• 尽管候选人竞选纲领一些相似之处,但他们之间差异相当

    Although there are some similarities in the platforms of both candidates, the differences between them are considerably wide.


  • 尽管两位前任经理提出了有罪答辩,但公司其他名主管还是三月份宣告无罪。

    Despite guilty pleas 10 by two former managers, in March the company and three other executives were acquitted 11 . Aubrey Harwell represented one of the former managers.


  • 此次报告会持续一个小时尽管两位老师都做了细心的准备,但那些一直关注华威大学的同学们仍然为报告会中没有提到商科类专业的情况而感到遗憾。

    The talks lasted an hour. Although it seemed the two speakers made excellent preparations, those who were keen on Warwick were disappointed they did not talk about commerce at all.


  • 两位来自这些国家的老师给我留下了深刻的印象,尽管他们非常不同。

    There are two teachers from these countries that really impressed me even though they are very different.


  • 这个定为最后入围者之一,尽管后来没有获得职位

    The man was named one of two finalists for the job, though he ultimately didn't get it.


  • 两位童星的摇滚血统得天独厚,长大可能成为音乐人尽管年幼的他们现在刚刚可以弹奏乐器

    Their rock and roll lineage suggests they may well be quite the musicians when older, though they are barely old enough to play instruments yet.


  • 尽管理解行动马克思那里紧密联系着的,我们仍然可以通过两位较早德国哲学家黑格尔费尔巴哈,来分别回溯的理解。

    Even though understanding and action were tightly linked in Marx, we can trace his understanding back separately, through two German earlier philosophers, Hegel and Feuerbach.


  • 尽管没有知道什么东西,但人们都知道怎样称呼它:“卓帕王子”,根据的是那个著名神秘吸血兽“帕卡·布拉”(chupacabra,是世界第三大著名怪兽,前两位分别是大脚尼斯湖水怪)。

    Even though no one knew what it was, they knew what to call it: "Prince chupa," after the mysterious vampire chupacabra (the world's best-known monster after Bigfoot and Nessie).


  • 作者尽管单独出过著作,但再也没有一同写给

    The two authors never wrote another book together, although each separately wrote several.


  • 两位教授关注苏联现今的影响,尽管他们研究方法没有多大的不同

    Both are very much concerned with the Soviet legacy for the present day, although their approaches could hardly be more different.


  • 作者也都指出了其事业悲剧尽管使她成为了亿万富豪文化偶像

    Both authors point to the tragedy of her career even though her book sales turned her into a multimillionaire and a cultural icon.


  • 欧洲位前外长曾说,觉得彼此无法忍受”,但是尽管如此他们居然找到相处之道

    Despite finding each other “mutually unbearable”, as one European ex-foreign minister puts it, the two have found a way to get along.


  • 科学家尽管博客写手可能普通人群年轻,受教育程度更高,他们能够广泛地代表美国民众声音。

    The scientists said that although blog writers tend to be younger and more educated than average, they were broadly representative of the US population.


  • 尽管国际资本提出了诸多质疑,两位作者并不否认金融市场深化有助于繁荣经济。

    Whatever their misgivings about cosmopolitan capital, the authors do not deny that deeper financial markets in general help to foster prosperity.


  • 因为许多方面美国古巴像是两位失和多年兄弟尽管我们流淌的是同样血液

    Because in many ways, the United States and Cuba are like two brothers who've been estranged for many years, even as we share the same blood.


  • 尽管今年赛事参赛者送进了医院另外13参赛者接受了伞降人员的急救,但丝毫没有降低他们明年比赛热情

    That two cheese chasers were hospitalized and 13 others treated by paramedics at this years' event has done nothing to dim enthusiasm for next year's.


  • 老同事之间任何谈话都是不可能的,尽管双方都感到遗憾特别是托马斯

    All conversation between the two former colleagues had become impossible, even though they both regretted it, Tomas especially.


  • 我们知道导演拍摄风格都是截然不同的,尽管如此丝毫影响哈利·波特剩下部的质量票房

    We know that two directors shooting style etc is completely different, nevertheless, also hasn't affected harry potter rest several quality and box office.


  • 楼上尽管加入,我们讨论公开的。但是吸收知识是自己事情,在一点上没有可以帮忙

    You two upstairs. just join. our discussion is open. but assimilate knowledge is the thing of youself. no one can do you this favor .


  • 尽管各种各样广告辩论利益团体活动,选民候选人危机的反应作出自己的决断。

    For all the ads and debates and focus groups, voters also got a gut-check test of how each man would react to a crisis.


  • 两位艺术大师笔下女性形象尽管多姿多彩,但占主导地位的则知识女性。

    Of the-various vivid women images in their works, the intellectual women images seem to be prevailing.


  • 因此这个问题觉得候选人有多大不同尽管现在克里如果会以不同的方式来事后诸葛亮真了不起啊!

    Thus I don't find much difference between the two candidates on this issue, even if Kerry now says he would have done it differently. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing!


  • 因此这个问题觉得候选人有多大不同尽管现在克里如果会以不同的方式来事后诸葛亮真了不起啊!

    Thus I don't find much difference between the two candidates on this issue, even if Kerry now says he would have done it differently. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing!


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