• 牙齿局部麻醉拔出的。

    Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic.


  • 公司局部出售可能投资人不利

    The sale of part of the company could be disadvantageous to investors.


  • 医师诊所里经过局部麻醉完成了手术

    The procedure was done under local anaesthetic in the physician's office.


  • 没几个军官认为捷之战会局部战争。

    Few officers thought that a German-Czech war could be localized.


  • 他因中风身体局部瘫痪了。

    The stroke left him partly paralysed.


  • 通常局部麻药注射使一部位失去知觉。

    An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.


  • 患有局部乳癌位医生建议做手术

    She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.


  • 红十字已经安排了局部停火,以便让老百姓得到医疗救助

    The Red Cross has arranged two local ceasefires, allowing noncombatants to receive medical help.


  • 一个指挥员不要因为局部利益操之过急。

    A commander mustn't get too anxious for the sake of some partial advantage.


  • 中国人重力仪校正海平面局部偏差

    The Chinese used a gravity meter to correct for local deviations in sea level.


  • 局部服从全局。

    The part must be subordinated to the whole.


  • 地质工程证明有效的至少一个局部范围内

    Geo-engineering has been shown to work, at least on a small localised scale.


  • 可以通过子问题的局部方案从而得到全局优化解决方案

    You can get a globally optimal solution from locally optimal solutions to sub-problems.


  • 局部因为没有环路曲率永远不会改变符号

    It is locally convex in the sense that it has no loops and the curvature never changes sign.


  • 小气候影响局部地区气候条件温度湿度天气特征

    A microclimate is a group of climate conditions that affect a localized area, weather features like temperature, wind, moisture and so on.


  • 生物多样性影响微乎其微而且造成任何污染通常都局部的。

    It had minimal effect on biodiversity, and any pollution it caused was typically localized.


  • 大型天体撞击行星月球时物质抛射出去,从而行星上形成一个洞,造成局部质量不足现象。

    When a large body strikes a planet or moon, material is ejected, thereby creating a hole in the planet and a local deficit of mass.


  • 相反他们发现局部地区经历了不同降雨侵蚀模式在过去的1400年里这样条件西南部普遍存在

    Rather, they found that local areas experienced different patterns of rainfall, wind, and erosion, and that such conditions had prevailed in the Southwest for the last 1,400 years.


  • Cobe设计只是为了观测最大结构天文学家们希望看到小的热点,即星系团超星系团局部天体种子

    Cobe is designed to see just the biggest structures, but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well, the seeds of local objects like clusters and superclusters of galaxies.


  • 陨石球粒质地研究证实它们冷却速度相当,短则分钟,长则数小时因此形成陨石球粒高温活动肯定局部的。

    Study of the textures of chondrules confirms that they cooled rather quickly, in times measured in minutes or hours, so the heating events that formed them must have been localized.


  • 年后哈比比及其同事报告称发现受过音乐训练儿童,他们大脑局部连接大脑不同部位通路发生结构变化

    After two years, Habibi and her colleagues reported seeing structural changes in the brains of the musically trained children, both locally and in the pathways connecting different parts of the brain.


  • 明天局部地区阵雨。

    Tomorrow there will be a few scattered showers.


  • 即使一项人道主义任务只是局部成功

    Even as a humanitarian mission it has been only a qualified success.


  • 反对党或许放弃他们局部利益站起来面对挑战

    Perhaps the opposed parties will lay aside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge.


  • 天上午局部多云,下午早些时候会转晴。

    It will be partly cloudy tomorrow morning, but clearing by early afternoon.


  • 地面床边局部铺纯羊毛地毯

    The surface of earth can spread in the bedside local all-wool rug.


  • 这种方法减少了沿电缆靠近接头纤维局部积累

    This approach reduces local accumulation of fibre along the cable and near a splice box.


  • 鸟类物种扁尾雀喉鵙,已经在局部地区消失了。

    Bird species such as the black-banded woodcreeper and the black-throated antshrike disappeared locally.


  • 指出几种局部拓扑完整性感应拓扑的完整性之间关系

    The relation between the completeness of several local convex topology and that of induction topology was pointed out in this paper.


  • 之间边界争论比起两国悠久友谊来说一个暂时性局部问题

    Compared with the long-standing friendship between the two countries, their boundary dispute is only an issue of a temporary and limited nature.


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