• 类型化布局策略上,屋顶工程连续性创造建筑形态化统一大规模景观建立了关系

    The continuity of the roof works on both a typological and topological level, creating morphological unity for the building and establishing relationships with the large scale of the landscape.


  • 来自非盈利集团FABnyc,‘白色屋顶工程’以及纽约城‘降温屋顶’的志愿者将会根据纽约克莱恩商业周刊》里篇文章的要求,来粉刷屋顶

    Volunteers from nonprofit groups FABnyc, The White Roof Project and NYC CoolRoofs will paint the roofs according to an article in Crain's New York Business.


  • 尼加拉瓜一位土木工程已经联系了加利普,这位工程重型设备无法到达地方建造混凝土支撑的土坯屋顶

    Gharib has already been contacted by a civil engineer in Nicaragua, who wants to put up buildings with adobe roofs supported by concrete arches on a site that heavy equipment can't reach.


  • 用来最终支撑屋顶的钢架构的搭建工程进行中。

    And work on the structure that will eventually support its roof is underway.


  • 一些建设屋顶专业人士建筑师争辩说,“降温屋顶”的支持者没有解释清楚气候变化或者屋顶建设工程复杂性

    Some roofing specialists and architects argue that supporters fail to account for climate differences or the complexities of roof construction.


  • 最后工程进行安装屋顶大梁一紧要步骤了。

    At last they got to the point of installing the roof beam.


  • 工作工程公司工程顾问体育建筑师设计了一系列悬臂桁架支持屋顶其中形形色色议席

    Working with the engineering firm Arup Sport, the architects designed a series of cantilevered trusses to support the roof, which shades the seats.


  • 屋顶13纵横交错的支撑总长69加拿大工程组织“北欧结构合作开发的。

    Developed in partnership with Canadian engineers Nordic Structures, the roof is supported by 13 crisscrossing beams that measure 69 metres in length.


  • 房屋建筑屋顶雨水渗漏问题一直困扰着广大工程建设者房屋使用者渗漏主要部位在于泛水

    The rainwater seepage question on the flat roof of building construction has been perplexing project for builder and house user. The main position of its seepage lies in lashing.


  • 如果屋顶需要修理那么考虑贴屋面工程

    If your roof is in need of repair, then you may be considering a DIY roof repair project.


  • 然后私下造好了工程重要部分支撑整个屋顶大梁

    Then he secretly constructed the most important part of the building, the roof beam that would hold the roof together.


  • 几乎所有土木工程构筑物屋顶道路所有混凝土工程,其径流系数均95左右。

    Nearly all civil engineering structures, ro of s, roads, and any concrete work have a run - off coefficient of about 95 per cent.


  • 结合塑料的特性,论述了塑料管、塑料门窗、塑料地板塑料墙纸、塑料住房、塑料屋顶工程塑料等方面的应用前景,并建筑行业带来经济效益社会

    Plastic door and window, plastic floor, plastic wall paper and engineering plastics, it can bring about economic and social benefits in building industry.


  • 世博轴工程采用了全新建筑形式,屋顶设计700约80米的巨型轻型索膜结构,形蓝天下的朵朵白云轻盈飘逸

    The roof design as giantism light membrane structure about 700 meter long and about 80 meter width, like a spray of white clouds swift, graceful and elegant in the blue sky.


  • 安装修补屋顶低价工程可能得不偿失。

    Hiring someone to install or fix your roof? Low bid may cost your more than you realize. – Traditional Chinese.


  • 本文根据《屋顶试点工程体会,探讨屋顶加层的设计方法

    Based on the experimental construction, the paper investigates the design procedure for an added floor with inclined roof over an old building.


  • 砖混出现温度裂缝常见工程事故之一

    It is one of the common engineering accidents that temperature crevice arises in the top coat vertical wall of a brick concrete building.


  • 结构工程合作过程里,我们重复横梁形态塑造了简洁屋顶结构从而减少造价

    A collaborative design process with structural engineers rustled in creating a simple roof structure with repetitive beam shapes to reduce the cost.


  • 实习中有关工程指导重点金属波纹屋顶改造工程中的应用》的课题进行学习研究

    In the practice under the instruction concerning engineer particularly to "metal arch type the ripples roof is reforming the application in the engineering" of the topic carried on study and research.


  • 调节空气经过顶棚散流器两条输出排放工程座位。 两条输出管道通过屋顶台可调节点式散流器送风。

    The conditioned air is discharged into the engineer's seated area through two ceiling diffusers and two takeoff ducts that supply air through four adjustable spot diffusers on the ceiling.


  • 通过一个地区办公建筑工程实例采用节能计算方法屋顶保温隔热构造进行节能设计

    Based on an engineering example of office building in hot summer and cold winter region, using the method of calculating, energy-saving design of roof insulation calculation is made in this paper.


  • 因此系统研究屋顶塔楼结构体系实际工程设计的迫切要求。

    Therefore, it is necessary to do some research systematically, in which concerns the tower atop buildings structure.


  • 因此系统研究屋顶塔楼结构体系实际工程设计的迫切要求。

    Therefore, it is necessary to do some research systematically, in which concerns the tower atop buildings structure.


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