• 瑟夫一直美国宇航帕萨迪纳喷气推进实验室最近火星探测幕后人员)合作,设计所说的“星际互联网协议”。

    Cerf has been working with NASA's Pasadena Jet Propulsion Laboratorythe people behind the recent Mars expedition—to design what he calls an "interplanetary Internet protocol."


  • 奥林匹克交付ODA)继续联盛集团和众银行进行磋商有望今年3月达成协议

    The Olympic Delivery Authority will continue discussions with Lend Lease and with banks in the hope of reaching an agreement by March.


  • Cullen认为:“因欧委会竞争微软协议影响欧洲地区去年3月开始更多浏览器可以选择了。”

    "We are probably seeing the impact of the agreement between European Commission competition authorities and Microsoft, to offer EU users a choice and menu of browsers from March last, " says Cullen.


  • 共同签署了《中国国家航天俄罗斯联邦航天关于联合探测火星-火卫一合作的协议》,并确定双方将于2009年联合火星及其卫星“火卫一”进行探测

    The two countries announced a joint effort to explore Mars and one of its moons in 2009.


  • 2006年包括麦当劳汉堡在内一些业内主要公司加入一份自愿协议,该协议美国商业监督发起,力图限制儿童销售不健康食品

    Harris says.In 2006, industry leaders including McDonald's and Burger King entered into a voluntary agreement initiated by the Better Business Bureau to limit the marketing of unhealthy food to kids.


  • 根据美国国家航空航天管理(nasa)格伦研究中心太空法案协议条款INPROX公司传感器开发接受NASA的监督

    INPROX is developing the sensors under supervision of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under terms of a Space Act Agreement (SAA) with NASA Glenn Research Center.


  • 美国土地管理举行了历史上首次针对地热资源的土地租赁拍卖,达成57份租赁协议

    The U.S. Bureau of Land Management had its first ever land-lease auction for geothermal resources, and it produced 57 leasing agreements.


  • 本周英国保诚集团收购美国国际集团(以下简称AIG)亚洲人寿保险公司协议打破了面。

    This week's agreement by Prudential of Britain to buy AIG's Asian life-insurance operations, AIA, is anything but.


  • 持有世贸租赁协议的拉里·西尔弗·斯坦无法保证所需资金已经业主——纽约新泽西港务——寻求帮助

    Larry Silverstein, who holds the site's lease, is unable to secure the funding he needs and has asked the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the site, to help him.


  • 达成这份协议之前,一个仲裁小组裁定港务西弗·斯泰恩在3月12日的最后期限之前就建造时间表达成一致

    The agreement comes two weeks after an arbitration panel issued a ruling giving the Port Authority and Mr. Silverstein a March 12 deadline to agree to a construction timetable.


  • SpaceAdventures公司俄罗斯航天达成协议很大程度由于航天把联盟号运载火箭年产量4增加5架。

    Space Adventures agreement with Roscosmos for the flights is in large part due to the agency's plans to increase production of the Soyuz spacecraft, from four to five spacecrafts per year.


  • 购买房产销售协议递交国土注册开出收据。

    The sale agreements forthe purchase of properties are submitted to the Land Registry andreceipts are issued.


  • 欧洲专利可以为了协议范围目的,以及审计统计的需要,在内部使用上述信息

    The EPO may use the above information internally for purposes falling within the scope of this Agreement, as well as for auditing and statistical reasons.


  • 这个合作协议美国食品药品管理国际项目办公室机构相关产品中心一起执行

    The cooperative agreement will be administered by the FDA's Office of International Programs, in concert with the agency's relevant product centers.


  • 欧洲专利不会任何第三被许可方或者欧洲专利协议行为所引发的任何损失损害承担任何责任

    The EPO shall have no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage to third parties resulting from the Licensee's or the EPO's performance pursuant to this Agreement.


  • 双方签订预约合同,合同主要义务房管办理协议正式手续

    Because the two sides signed the contract, the main obligation of the contract is to go to the housing authority to deal with the formal procedures of the agreement.


  • 目前律政司已北京、上海司法签订了合作协议

    And presently the cooperation agreement had been signed by the Dept. of Justice with the judicial department of Beijing, Shanghai and etc.


  • 根据欧洲环保看法,现在需要峰会协议,即年后所得税的10%劳动力转向能源环保以及实现一目标的最低合作水平协议

    In the EEB's view, what is needed is a summit agreement on a 10% shift in tax income in ten years, from Labour to energy and environment, and on a minimum level of co-ordination to achieve it.


  • 居民投诉促使伦敦区的伊斯林顿哈罗要求代理根据负责任零售商”的协议删除过度

    Residents' complaints have prompted the London boroughs of Islington and Harrow to ask agents to remove excessive boards under "responsible retailer" agreements.


  • 开办电子专利申请代理业务的专利代理机构,应当专利代理机构名义国家知识产权签订用户协议

    A patent agency that opens agency business for electronic patent application shall sign the User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the name of the patent agency.


  • 另外,我方正在50美国商业开发中的一家协商签署一项联合培训协议

    We are also in the process of signing a training joint venture agreement with the first of 50 USA State Business Development Authorities.


  • 开办专利电子申请代理业务的专利代理机构应当该专利代理机构名义国家知识产权签订用户协议

    A patent agency which provides agency services for electronic patent application shall enter into a User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the agency's name.


  • 港务的官员们认为这个协议个头。

    Port Authority leaders saw the agreement as a starting point.


  • 港务的官员们认为这个协议个头。

    Port Authority leaders saw the agreement as a starting point.


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