• 科学家们旱季对这些在非繁殖地观察5,同时又特别观察了旱季降雨年际变化

    The scientists observed the redstarts in their non-breeding territories for five years during the dry season. They paid special attention to the annual variation in dry season rainfall.


  • 下游水位最低时,水管进口真空变化明显随着下游水位上升水管进口真空度逐渐改善

    The vacuum degree at tailrace adit varies most significantly at the lowest downstream water level and improves gradually along with the rising of downstream water level.


  • 本文粒子轨道理论人手,通过近900条粒子轨道的具体计算研究了粒子在晨昏电场作用投掷变化

    In this paper, the pitch Angle changing of charged particles of the magnetotail under the action of the dawn-dusk electric field is studied by evaluating about 900 trajectories by computer.


  • 研究悬吊模拟重大组织细胞凋亡情况变化及其防护方法。

    To investigate the changes and its protection of cell apoptosis in pulmonary tissues of tail-suspended rats in simulated weightlessness condition.


  • 正是因为这样,“道丹计划”才如此别具一格——工作人员当地各个社区亲自挑选裤子穿着者,年中密切监测牛仔裤的变化

    That's what makes Onomichi Denim Project so special - they handpick the wearers from the local community and closely monitor their transformation over the course of one year.


  • 涡畸变引起诱导速度变化机身直接盘处诱导速度得多

    The variation of the induced velocity distribution at the rotor plane caused by the fuselage through distorting the rotor near-wake is much larger than that induced by the fuselage directly.


  • 以此模型为基础,分析侧向动态变化过程,并总结出了水平面内悬挂参数优选

    The process of dynamic changes of the side force of tail wheel has also been studied by means of this model and the optimum region of the horizontal linkage parameters is derived.


  • 观测事实出发本文讨论了地震衰减地震前后发生变化可能原因

    On the basis of the observational data, this paper also discusses the probable reasons causing the variation of the coda wave attenuation rate both before and after strong events.


  • 提示悬吊7模拟失重大组织细胞凋亡调控基因存在变化

    It can be concluded that there are certain changes of cell apoptosis genes in pulmonary tissue of 7d tail suspended rats during simulated weightlessness.


  • 些小群的研究得到震群地震衰减变化不大的初浅印象。

    Study of a number of small seismic swarms also gives us the preliminary understanding that the attenuation rate of seismic coda waves of swarms does not change considerably.


  • 观察指标:分别测试模型小鼠质量变化蔗糖摄取实验强制游泳实验实验等行为学表现

    Observation indexes: Changes of body mass in mice models of two kinds, representations of behavior tests in sucrose intake test, forced swimming test and tail suspension test were measured.


  • 情绪变化丰富高兴耳朵扬起胡须放松瞳孔不变,抽动

    The cat is very rich and happy mood changes when lift, relax, ear beard, tail pointed pupil twitch.


  • 探讨小家鼠变化机理我国小家鼠种下分类十分复杂原因

    The mechanism of tail length variation and the causes of the complicity of subspecies classification of mice were discussed.


  • 京族海洋生存方式海神宗教信仰(氵万)京族渔捞习俗主要特征,在解放以来由于受到内部外来影响发生相应变化

    Due to internal and external influences, corresponding changes have taken place to Marine life and the Neptune religion which is the main features of Jing's fishing custom.


  • 结果表明随着草原兔数量下降种群年龄结构繁殖结构都发生了明显变化

    The result revealed that there was obviously changed in age structure and reproduction structure of L. lagurus with the decline of the population quantity.


  • 指出由于缺乏必要石油变化减少运动部件转化减少磨损

    Coda also points out the lack of need for oil changes, while a reduction in moving parts translates to less wear and tear.


  • 最后,针对蒙特卡洛模型上述缺陷我们提出两点改进方案假设合约价格变化服从merton提出的跳跃扩散过程以便捕捉收益率序列的厚特征。

    Finally we propose two improvements to the Monte Carlo model, on one hand we assume price changes follows jump-diffusion process in order to capture the fat-tail feather of the yields sequence.


  • 基于有限元分析了两个水管在各自最大内水压力条件外围混凝土受力得到各自的应力变化规律特点。

    Stress of surrounding concrete of each draft tube is analysed by the finite-element method under condition of the highest hydraulic pressure and the variable regularity of stress is obtained.


  • 根据测量数据计算出气动力随环量控制参数变化情况绘制曲线

    The aerodynamic forces on the tail boom have been calculated and their changes with the circulation control variables were drawn in curves.


  • 圆柱边界层相互作用,改变了近壁区域尺度相干结构平均演化过程,也速度变化过程。

    The conditional average phases of the multi-scale coherent eddy structures in the logarithmic area are changed by the cylinder wakes, which means that the variety of the velocity is changed.


  • 通过压力脉动数据的FFT频谱分析研究了直水管内部不同位置不同工况下的压力脉动在时域变化规律

    With the FFT analysis it is analyzed that the pressure surge changing laws in the taper pipe and draft tube in time domain and frequency domain.


  • 正规变化分布指数估计方法有很多种不同程度地存在一定的局限性。

    The estimation of tail index for regular variation heavy-tailed distributions aroused our concern, many scholars proposed several methods, but all of them have some disadvantages.


  • 串列平均速度和紊流脉动速度沿额线方向比单列变化平缓。

    The mean wake velocity profiles behind tandem cascades satisfy the self-similarity, similar to that behind the single-row cascade.


  • 计算雷诺数8.9 ~ 1000.0时圆球绕流受到阻力,分析形状长度随雷诺数的变化规律

    The drag on the sphere was calculated for Reynolds numbers8.9to1000.0, and the shape and length of the wake behind the sphere were investigated.


  • 讨论了函数系数回归模型,在误差项服从正则变化的情形下,模型概率性质

    The probabilistic properties of functional coefficient auto-regression models with regularly varying tailed are discussed.


  • 表面网格坐标面上偶极强度随时间步进变化

    The coordinates of grids on the wing surface and dipole strength on the trailing vortex surface were changed with respect to time-stepping.


  • 搞笑接近去世了,正是因为爷爷去世使这个家庭产生了巨大变化

    He has passed away time making fun very much, only being approaching the drama tail, also it is just because that grandfather's passing away has made this family changing gigantic.


  • 串列平均速度紊流脉动速度沿线方向单列变化平缓

    Behind the tandem cascades, the variations of mean velocity and turbulence intensity along the tangential direction become more gentle than that behind the single-row cascade.


  • 串列平均速度紊流脉动速度沿线方向单列变化平缓

    Behind the tandem cascades, the variations of mean velocity and turbulence intensity along the tangential direction become more gentle than that behind the single-row cascade.


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