斯加蒸笼笼罩的德克·斯,从科罗拉多的绵绵山脉缅因州的广袤森林

    You have a choice of weather and landscape, from snowy Alaska to baking Texas, from the mountains of Colorado to the forests of Maine.


  • 六月时节,依树筑巢鸟儿高声鸣唱有趣的哺乳动物肆意玩耍,山花烂漫,正得其时;冰雪覆盖山脉辉煌的秋叶秋天上了鲜艳的色彩

    Great landscapes, tree-nesting birds, interesting small mammals and wildflowers are all at their peak in June, and snowcapped mountains and brilliant foliage color the fall.


  • 1979年2月19日载着年仅11岁竞技滑雪选手诺曼·奥勒斯塔德(NormanOllestad)的塞斯纳[1]飞机坠毁加州连年白雪覆盖山脉

    On Feb. 19, 1979, a Cessna plane carrying 11-year-old competitive skier Norman Ollestad crashed into California's snowy San Gabriel Mountains.


  • 可是尽管所有这些成就,但智利心神不安感觉白雪覆盖安地斯山脉一样可以触摸。

    Yet despite all these achievements, the sense of malaise in Chile is as palpable as the snow blanketing the Andes.


  • 华达山脉斯喀特山脉相连接卢默秋季色彩反衬覆盖地区火山岩灰色背景。 造成引人注目的景致

    The Sierra Nevada and the Cascade Mountains meet in Plumas County, and fall color against the grey backdrop of the volcanic rock that covers the region makes for dramatic views.


  • 不过,冰川不是清一色地消融实际上青藏高原西部边界喀拉昆仑山脉,那里的冰川覆盖面积正在增长。

    The rate of melting is not uniform, and a number of glaciers in the Karakoram Range on the western edge of the plateau are actually advancing.


  • 夏威夷起伏山脉茂密丛林覆盖使得实地考察或是人造卫星监测变得困难起来。

    Hawaii's rugged mountains are covered with dense jungle, which makes them difficult to study in the field or by satellite.


  • 景色透露宁静安详,周围富丽堂皇的别墅绿树覆盖山脉古雅村庄

    Vistas of the lake reveal a serene scene surrounded by palatial villas, tree-clad mountains, and quaint villages.


  • 比利牛斯山脉巨大顶部被雪覆盖挡住南方地平线

    The great bulk of the snowcapped pyrenees blocked the southern horizon.


  • 广阔马迪迪荒野里包括了一系列从冰雪覆盖安第斯山脉亚马逊热带低地的、惊人生态系统。

    The vast Madidi wilderness encompasses a staggering range of ecosystems-from snowcapped Andean peaks to tropical Amazonian lowlands.


  • 冬季到来时,阿尔卑斯山脉大雪覆盖

    Winter brings extensive snowfalls in the Southern Alps.//


  • 美国西部一些住宅,比如亚利桑那山脉夯土建成家庭寓所,以及威尔·布鲁德人的科罗拉多民居覆盖有烧焦

    Other homes in the American West include an Arizona mountain retreat by DUST made of rammed earth walls and a Colorado dwelling by Will Bruder that is clad in charred cypress.


  • 这一降雨带覆盖山脉

    A belt of rain extends across the mountains.


  • 深灰色石板覆盖结构内外部旨在周围山脉颜色相融合。

    Panels of dark grey stone cover both the inside and outside of the structure, and are intended to resemble to colours of the surrounding mountains.


  • 深灰色石板覆盖结构内外部旨在周围山脉颜色相融合。

    Panels of dark grey stone cover both the inside and outside of the structure, and are intended to resemble to colours of the surrounding mountains.


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