• 米瑞尼神父我们并不记录每位客人什么不过我们希望客人小酌怡情,而不是喝得烂醉如泥。

    'We don't keep a list of what every customer orders, but we want people to drink, not to get drunk, ' Father Mirilli says.


  • 几天之前报道妻子回家了。的妻子丽莎·尼米休斯敦少年时代恋人

    Days ago it was reported he had left hospital to be at home with his wife, Lisa Niemi, his boyhood sweetheart from Houston.


  • 我们去年夏天失去了赫莱布弗拉米尼不得不重建球队。”

    He said: "we lost Hleb and Flamini last summer and we have had to rebuild."


  • 伊丽莎白·泰勒杰克·丹尼威士忌吞服米,费伊,巴克一起使用。

    Elizabeth Taylor said she swallowed hers with Jack Daniels; Tammy Faye Bakker took hers in conjunction with nasal spray.


  • 西班牙外交大臣特利尼达·吉米内兹星期爱尔兰接受救助决定好消息

    Spain's Foreign Affairs Minister Trinidad Jimenez said Monday that Ireland's decision to accept a bailout is good news.


  • 布甲尼撒他们,沙得拉,米伯尼歌,你们不敬拜立的金像,故意的吗。

    Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them, Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up?


  • 米特·罗姆希望21世纪还是美国的世纪,似乎贪了点

    Mitt Romney says that he wants the 21st century to be American too. That seems a little greedy.


  • 的这里,米特·罗姆最新提出真正主意——部分私有化“退伍军人健康管理局”。

    And that brings me to Mitt Romney's latest really bad idea, unveiled on Veterans Day: to partially privatize the Veterans Health Administration v.


  • 米尼金:“正如我们预料人民币将会升值至合适区间一样,我们认为短期美元反弹。”

    "I think that argues for some rebound in the dollar in the short term, even as we expect the renminbi to appreciate in the medium term," Minikin says.


  • 米尼金:“我们认为美元可能上行压力长期看我们依然预计美元会走,因此来年人民币一直升值。”

    Our view is that there may be upward pressure on the dollar, but further out we still expect the dollar to weaken and the renminbi to appreciate all the way through next year,” Minikin says.


  • 最初,维格拉村民对此项目表示怀疑现在大家很支援。米达利:“开始时人们并不相信,可现在每一个人都热心”。

    After initial scepticism, Viganella's residents are rallying behind the idea. "At the beginning people had doubts. But now everybody is enthusiastic," said Midali.


  • 黎巴嫩警察24的卡萨耶·艾珍耐特,30岁的萨尼特·玛里恩,26岁的马腾特·热狄和26岁的特则塔·雅米亚可能都是自杀

    Lebanese police say the deaths of Kassaye Atsegenet, 24, Saneet Mariam, 30, Matente Kebede Zeditu, 26, Tezeta Yalmiya, 26 were probably suicides.


  • 我们努力改变人们行为方式,”米考尼解释:“人们应理解塑料危害以及回收的必要性。”

    "We are working to change people's behavior," explains Micconi. “People need to understand the dangers of plastic and the need to recycle.”


  • 电话采访马洪尼先生卡米高林奇在他保时捷时代已经合作得非常非常的愉快非常高兴又有机会一次携手。”

    In a telephone interview, Mr. Mahoney said that he and Carmichael Lynch "had a great, great partnership" when he was at Porsche. "I'm glad we're able to continue to work together."


  • 只是现在只能在曼联曼联有太多好前锋韦恩·鲁尼,哈维尔·埃尔南德斯还有迪米特·贝尔巴托夫,甚至新星丹尼·维尔贝克也十分优秀,只能从那儿抢个板凳。

    Now he laughs at the sheer scale of competition at United, where Wayne Rooney, Javier Hernández, Dimitar Berbatov and increasingly Danny Welbeck block his path.


  • 来自劳合社的发言人安迪·瓦利声明中:“高兴确认,丹尼·尔林·莱恩杰米·奥哈拉将要有第一孩子。”

    A statement from Lloyd's spokesman Andy Varley said: 'I am pleased to confirm that Danielle Lloyd and Jamie o 'hara are expecting their first child.


  • 但以太监长所派管理但以理,哈拿尼雅米沙利撒利雅委办

    Then said Daniel to Melzar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and azariah.


  • 先知哈拿尼雅把先知利米颈项上折断以后耶和华的话临到耶利米

    Then the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah the prophet, after that Hananiah the prophet had broken the yoke from off the neck of the prophet Jeremiah, saying.


  • 但是格林尼提醒这个小组的气温计算仅仅是建立那条最大蟒蛇的基础上--米长的蛇上。

    But Greene cautions that the team based their temperature calculations partially on the largest known size of an anaconda today, which the study pegs at 7 metres.


  • 先知利米当着祭司站在耶和华殿里先知哈拿尼雅

    Then the prophet Jeremiah said unto the prophet Hananiah in the presence of the priests, and in the presence of all the people that stood in the house of the Lord.


  • 不管怎么,有的迹象显示米•利(Timmy Willie)就会有城市约翰尼(Johnny Town-Mouse)存在(译注:2):很多喜欢城市生活希望城市里,特别是住到市中心去。

    In any event, other trends suggest that for every Timmy Willie, there is a Johnny Town-Mouse: many people like urban life and want to go on living in a city, particularly the centre.


  • 米尼最后,买廉价冒牌货其实自己受损失瓦希德典型德黑兰消费者

    Tamineh says in the end, shoppers who pay for cheap knock offs are the ones who lose out. Vahid is typical of young Tehran consumers.


  • 存在最后期限——米兰需要一些决定很自然他们知道迪达计划什么,”奥斯卡·达米亚尼

    "There is no deadline - Milan need to make some decisions and, naturally, they want to know what Dida plans to do," said Oscar Damiani.


  • 澳大利亚柑橘协会ceo朱迪思∙达米亚尼:“谅解备忘录一个战略联盟协议,会这两个协会成员,以及首要是澳大利亚农业带来利益。”

    "We're delighted - the MOU is a strategic alliance which provides benefits to members of both associations - and a first for Australian agriculture," said Judith Damiani, Citrus Australia's CEO.


  • 米瑞尼神父微笑着一点通俗音乐没啥不好……对吧?

    'There's nothing wrong with listening to a bit of secular music... right?' the priest grinned.


  • 但是弗拉米尼自己决定留下所以温格还有其他人没有’提到他们那里一个洪都拉斯小伙子试训也许值得看看

    But Flamini decided to stay so I asked Arsene Wenger 'Have you got anyone else?' and he mentioned they had a lad on trial from Honduras who might be worth a look at.


  • 但是弗拉米尼自己决定留下所以温格还有其他人没有’提到他们那里一个洪都拉斯小伙子试训也许值得看看

    But Flamini decided to stay so I asked Arsene Wenger 'Have you got anyone else?' and he mentioned they had a lad on trial from Honduras who might be worth a look at.


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