• 瑞士全国以风景优美著名到处交错空气清新

    Switzerland is famed for its physical beauty, its mountains and lakes, its crisp, clean air.


  • 大熊天文台坐落一个清澈,那里气流平稳闻名

    The Big Bear Observatory is located in a clear mountain lake which is known for its atmospheric stability.


  • 蚌属密度生物量为零青岚其余各生物量明显大于军山湖

    Both the density and biomass of Solenaia in the two lakes were zero, but the biomass of the other genera in Qinglan Lake obviously exceeded that in Junshan Lake;


  • 风景名胜区位于驻马店市确县境内,107国道西侧3公里毗邻京广铁路

    The famous Boshan lake scenery in Queshan County of Zhumadian, locates 3km far away to the west of the national road 107, near to Jingguang railway.


  • 2011年,完成江西山湖风电等16个项目CO2排量的现场监测签发工作

    In 2011, accomplished on-site monitoring and endorsement of CO2 emission reduction for 16 projects like Jiangxi Jishanhu Wind Power.


  • 按照联合导演部计划17日凌晨,红方第1编队护送商船(模拟)演习区域航渡。

    According to the plan of the drill, the 1st naval fleet of the red team would escort a merchant ship (simulated by Junshanhu ship) while moving to the exercise area before dawn on September 17.


  • 全园形式巧安排,西群峰借景,使园内景色变幻无穷,美不胜收园内建筑吸收了中国各地建筑精华。

    Its general layout makes full use of the hill and the lake, together with the borrowed views from the peaks of the west mountain, which brings about infinite scenery variations with exceeding beauty.


  • 蓝色的绿色

    There are blue lakes and green mountains.


  • 死亡沙漠平原,是加利福尼亚干涸四周环绕,沙漠的地面上巨大的岩石有些重达数百

    Death valley is this desert plain, a dry lake bed in California surrounded by mountains and on the desert floor these huge rocks, some of them hundreds of pounds.


  • 我们打算日内瓦吉利海峡骑行,路线本身就很有吸引力:汝拉我们翻越最低穿过勃艮第到达卢瓦尔河时,我们沿河岸轻松骑行一天

    Our route from Lake Geneva to the Channel more or less drew itself: over the Jura by the lowest pass we could find, through Burgundy and across to the Loire for an easy day on the riverbank.


  • 这里红色太阳之间蔚蓝瀑布其中一个最大的摘要

    Over here between Red Sun Mountain and the lake, is the Blue Waterfall, one of the biggest in lu Shan.


  • 这项运动很安全,价格适中,并且风景美极了——蓝色顶部覆冰川和海洋,峡湾和海滩。

    It is safe, decently priced and the landscapes are stunning - blue lakes and snow -capped mountains, glaciers and the ocean, fiords and beaches.


  • 要么碧绿色两侧是密密的森林

    One is a volcanic mountain, with a turquoise lake in the caldera and forests on its flanks.


  • 终于有,阿莱德厌倦了喋喋不休的抱怨,于是迁到了一个更好地方留在了库

    One day Alaid, tired of quarrelling, left to find a better place to stay. The only thing he left there, was his heart which one can see in the middle of the lake.


  • 到达终点(),终于如释重负,也是以来第一感到如此的轻松

    "When I reached (Hushan), I could finally let my shoulders down and relax for the first time in a year and a half," Loken says.


  • 布尔白色方石一样,也会涌出仙

    Out of this lake, as from the white square stone in Ben Bulben, issues an unearthly troop.


  • 位于富士热门旅游景区这里可以进行温泉浴

    Lake Saiko is in a region popular with tourists for its Fuji views and hot spring baths.


  • 其作用上来说是特别意义的,不同主要作为星际之】的〖的的喀喀阿肯色提顿沙士达罗斯林教堂〗这些地方

    These are very unique in purpose, and differ from areas such as Titicaca, Arkansas, Grand Tetons, Shasta and Roslyn that are primary Celestial Star Gates.


  • 景区蜚声中外的佘圣母大殿,佘天文台天文博物馆,地震台欢乐谷景区,雕塑公园

    The Resort is well-known at home and abroad for Sheshan cathedral, Sheshan Observatory, Sheshan Astronomical Station, Seismological Station, Happy Valley Area and Moon-lake Sculpture Park, etc.


  • 这些豪华酒店现在费尔蒙酒店集团管理包括魁北克的芳堤娜城堡酒店,班弗温泉酒店落基露易斯城堡酒店等。

    This luxurious collection of hotels (now run by Fairmont) includes Quebec City's Chateau Frontenac, the Banff Springs hotel and Chateau Lake Louise in the Rockies.


  • 所以很多园林景观的认识肤浅认为园林只是种花种草,挖,置石理水。

    So a lot of people just consider the landscape as planting flowers and grass making lakes making mounds as well as stone-layout and water-designing which is quite superficial.


  • 块带有臼齿下颚犹他州韦恩1万英尺高处发现

    A jawbone with three molars was found 10,000 feet up Thousand Lake Mountain in Wayne County, Utah.


  • 块带有臼齿下颚犹他州韦恩1万英尺高处发现

    A jawbone with three molars was found 10, 000 feet up Thousand Lake Mountain in Wayne County, Utah.


  • 东部有很多风景,同时也是很多河流源头比如幼发拉底河底格里斯河亚力河araks,这里也有Van和阿土耳其最高点5166

    To the east is found a more mountainous landscape, home to the sources of rivers such as the Euphrates, Tigris and the Araks, as well as Lake Van and mount Ararat, Turkey "s highest point at 5,166m."


  • 张照片是于2008年9科罗拉多州在沿回声埃文斯的路上所拍摄的。

    Shot along the road to Echo Lake and Mt. Evans, Colorado in September 2008.


  • 现在我们去探访卡里Lake Kari,亚美尼亚语里意为“石头”),非常美丽地方坐落在阿拉加茨(MountAragats)的一侧。

    Now let’s visit Lake Kari (Armenian, “stone lake”), an extremely beautiful place, which is situated on one of the slopes of Mount Aragats.


  • 工人们修建穿过隧道时,他们发现了地下

    While building a tunnel through the mountain, the workers discovered an underground lake.


  • 今天我们爬厚赫普雷·特斯碧兹这座地理位置很好因为位于阿特奥地利州最大

    Today we went to the Hochplettspitz for hiking. The mountain has good location, because it is beside the Attersee, which is the biggest lake in Upper Austria.


  • 今天我们爬厚赫普雷·特斯碧兹这座地理位置很好因为位于阿特奥地利州最大

    Today we went to the Hochplettspitz for hiking. The mountain has good location, because it is beside the Attersee, which is the biggest lake in Upper Austria.


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