• 宣布云集美国知名艺术双年展为署名

    It declares that its Biennial, a survey of noteworthy art being made in America, is its "signature exhibition".


  • 亚洲儿童艺术儿童艺术教育现成果提供新的窗口。

    Asian children's art show provide a new Angle for children's art show.


  • 2007年看鲁尔:埃姆歇公园国际建筑展为我们留下了什么?。

    Ruhr 2007:What Is Left over of the IBA Emscher Park?


  • 全国第七届三版我们了解中国当代版画艺术特点开启了一扇窗

    The 7th national print exhibition opens a window for us to understand the characteristics of today's Chinese print arts.


  • 2003年,国际中心世界机床日本精机株会社提供设计、制作、搭建。

    Supplying Japan Daisho and Seiky Co. Ltd. with designing, manufacturing and installation for participating in the World Machine Tools Exhibition held in International Exhibition Center in 2003.


  • 地球椭球表面曲面地图通常要绘制平面图纸因此制图时首先曲面平面。

    Earth is an ellipsoid and its surface is curved, but the maps are usually drawn to the floor plan on paper. So before drawing you must spread the curved surface surface to the plane first.


  • 特别以巡回地域、跨专业、跨时期的品牌推广活动我们获得了更多信赖肯定

    Particularly in tour exhibitions, we've got more trust and affirmation from customers in the course of cross-region, trans-disciplinary and cross-Date brand promotion.


  • 当天傍晚1,500纽约军械库艺术现代艺术博物馆捐出了另人吃惊250,000美元。

    The following evening, some 1,500 people at the Armory Show's extravaganze contributed over $250,000 to the Museum of Modern art.


  • 然后济南日报报业集团主办现代生活方式个案,深入采访了该会的主办方方代表,在访谈中检验前两部分理论分析

    After the theoretical analysis and interview test, the thesis at last draws a corresponding conclusion about modern expo research in the view of IMC.


  • 魔术师来到这个跟前,说:“可以儿子高兴愁眉露出微笑必须告诉他这个秘密付出巨大代价。”

    One day, a magician came to the man and said to him, "I can make your son happy and turn his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price for telling him the secret."


  • 纽约艺术设计博物馆去年十月结束加州梦想家”陶瓷特色二月结束的“吃喝艺术设计”则以餐桌上的物品特色。

    At the Museum of Arts and Design in New York, the show "California Dreamers," which closed last October, featured its ceramics, and "eat Drink Art Design," which closed in February, its table objects.


  • 图片以庆祝活动主题我们健康,我们的未来基础,讲述过去60世卫组织公共卫生故事着重强调重要里程碑今后挑战

    Based on the anniversary theme of "our health, our future", the exhibit tells the story of WHO and public health over the last 60 years, highlighting major milestones and challenges for the future.


  • 感谢湖北美术学院美术馆武汉艺术家们招待会精心筹划艺术邀请,给我们一个大好机会一睹你们的灵感才华。

    I thank Hubei art Academy and Wuhan artists for donating their services to mount an art exhibit at the reception and share their artistic inspirations with us.


  • 这个项目曾经形容“世界上最大未经授权艺术”。

    The project has been described as "the largest unauthorised art exhibition in the world".


  • 莫斯近来风头很劲,各种报刊、回顾特别活动称赞最后一个伟大的模特

    Moss has been having a moment recently, with books, retrospectives and special events all praising her as the last great model.


  • 庆祝组织诞辰,拥有宝物组成这次年度

    To celebrate the group's centennial, an array of its treasures makes up the feature exhibition of this annual show.


  • 郝婷(音)女士始终无法忘记新加坡银行私人银行家兜售投资品时说的话:“这个世界富人准备的。

    Hao Ting, who owns a petroleum-equipment business in Beijing, recalls the investment sales pitch from her private banker in Hong Kong at Singapore's DBS Bank: "The world is made for wealthy people.


  • 另外感谢灵,在面试一个晚上提供相关的经验

    The next one I would like to thank is Zhanling who shared with me some precious experience the night before I went to the interview.


  • 斯德哥尔摩2010:瑞典设计师JonasWagell上周斯德哥尔摩家具设计创造了一个象征森林城市空间艺术装置。

    Stockholm 2010: designer Jonas Wagell of Sweden created an installation representing the forest and the city for the design Bar at the Stockholm Furniture Fair last week.


  • 当时维多利亚时代棵树的售价六个便士在2005年的一次古董上,估价以飞涨至1000英镑。

    It cost six pence when it was bought in the mid-Victorian era but was last valued at? 1,000 by experts at the Antiques Road Show in 2005.


  • Opera目前移动手机流行浏览器。 他们2011年一月份举行的消费者电子Android系统推出了新的平板电脑浏览器。

    Opera is the most popular browser for mobile phones, and it’s showing off a new tablet browser for Android today at the Consumer Electronics Show.


  • 九月费城美术馆曼哈顿FriedmanBenda画廊同时办了

    In September, both the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Friedman Benda gallery in Manhattan featured his pieces in exhibitions.


  • Dmitriyev,军事技术合作联邦事务部俄罗斯三个览会提供支持——MAKS年度国际海事防务工程技术国际论坛。

    Dmitriyev said the FSMTC supports three Russian exhibitions - the annual MAKS air shows, the International Maritime Defense Shows in St. Petersburg and the international forum in Zhukovsky.


  • 砧木萌动期嫁接

    In the rootstock sprout to leaf grafting as well.


  • 海伦我们六家主要零售商大部分分店示。而且我们队伍已经计算机起跑了。

    Helen: OK.. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows.


  • 去参观一个时间基础艺术作品意义就是一眼然后看一眼,再多看一眼–不是整个地看了。

    The whole point of visiting an exhibition of timebased art is to take a look on it and then another look and another lookbut not to see it in its entirety.


  • 去参观一个时间基础艺术作品意义就是一眼然后看一眼,再多看一眼–不是整个地看了。

    The whole point of visiting an exhibition of timebased art is to take a look on it and then another look and another lookbut not to see it in its entirety.


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