• 咸味爱尔兰乡村爱尔兰基拉圣殿坐落在毗邻基拉连,最大

    Savory the Irish countryside in this Killarney, Ireland sanctuary, nestled adjacent to Lough Lein, Killarney's largest lake.


  • 基拉爱尔兰西南部三个靠近基拉人口7,693)集镇中散布小岛风景美丽而著名的基拉尼湖成为受人喜爱旅游景点。

    Three small lakes of southwest Ireland near the market town of Killarney(population, 7,693). Studded with islands, the lakes are a popular tourist attraction noted for their scenic beauty.


  • 加拿大托巴丘吉尔哈德森上空,皓月当空时北极光

    Aurora borealis, above Hudson Bay and the town of Churchill with a bright moon, Manitoba, Canada.


  • 事实上,天空观测者在较奥斯陆加拿大托巴美国的苏必利尔拍摄到了极光照片

    In fact, sky-watchers were snapping pictures of auroras as far south as Oslo, Lake Manitoba in Canada, and Lake Superior (map) in the United States.


  • 两名患者乌法(邻近叙利亚接壤南部边界)锡尔特省(与该国东部毗连)的居民

    The patients are residents of Sanliurfa Province, near the southern border with Syria, and Siirt Province, which is adjacent to Van in the eastern part of the country.


  • 加拿大托巴丘吉尔北极熊它的熊宝宝的甜蜜家园

    Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, is home sweet home to this polar bear and her two cubs.


  • 两条翻越山顶都在英属哥伦比亚的班附近终止,发现金矿道森还有九百公里的水路,他们必须乘船空河走,这里没有提供船运服务

    From there it was almost nine hundred kilometers by boat down the Yukon River to the town of Dawson were gold had been discovered. But there was no boat service.


  • 西印度群岛特立达岛上拉布利亚一个沥青

    At the village off la Brea, on the island of Trinidad, in the West Indies, is a large lake of asphalt called Pitch lake.


  • 只是一条名为罗的河,维多利亚出发,一生亚历山大不停奔流

    It has flowed from Lake Victoria. It will flow on to Alexandria.


  • 根据国际能源资料,近年来坏的一次发生1986年喀麦隆。 由于地震引发,120万二氧化碳奥斯泄露出来,导致1700死亡

    In the worst recent case, 1, 700 people died after a 1986 earthquake released 1.2 million metric tons of CO2 from the depths of Lake Nyos in Cameroon, the International Energy Agency said.


  • 毒理学会上卢基报告说,“与加尔达附近儿童相比,”住在合金附近儿童“气味辨别能力明显较弱。”

    At the toxicology meeting, Lucchini reported that among kids living near the alloy plants, "Odor identification was clearly impaired compared to children living in the [Garda Lake] region."


  • 次日上午我们到达托巴的在十八世纪时这里是毛皮交易中心后来有大批欧洲移民火车来到这里。

    The following morning we arrive in Winnipeg, Manitoba, an 18th-century, fur-trading centre that was later flooded by European immigrants arriving by rail.


  • 这儿沃科1英里,在阿波利斯以西40英里,是个宁静村落,像极了盖瑞森·凯勒(Garrison Keillor)广播小说牧场作伴》(A Prairie Home Companion)里虚构的乌比冈小镇(LakeWobegon)。

    It’s about a mile from Waconia, a quiet lakeside community 40 miles west of Minneapolis that is eerily similar to the fictional town of Lake Wobegon in Garrison Keillor’s A Prairie Home Companion.


  • 在沃尔特·罗利爵士在1595年访问过特立著名沥青据说沥青容量有90亿

    Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt.


  • 日语又称“kunimasu”,1940年就认为已经灭绝,那时北部一个水电项目使得那里的天然波水质酸化

    The black kokanee, or "kunimasu" in Japanese, was thought to have died out in 1940, when a hydroelectric project made its native lake in northern Akita Prefecture more acidic.


  • 科摩是意大利一个主要,在卡雷诺阿尔杰之间面积56平方英里(146平方公里),深达1358英尺(414)。

    A major lake of the country, Lake Como covers 56 square miles (146 square kilometers) and reaches a depth of 1, 358 feet (414 meters) between Careno and Argegno.


  • 年轻费利西蒂·卡兹诺·贝洛尔德拉尔夫·贝洛尔德夫妇在约翰内斯堡动物园附近玩拼字游戏

    Young marrieds Felicity Nyikadzino Berold and Ralph Berold, both 33, enjoy a game of Scrabble near Johannesburg's Zoo Lake.


  • 当地时间27日凌晨2时许,印度西亚首都雅加达以南唐格朗地区发生蓄水大坝决堤事故,目前造成58死亡

    At least 58 people have been killed after a dam broke in the area of Tangerang south of Jakarta, Indonesia early Friday morning.


  • 1956至1969年间,距拉2.25英里之内地方,房屋数量翻了一番

    But the years between 1956 and 1969 saw a doubling of the number of houses within two-and-a-quarter miles of Lake Lanier.


  • 参加WCI的地区包括:亚利桑那属哥伦比亚加利福托巴蒙大拿墨西哥州安大略俄勒冈魁北克犹他州华盛顿

    The WCI participants: Arizona, British Columbia, California, Manitoba, Montana, New Mexico, Ontario, Oregon, Quebec, Utah, Washington.


  • 普·切克工作以后最艰难时期就是2004年夏天那时交易走当时科比没有做出决定到底是继续留在人,还是加盟快船队

    Kupchak said his toughest time on the job came in the summer of 2004, when the Lakers had traded o 'neal, but Bryant had not yet decided whether he would stay with the Lakers or join the Clippers.


  • 因为财政资金方面原因,也因为锋线上的拥挤,决定不再图里亚夫提供昂贵合同。

    For financial reasons and because of their logjam in the frontcourt, the Lakers decided not to match the rich offer extended to Ronny Turiaf.


  • 戈登·吉斯布雷西特在荒凉冰面上滑雪度过了26,这是他托巴大学所作的研究一部分,研究主题是:人体怎样来抵御寒冷的。

    Gordon Giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated 2, frozen expanse of Lake Winnipeg as part of his research for the University of Manitoba on how the body copes with the cold.


  • 它们中的第一2008年被激活,其他的位于巴西、沙斯塔、比米、的的喀喀的休眠中的水晶取得联系。

    The first of these will be awakened in 2008, and aligned with the other sleeping Atlantean Crystals in Brazil, Mount Shasta, Bimini and Lake Titicaca.


  • 除了来自科比生死威胁之外,人老板米奇-库普查克布斯还可能一辈子都会因为放走奥科比而被球迷嘲弄

    Aside from death threats from Bryant himself, Mitch Kupchak and the Buss's would be scorned for life for being the ones responsible for letting Shaq and Kobe walk.


  • 人们常说,华盛顿州是“常青之州”,西雅图是“翡翠之城”。这里雄伟挺拔的雷山、波光潋滟的华盛顿

    Known as the Evergreen state, and the Emerald City, here you have got the majestic Mount Rainier and the charming Lake Washington.


  • 人们常说,华盛顿州是“常青之州”,西雅图是“翡翠之城”。这里雄伟挺拔的雷山、波光潋滟的华盛顿

    Known as the Evergreen state, and the Emerald City, here you have got the majestic Mount Rainier and the charming Lake Washington.


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