• 尽管公司广告使用奥运会主题,但运动服装中却没有加入传统中国元素

    While the company is using Olympics themes in its ads, its sportswear doesn't incorporate traditional Chinese elements.


  • 尽管公司没有正式承认Falco获得来自巴基斯坦订单并且交付正在进行中。

    Although the company has not officially acknowledged it, the Falco has already secured an order from Pakistan, and deliveries are underway.


  • 明显的一个投资银行尽管公司身着格子衣服的过去时代英国监管机构可能事情变得难办。

    The obvious one is investment banking, although the firm’s chequered past and those British regulators may make that difficult.


  • 清洁服务合约:竞投过程中,尽管公司众多投标者比较,得分不是最高中标

    During the bidding process for public lavatory cleaning services, the company did not achieve the highest performance marks among many bidders, but still won the tender.


  • 默克公司则宣称大幅裁减13000个工作岗位尽管公司宣布起季度利润差不多增加两倍

    And Merck said it would slash another 13, 000 jobs, as it reported that quarterly profit had almost tripled.


  • 默克公司则宣称大幅裁减13000个工作岗位尽管公司宣布起季度利润差不多增加两倍

    And Merck said it would slash another 13,000 jobs, as it reported that quarterly profit had almost tripled.


  • 2009年工资为623,100美元,2008年的薪酬92.5%,尽管公司股价涨了一倍

    He drew a $623,100 salary that was 92.5% lower than his 2008 total compensation, even though the company's stock doubled.


  • 尽管该公司必须一个艰难行业进行竞争,且过去记录差强人意,但它在段时期内取得了惊人进步

    Progress during the period has been spectacular, in spite of having to compete in a tough sector and a patchy track record in the past.


  • 尽管公司长期札幌从事业务,后来却不断收到日本其他地方民众请求,而在那些地方,入殓仪式并不常见

    The company had long been performing the ceremony in Sapporo, but it had begun to receive inquiries from people in other parts of Japan, where the ritual was less common.


  • 中石化的其他海外收购计划并非一帆风顺,此次收购加纳的油田看来同样困难尽管公司有尼尔·布什这样的名人助阵

    Its other overseas acquisitions haven't been smooth sailing, and this looks just as toughdespite the company's name-brand pitchman.


  • 索尼没有透露这些日本定价为29万-75万日圆电视机是否有利可图尽管公司一直采取措施降低整体制造成本

    The company didn't say whether these televisions, priced between Y290, 000 and Y750, 000 in Japan, are profitable, though it has been taking steps to cut overall manufacturing costs.


  • 比如spg公司债务2016年就要到期了,他股票价格现在60美分尽管公司还是有百分之三十二的收益

    For instance, the debt of SPG Land maturing in 2016 is trading at 60 cents on the dollar despite its 32 percent yield.


  • 章立人目前持有该公司三分之一股权担任董事长《福布斯》亚洲版表示,尽管该公司持续进行重组获得银行大型项目支持

    Chang, who holds nearly one-third and remains deputy chairman, tells FORBES ASIA that despite an ongoing restructuring, it continues to get support from Banks for complex projects.


  • 尽管该公司欧洲竞争对手们已经赢得了忠实的支持者,但根据数据供应商(Euromonitor)提供的数据,Zalando从市值在线销售总额来看依然是规模最大的。

    While European competitors have also earned loyal followings, Zalando remains the largest, both by market valuation and total online sales, according to Euromonitor, a data provider.


  • 公司反驳说,尽管多个角色这些角色清晰透彻的。

    The firm counters that although it has multiple roles, they have been made crystal-clear.


  • 公司坚持认为,尽管诸如召回电池之类问题最近层出不穷,但颓势正在悄然扭转。

    The company insists that despite recent problems such as the battery recall, the turnaround is going well behind the scenes.


  • 公司担心尽管播映权掏了,但自个的广告可能当地电视公司的广告替换

    The company was concerned that, although it had paid for broadcasting rights, its ads could be replaced with others by local television companies.


  • 尽管今年原材料价格不断上涨,公司的盈利依然保持很高

    Though raw material prices have gone up this year, the company still holds a high net income.


  • 尽管Pandit努力重建花旗文化公司依然深度参与各种形式的交易中。

    Despite Pandit's efforts to remake Citi's culture, the firm remains heavily involved in trading of various kinds.


  • 尽管市场上早已流传该公司上市的消息,但其正式宣布申报IPO的时间却大多数行业观察者预期提前数月,并在星期一早上引发一场媒体风暴

    Though expected, the announcement came a few months earlier than most industry watchers anticipated, creating something of a Monday morning media frenzy.


  • 不过尽管外部董事离任公司随后糟糕表现之间的关联暗示着这一点,但并不意味着此类董事总是跳出正在沉没之

    But although a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive, it does not mean that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship.


  • 英国石油(BP)昨日表示尽管墨西哥湾大规模原油泄漏公司财务造成压力,但公司计划发行新股

    BP is not planning to issue new shares, the company said yesterday, in spite of the pressure on its finances caused by its huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 补充道尽管保守党希望看到英国广播公司缩减规模没不希望公司受到致命伤害

    But he added that despite the Tories' desire to see the scope of the BBC reduced there was no appetite to mortally damage the corporation.


  • 尽管相较于19116月16日公司成立时的情况,现在已经时过境迁,但一点从未改变的——IBM一直不遗余力这个世界变得更好。

    Although much has changed since the company was formed on June 16, 1911, the one constant at IBM has been its focus on making the world work better.


  • 尽管相较于19116月16日公司成立时的情况,现在已经时过境迁,但一点从未改变的——IBM一直不遗余力这个世界变得更好。

    Although much has changed since the company was formed on June 16, 1911, the one constant at IBM has been its focus on making the world work better.


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