• 沙威可能是,冉阿让则是在这条街的

    Javert was probably already at the commencement of the street at whose end jean Valjean stood.


  • 潘多拉星球可怕食肉动物,从外表可能已知宇宙最强悍食肉动物。

    The manticore is the most fearsome of Pandoran predators, and by the look, it might be the toughest carnivore in the known universe.


  • 世界所有海洋包括北冰洋海鞘都出没在浮游植物密度最大水域表面

    Found in all the oceans of the world, including the Arctic Ocean, appendicularians tend to remain near the water's surface where the density of phytoplankton is greatest.


  • 它们身体呈流线型后肢完全消失,身体长出喷水孔,所有这些特征都无法掩饰它们陆生哺乳动物之间的亲缘关系。

    Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land dwelling mammals.


  • 它们一般海星那样每个长长的光泽这些有与日落相适应的一系列颜色

    These are not your average starfish-adorned with long, shiny spines on each of their arms, these stars come in a range of colors befitting a sunset.


  • 所有城市认为省下来,实际损失掉了。”伯尼说,因为项目经常虎头蛇或者总是失修

    "All the money the city thought it saved, it lost," Mr. Burney told me, "because projects were often left unfinished or in disrepair."


  • 世界古老的公司金刚是一家总部大阪建筑公司

    THE oldest company in the world is Kongo Gumi, a construction firm based in Osaka.


  • 闪耀》在拍摄胜人一筹刻画出了一片银河悬于古老的狐松之

    His winning shot, Blazing bristlecone, depicts the Milky Way arching over an ancient bristlecone pine tree.


  • 这些矿点位于村子中部孩子玩耍

    The mines are located in the middle of villages, and children are playing on the waste rocks and tailings.


  • 实际打赌项目可以直接实施部署代码

    You're essentially betting that you will be able to deploy the code at the end of the project.


  • 一本血型手册写到,“血型,是决定了的表现。”

    So how do you feel about the results?" one blood type manual asks on its closing page. "Your type, after all, is what you decide you are.


  • 哈里王子威廉王子他们爸爸婚礼的装束,如果六点结婚,你就可以穿或者的晚礼服了。

    It is, of course, Prince Henry and Prince William at their father’s wedding. If you are getting married after 6pm, you can wear a tuxedo or tails as these are evening clothes.


  • 一本血型手册写到,“血型,是决定了的表现。”

    So how do you feel about the results?" one blood type manual asks on its closing page. "Your type, after all, is what you decide you are."


  • 实际带有文件压缩功能(默认)的ReiserFS文件系统可以同等ext2文件系统存储6个百分点的数据就其自身来说令人惊叹的。

    In fact, a ReiserFS filesystem with tail packing enabled (the default) can store six percent more data than the equivalent ext2 filesystem, which is amazing in itself.


  • 原本预计有1040万会洄游Fraser实际只有170万——创下了五十年来的新低

    This season only 1.7m of the 10.4m sockeye salmon that were forecast to return to the Fraser river in fact made it-a 50-year low.


  • 雪花白的舞台创造了花边窗帘作为另一个时代桌子跳动的服务员

    The snowflakes created a lacy curtain on the all-white stage as waiters in tail coats from another age flicked at the tables.


  • 宾语位置定语在可以后移主语直接谓语至句作分句中省略主语的谓语。

    The attribute modifying subject or object can be moved after subject as predicate or to the end of the sentence as predicate missing subject.


  • 鳞屑蓝色的,所以又有一个名字:细小灰蝶(英文缩写GBH),(GHB是它的朋友这个缩写英国严重身体伤害的意思!)

    The scales on its upper wings are blue, so giving it its alternative name, the Great blue Hairstreak (GBH to his friends, which stands for Grievous Bodily Harm in the UK!)


  • 一个工作主轴箱主轴通过适当简单卡盘无需使用中心也许就能被转动

    A short work may be turned without using the dead center, by simply chucking it properly at the spindle of the headstock.


  • 波浪形曲线美,人生走过的坎坷成功波浪是荆棘波谷中是自强不息的汗水波波明晃晃的奖杯。

    Wavy curve is beautiful, and his life is bumpy and success through the; Thorns on the waves, in the trough is unyielding perspiration, bobo tail is crystal trophy.


  • 同事谨慎地晶体靠近他们太空服推进器迹像条条蛛丝把晶体缠正中。

    The captain and his colleagues float close to the crystalloid carefully. The webby trails from their spacesuit are around the crystalloid in a mass.


  • 唐王叫刺鱼,因为它们的一尖尖的刺自卫

    Plaette tangs are also known as surgeonfish because they use a sharp spike on their tail for defense.


  • 安装床身导轨沿此导轨纵向移动以调整工作位置

    The tail frame: installed in bed, and guide rail along the guide rail, adjusting to the longitudinal mobile work position.


  • 功能监测装置轮轴如果斗提机皮带打滑断裂时,功能监测装置使斗提机关

    Function monitoring device is installed in the bucket on the machine's tail wheel, if the bucket elevator belt slipping or broken, the function of monitoring devices will allow bucket elevator close.


  • 因为条腺嘌呤都“平躺”在片基加快了速度

    This is because each adenine tail lies flat on the substrate, taking up space.


  • 因为条腺嘌呤都“平躺”在片基加快了速度

    This is because each adenine tail lies flat on the substrate, taking up space.


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