• 展厅另一展览地点,整面墙尺寸的绘画停住脚步

    Out of the exhibition hall, in another display area, a group of wall-size, mural-like paintings halted my steps.


  • 旧石器时代展厅展览19世纪末叶尼塞河畔所发现巨大象牙

    TheOld Stone agehall displays the real mammoth tusks, found on the bank of the Yenisey in the end of the 19th century.


  • 展览会上件作品就有着这种风格,幅画自命不凡地被悬挂一间狭窄展厅尽头,画中的衣袖直接肩处伸出。

    The only surviving example hangs in the exhibition, displayed rather pretentiously at the end of a narrow room with its sleeves straight out from the shoulders, cross-like.


  • 那么显然因为创建了11.0展厅,此次展览减弱了其本身力量。

    It would appear, therefore, that the show had diluted itself with the creation of Hall 11.0.


  • 人们Pelican第二天早上降落到地面的原因Pelican将制造者带到西雅图的一个展厅进行商业展览

    It was brought down in the morning only because the exhibition hall near Seattle where it was airborne was about to open for business.


  • 高大宽阔展厅参观者一个舒适观展环境,也让展览能够体现出意义。

    The spacious exhibition room provides visitors with comfortable surroundings, which is also the essence of the exhibition.


  • 綦江县农民版画家李成芝一大早穿上自制版画服装来到展厅参观展览

    Qijiang County farmers in the early morning edition of artist Li Chengzhi wear self-made "print" garments to the exhibition hall.


  • 规划现状工业西侧新建工业展厅东侧工业区提供展览展示功能

    Planning new industrial exhibition in the industrial Avenue on the west side to provide exhibition display function for the east industrial zone.


  • 时差制作工厂一个展览展厅工程中心具有产业构成制作工厂。

    The jet lag production factory is an exhibition, exhibition hall, guiding depending on the project for center is composed of many industry production factory.


  • 商贸中心汽车展览中心,维修中心,大小购物超市商店饭店咖啡馆布及展厅所在办公楼附近

    There are business trade center, auto show center, service center, shopping supermarkets, store, hotel and coffee bar nearby the exhibition hall office building.


  • 展厅甚至可以延伸展览路径以及户外树丛甲板上。

    The gallery can even be extended into the gallery path and the external timber deck in the woods.


  • 参展商获准展厅小时一个小时官方展览小时。

    Exhibitors are allowed in the exhibit hall two hours before and one hour after the official exhibit hours.


  • 设有办公区展厅,从一层展厅开始二层设有VIP展览露台

    Both floors are facilitated with office rooms and exhibition halls, with the main exhibition hall on the first floor and the VIP exhibition room and terrace on the second floor.


  • 展览名字也是展厅环境,容纳了众生自然界所面临的困境

    Blue Room is more than just the title of this exhibition. It also describes the atmosphere within the exhibition hall, and encompasses the plight of all living things in nature.


  • 封闭展览盒子通过两个半透明展厅地面层相连接

    The enclosed exhibition box connects to the ground floor via two semi-glass halls.


  • 现有展览空间约1600平方米分为AB两个展厅展厅保留原有建筑肌理结构

    It has 1600 square meters of exhibition space, divided into exhibition hall a and b, retaining the original texture and structure of the building.


  • 展览abb为期三天的会议期间,在四万平方英尺的展厅里集中展示业务组合最新自动化技术

    Exhibits: ABB will showcase the latest automation technologies in its portfolio in the 40,000 sq. ft. exhibit hall during the three-day conference.


  • 展览中心会议中心会发布他们每个展厅可以利用的大概面积。

    Convention centers and convention hotels publish the gross square meters available in each of their exhibit halls.


  • 固定展厅位于入口前方,看看展厅旁边楼梯,一个是通向VIP展览空间

    The permanent exhibition hall is located in front of the entrance. Via the stairs near the exhibition hall, one reaches the VIP exhibition space.


  • 图库精选全球最新展览设计,是展会展厅设计朋友帮手

    This set of library selection of the latest global exhibition design of the exhibition hall designed by a friend doing a good helper.


  • 盆景园大致部分组成一部分展厅、展廊及其围合成的庭院空间构成的室内盆景展览建筑

    Miniascape Garden mainly consists of two parts: one part is indoor Miniascape exhibition building area , which include the exhibition hall and the exhibits corridor , making a small courtyard space;


  • 展览分布24展厅整体展示了中国出口行业现状,几乎涵盖所有各类产品服务

    In 24 separate halls, all conceivable products and services representing the entire range of the country's export industry will be showcased.


  • 所以每次展览带有冒险走进展厅作品最后摸样有时候甚至连艺术家本人都不能肯定。

    Each show include some risks: it is sometime uncertain for the artists themselves to know what the last shape of their works will be as they enter the exhibition room.


  • 已经参观了各展厅吧?展览有何观感

    You have see the exhibition hall, have not you? What are your impressions about the exhibition?


  • 位于上海市中心静安区常德路818展览面积420平方米展厅高度4,展线约100米。

    Located at No. 818 Changde Road, Jing 'an District, downtown Shanghai, the gallery has an exhibition area of 420 m2, 4 m high and 100 m long.


  • 馆内下设办公室展览收藏画廊,近年增设了展厅管理部保卫部

    Aside from office, exhibition department, collection department and gallery, it added exhibition management department and security department.


  • 我们拥有一支高素质的展览团队各类展位标准展位、展厅专柜、灯箱道具提供高品位质量高效率服务

    We have a professional exhibition team, providing high taste, high quality and high efficiency services regarding all kinds of special booth, standard booth, kiosk, light box and other equipment.


  • 展览开幕展厅分割布置一个个不同的自然场景,比如某个展厅地上都铺满了沙;

    Before the Opening: The galleries will be divided into different areas to represent different natural disaster prone environments.


  • 北京领信国际展览有限公司提供展览展示、展厅工程、会议巡展、景观工程策划创意设计施工专业服务商

    Toplead (Beijing) International Expo co., Ltd is to provide exhibition, exhibition hall, meeting planning, landscape engineering circuit design and construction of professional services.


  • 北京领信国际展览有限公司提供展览展示、展厅工程、会议巡展、景观工程策划创意设计施工专业服务商

    Toplead (Beijing) International Expo co., Ltd is to provide exhibition, exhibition hall, meeting planning, landscape engineering circuit design and construction of professional services.


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